Source code for species.util.box_util

Utility functions for boxes.

import warnings

from typing import Dict, Optional

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

from species.core import constants
from import ObjectBox
from import ReadModel
from species.util.core_util import print_section

[docs] @typechecked def update_objectbox( objectbox: ObjectBox, model_param: Dict[str, float], model: Optional[str] = None ) -> ObjectBox: """ Function for updating the spectra and/or photometric fluxes in an :class:`~species.core.box_types.ObjectBox`, for example by applying a flux scaling and/or error inflation. Parameters ---------- objectbox : Box with the object's data, including the spectra and/or photometric fluxes. model_param : dict Dictionary with the model parameters. Should contain the value(s) of the flux scaling and/or the error inflation. model : str, None Name of the atmospheric model. Only required for inflating the errors of spectra. Otherwise, the argument can be set to ``None``. Not required when ``model='petitradtrans'`` because the error inflation is implemented differently with :class:``. Returns ------- The input box which includes the spectra with the scaled fluxes and/or inflated errors. """ print_section("Update ObjectBox") if objectbox.flux is not None: for key, value in objectbox.flux.items(): instr_name = key.split(".")[0] if f"{key}_error" in model_param: # Inflate the photometric uncertainty of a filter # Scale relative to the uncertainty infl_factor = model_param[f"{key}_error"] var_add = infl_factor**2 * value[1] ** 2 elif f"{instr_name}_error" in model_param: # Inflate photometric uncertainty of an instrument # Scale relative to the uncertainty infl_factor = model_param[f"{instr_name}_error"] var_add = infl_factor**2 * value[1] ** 2 else: # No inflation required var_add = None if var_add is not None: message = ( f"Inflating the uncertainty of {key} by a " + f"factor {infl_factor:.2f} to " + f"{np.sqrt(var_add):.2e} (W m-2 um-1)..." ) print(message, end="", flush=True) value[1] = np.sqrt(value[1] ** 2 + var_add) print(" [DONE]") objectbox.flux[key] = value if objectbox.spectrum is not None: # Check if there are any spectra for key, value in objectbox.spectrum.items(): # Get the spectrum (3 columns) spec_tmp = value[0] if f"scaling_{key}" in model_param: # Scale the flux of the spectrum scaling = model_param[f"scaling_{key}"] print( f"Scaling the flux of {key} by: {scaling:.2f}...", end="", flush=True, ) spec_tmp[:, 1] *= model_param[f"scaling_{key}"] print(" [DONE]") if f"error_{key}" in model_param: if model is None: warnings.warn( "The dictionary with model parameters " f"contains the error inflation for '{key}' " "but the argument of 'model' is set to " "'None'. Inflation of the errors is " "therefore not possible." ) elif model == "petitradtrans": # Increase the errors by a constant value add_error = 10.0 ** model_param[f"error_{key}"] log_msg = ( f"Inflating the uncertainties of {key} " + "by a constant value of " + f"{add_error:.2e} (W m-2 um-1)..." ) print(log_msg, end="", flush=True) spec_tmp[:, 2] += add_error print(" [DONE]") else: # Calculate the model spectrum wavel_range = (0.9 * spec_tmp[0, 0], 1.1 * spec_tmp[-1, 0]) readmodel = ReadModel(model, wavel_range=wavel_range) model_box = readmodel.get_model( model_param, spec_res=value[3], wavel_resample=spec_tmp[:, 0], ) # Inflate the uncertainties relative to # the fluxes of the model spectrum infl_factor = model_param[f"error_{key}"] log_msg = ( f"Inflating the uncertainties of {key} " + "by a factor {infl_factor:.2f}..." ) print(log_msg, end="", flush=True) spec_tmp[:, 2] = np.sqrt( spec_tmp[:, 2] ** 2 + (infl_factor * model_box.flux) ** 2 ) print(" [DONE]") if f"radvel_{key}" in model_param: # Shift the wavelengths of the data by # the radial velocity in opposite direction wavel_shift = ( -1.0 * model_param[f"radvel_{key}"] * 1e3 * spec_tmp[:, 0] / constants.LIGHT ) mean_shift = np.mean(wavel_shift) * 1e3 # (nm) print( f"Mean wavelength shift (nm) for {key}: {mean_shift:.2f}...", end="", flush=True, ) spec_tmp[:, 0] += wavel_shift print(" [DONE]") # Store the spectra with the scaled fluxes and/or errors # The other three elements (i.e. the covariance matrix, # the inverted covariance matrix, and the spectral # resolution) remain unaffected objectbox.spectrum[key] = (spec_tmp, value[1], value[2], value[3]) return objectbox