Source code for

Module with reading functionalities for Planck spectra.

import os
import warnings

from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import spectres

from typeguard import typechecked

from species.core import constants
from import ColorMagBox, ColorColorBox, ModelBox, create_box
from species.phot.syn_phot import SyntheticPhotometry
from import ReadFilter
from species.util.spec_util import create_wavelengths, smooth_spectrum

[docs] class ReadPlanck: """ Class for reading a Planck spectrum. """ @typechecked def __init__( self, wavel_range: Optional[ Tuple[Union[float, np.float32], Union[float, np.float32]] ] = None, filter_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- wavel_range : tuple(float, float), None Wavelength range (um). A wavelength range of 0.1-1000 um is used if set to ``None``. Not used if ``filter_name`` is not set to ``None``. filter_name : str, None Filter name that is used for the wavelength range. The ``wavel_range`` is used if set to ``None``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.spectrum_interp = None self.wl_points = None self.wl_index = None self.filter_name = filter_name self.wavel_range = wavel_range if self.filter_name is not None: transmission = ReadFilter(self.filter_name) self.wavel_range = transmission.wavelength_range() elif self.wavel_range is None: self.wavel_range = (0.1, 1000.0) config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "species_config.ini") config = ConfigParser() self.database = config["species"]["database"]
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def planck( wavel_points: np.ndarray, temperature: float, scaling: float ) -> np.ndarray: """ Internal function for calculating a Planck function. Parameters ---------- wavel_points : np.ndarray Wavelength points (um). temperature : float Temperature (K). scaling : float Scaling parameter. Returns ------- np.ndarray Flux density (W m-2 um-1). """ planck_1 = ( 2.0 * constants.PLANCK * constants.LIGHT**2 / (1e-6 * wavel_points) ** 5 ) planck_2 = ( np.exp( constants.PLANCK * constants.LIGHT / (1e-6 * wavel_points * constants.BOLTZMANN * temperature) ) - 1.0 ) return 1e-6 * np.pi * scaling * planck_1 / planck_2 # (W m-2 um-1)
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def update_parameters( model_param: Dict[str, Union[float, List[float]]] ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Internal function for updating the dictionary with model parameters. Parameters ---------- model_param : dict Dictionary with the 'teff' (K), 'radius' (Rjup), and 'parallax' (mas) or 'distance' (pc). The values of 'teff' and 'radius' can be a single float, or a list with floats for a combination of multiple Planck functions, e.g. {'teff': [1500., 1000.], 'radius': [1., 2.], 'distance': 10.}. Returns ------- dict Updated dictionary with model parameters. """ updated_param = {} for i, _ in enumerate(model_param["teff"]): updated_param[f"teff_{i}"] = model_param["teff"][i] updated_param[f"radius_{i}"] = model_param["radius"][i] if "parallax" in model_param: updated_param["parallax"] = model_param["parallax"] elif "distance" in model_param: updated_param["distance"] = model_param["distance"] return updated_param
[docs] @typechecked def get_spectrum( self, model_param: Dict[str, Union[float, List[float]]], spec_res: Optional[float] = None, wavel_resample: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs, ) -> ModelBox: """ Function for calculating a Planck spectrum or a combination of multiple Planck spectra. The spectrum is calculated at :math:`R = 500`. Afterwards, an optional smoothing and wavelength resampling can be applied. Parameters ---------- model_param : dict Dictionary with the 'teff' (K), 'radius' (Rjup), and 'parallax' (mas) or 'distance' (pc). The values of 'teff' and 'radius' can be a single float, or a list with floats for a combination of multiple Planck functions, e.g. {'teff': [1500., 1000.], 'radius': [1., 2.], 'distance': 10.