Source code for

Module with reading functionalities of color and magnitude
data from photometric and libraries.

import os

from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

from import ColorColorBox, ColorMagBox, create_box
from import ReadSpectrum
from species.util.convert_util import apparent_to_absolute, parallax_to_distance
from species.util.core_util import print_section

[docs] class ReadColorMagnitude: """ Class for reading color-magnitude data from the database. """ @typechecked def __init__( self, library: str, filters_color: Tuple[str, str], filter_mag: str ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- library : str Photometric ('vlm-plx' or 'leggett') or spectral ('irtf' or 'spex') library. filters_color : tuple(str, str) Filter names for the color. For a photometric library, these have to be present in the database (typically in the MKO, 2MASS, or WISE system). For a spectral library, any filter names can be provided as long as they overlap with the wavelength range of the spectra. filter_mag : str Filter name for the absolute magnitudes (see also description of ``filters_color``). Returns ------- NoneType None """ print_section("Read color-magnitude") self.library = library self.filters_color = filters_color self.filter_mag = filter_mag config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "species_config.ini") config = ConfigParser() self.database = config["species"]["database"] with h5py.File(self.database, "r") as hdf_file: if "photometry" in hdf_file and self.library in hdf_file["photometry"]: self.lib_type = "phot_lib" elif "spectra" in hdf_file and self.library in hdf_file["spectra"]: self.lib_type = "spec_lib" else: raise ValueError( f"The '{self.library}' library is not present in the database." ) print(f"Database tag: {self.library}") print(f"Library type: {self.lib_type}") print(f"Filters color: {self.filters_color}") print(f"Filter magnitude: {self.filter_mag}")
[docs] @typechecked def get_color_magnitude(self, object_type: Optional[str] = None) -> ColorMagBox: """ Function for extracting color-magnitude data from the selected library. Parameters ---------- object_type : str, None Object type for which the colors and magnitudes are extracted. Either field dwarfs ('field') or young/low-gravity objects ('young'). All objects are selected if set to ``None``. Returns ------- Box with the colors and magnitudes. """ print_section("Get color-magnitude") print(f"Object type: {object_type}") if self.lib_type == "phot_lib": with h5py.File(self.database, "r") as h5_file: sptype = np.asarray(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/sptype"]) parallax = np.asarray(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/parallax"]) parallax_error = np.asarray( h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/parallax_error"] ) flag = np.asarray(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/flag"]) obj_names = np.asarray(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/name"]) for i in range(sptype.shape[0]): if isinstance(sptype[i], bytes): sptype[i] = sptype[i].decode("utf-8") if isinstance(flag[i], bytes): flag[i] = flag[i].decode("utf-8") if isinstance(obj_names[i], bytes): obj_names[i] = obj_names[i].decode("utf-8") if object_type is None: indices = np.arange(0, np.size(sptype), 1) elif object_type == "field": indices = np.where(flag == "null")[0] elif object_type == "young": indices = [] for j, object_flag in enumerate(flag): if "young" in object_flag: indices.append(j) elif "lowg" in object_flag: indices.append(j) indices = np.array(indices) if indices.size > 0: with h5py.File(self.database, "r") as h5_file: filter_list = [] for item in list(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/MKO"]): filter_list.append(f"MKO/{item}") for item in list(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/2MASS"]): filter_list.append(f"2MASS/{item}") for item in list(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/Keck"]): filter_list.append(f"Keck/{item}") if f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_color[0]}" in h5_file: mag1 = np.asarray( h5_file[ f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_color[0]}" ] ) else: raise ValueError( f"The '{self.filters_color[0]}' " "filter is not available in the " f"'{self.library}' library. Please " "select any of the following " f"filters: {filter_list}" ) if f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_color[1]}" in h5_file: mag2 = np.asarray( h5_file[ f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_color[1]}" ] ) else: raise ValueError( f"The '{self.filters_color[1]}' " "filter is not available in the " f"'{self.library}' library. Please " "select any of the following " f"filters: {filter_list}" ) else: raise ValueError( f"There is not data available from '{self.library}' for " f"'{object_type}' type objects with the chosen filters." ) color = mag1 - mag2 distance = parallax_to_distance((parallax, parallax_error)) if self.filter_mag == self.filters_color[0]: mag, _ = apparent_to_absolute((mag1, None), (distance[0], distance[1])) elif self.filter_mag == self.filters_color[1]: mag, _ = apparent_to_absolute((mag2, None), (distance[0], distance[1])) else: raise ValueError( "The argument of filter_mag is set " f"to {self.filter_mag} but should be