}. spec_res : float, None Spectral resolution that is used for smoothing the spectrum with a Gaussian kernel. No smoothing is applied if the argument is set to ``None``. wavel_resample : np.ndarray, None Wavelength points (:math:`\\mu`m) to which the spectrum will be resampled. The resampling is applied after the optional smoothing to the value of ``spec_res``. Returns ------- Box with the Planck spectrum. """ if "smooth" in kwargs: warnings.warn( "The 'smooth' parameter has been " "deprecated. Please set only the " "'spec_res' argument, which can be set " "to None for not applying a smoothing.", DeprecationWarning, ) if not kwargs["smooth"] and spec_res is not None: spec_res = None if "teff" in model_param and isinstance(model_param["teff"], list): model_param = self.update_parameters(model_param) wavel_points = create_wavelengths(self.wavel_range, 1000.0) n_planck = 0 for item in model_param: if item[:4] == "teff": n_planck += 1 if n_planck == 1: if "radius" in model_param and "parallax" in model_param: scaling = ( (model_param["radius"] * constants.R_JUP) / (1e3 * constants.PARSEC / model_param["parallax"]) ) ** 2 elif "radius" in model_param and "distance" in model_param: scaling = ( (model_param["radius"] * constants.R_JUP) / (model_param["distance"] * constants.PARSEC) ) ** 2 else: scaling = 1.0 flux = self.planck( wavel_points, model_param["teff"], scaling ) # (W m-2 um-1) else: flux = np.zeros(wavel_points.shape) for i in range(n_planck): if f"radius_{i}" in model_param and "parallax" in model_param: scaling = ( (model_param[f"radius_{i}"] * constants.R_JUP) / (1e3 * constants.PARSEC / model_param["parallax"]) ) ** 2 elif f"radius_{i}" in model_param and "distance" in model_param: scaling = ( (model_param[f"radius_{i}"] * constants.R_JUP) / (model_param["distance"] * constants.PARSEC) ) ** 2 else: scaling = 1.0 flux += self.planck( wavel_points, model_param[f"teff_{i}"], scaling ) # (W m-2 um-1) if spec_res is not None: flux = smooth_spectrum(wavel_points, flux, spec_res) model_box = create_box( boxtype="model", model="planck", wavelength=wavel_points, flux=flux, parameters=model_param, quantity="flux", ) if wavel_resample is not None: flux = spectres.spectres( wavel_resample, wavel_points, flux, spec_errs=None, fill=np.nan, verbose=True, ) model_box.wavelength = wavel_resample model_box.flux = flux if n_planck == 1 and "radius" in model_param: model_box.parameters["luminosity"] = ( 4.0 * np.pi * (model_box.parameters["radius"] * constants.R_JUP) ** 2 * constants.SIGMA_SB * model_box.parameters["teff"] ** 4.0 / constants.L_SUN ) # (Lsun) elif n_planck > 1: lum_total = 0.0 for i in range(n_planck): if f"radius_{i}" in model_box.parameters: # Add up the luminosity of the blackbody components (Lsun) surface = ( 4.0 * np.pi * (model_box.parameters[f"radius_{i}"] * constants.R_JUP) ** 2 ) lum_total += ( surface * constants.SIGMA_SB * model_box.parameters[f"teff_{i}"] ** 4.0 / constants.L_SUN ) if lum_total > 0.0: model_box.parameters["luminosity"] = lum_total return model_box
[docs] @typechecked def get_flux( self, model_param: Dict[str, Union[float, List[float]]], synphot=None ) -> Tuple[float, None]: """ Function for calculating the average flux density for the ``filter_name``. Parameters ---------- model_param : dict Dictionary with the 'teff' (K), 'radius' (Rjup), and 'parallax' (mas) or 'distance' (pc). synphot : SyntheticPhotometry, None Synthetic photometry object. The object is created if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- float Average flux density (W m-2 um-1). NoneType None """ if "teff" in model_param and isinstance(model_param["teff"], list): model_param = self.update_parameters(model_param) spectrum = self.get_spectrum(model_param, 100.0) if synphot is None: synphot = SyntheticPhotometry(self.filter_name) return synphot.spectrum_to_flux(spectrum.wavelength, spectrum.flux)
[docs] @typechecked def get_magnitude( self, model_param: Dict[str, Union[float, List[float]]], synphot=None ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, None], Tuple[float, None]]: """ Function for calculating the magnitude for the ``filter_name``. Parameters ---------- model_param : dict Dictionary with the 'teff' (K), 'radius' (Rjup), and 'parallax' (mas) or 'distance' (pc). synphot : SyntheticPhotometry, None Synthetic photometry object. The object is created if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- float Apparent magnitude (mag). float Absolute magnitude (mag) """ if "teff" in model_param and isinstance(model_param["teff"], list): model_param = self.update_parameters(model_param) spectrum = self.get_spectrum(model_param, 100.0) if synphot is None: synphot = SyntheticPhotometry(self.filter_name) if "parallax" in model_param: distance = 1e3 / model_param["parallax"] else: distance = model_param["distance"] return synphot.spectrum_to_magnitude( spectrum.wavelength, spectrum.flux, distance=(distance, None) )
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def get_color_magnitude( temperatures: np.ndarray, radius: float, filters_color: Tuple[str, str], filter_mag: str, ) -> ColorMagBox: """ Function for calculating the colors and magnitudes in the range of 100-10000 K. Parameters ---------- temperatures : np.ndarray Temperatures (K) for which the colors and magnitude are calculated. radius : float Radius (Rjup). filters_color : tuple(str, str) Filter names for the color. filter_mag : str Filter name for the absolute magnitudes. Returns ------- Box with the colors and magnitudes. """ list_color = [] list_mag = [] for item in temperatures: model_param = {"teff": item, "radius": radius, "distance": 10.0} read_planck_0 = ReadPlanck(filter_name=filters_color[0]) read_planck_1 = ReadPlanck(filter_name=filters_color[1]) read_planck_2 = ReadPlanck(filter_name=filter_mag) app_mag_0, _ = read_planck_0.get_magnitude(model_param) app_mag_1, _ = read_planck_1.get_magnitude(model_param) app_mag_2, _ = read_planck_2.get_magnitude(model_param) list_color.append(app_mag_0[0] - app_mag_1[0]) list_mag.append(app_mag_2[0]) return create_box( boxtype="colormag", library="planck", object_type=None, filters_color=filters_color, filter_mag=filter_mag, color=list_color, magnitude=list_mag, sptype=temperatures, names=None, )
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def get_color_color( temperatures: np.ndarray, radius: float, filters_colors: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]], ) -> ColorColorBox: """ Function for calculating two colors in the range of 100-10000 K. Parameters ---------- temperatures : np.ndarray Temperatures (K) for which the colors are calculated. radius : float Radius (Rjup). filters_colors : tuple(tuple(str, str), tuple(str, str)) Two tuples with the filter names for the colors. Returns ------- Box with the colors. """ list_color_1 = [] list_color_2 = [] for item in temperatures: model_param = {"teff": item, "radius": radius, "distance": 10.0} read_planck_0 = ReadPlanck(filter_name=filters_colors[0][0]) read_planck_1 = ReadPlanck(filter_name=filters_colors[0][1]) read_planck_2 = ReadPlanck(filter_name=filters_colors[1][0]) read_planck_3 = ReadPlanck(filter_name=filters_colors[1][1]) app_mag_0, _ = read_planck_0.get_magnitude(model_param) app_mag_1, _ = read_planck_1.get_magnitude(model_param) app_mag_2, _ = read_planck_2.get_magnitude(model_param) app_mag_3, _ = read_planck_3.get_magnitude(model_param) list_color_1.append(app_mag_0[0] - app_mag_1[0]) list_color_2.append(app_mag_2[0] - app_mag_3[0]) return create_box( boxtype="colorcolor", library="planck", object_type=None, filters=filters_colors, color1=list_color_1, color2=list_color_2, sptype=temperatures, names=None, )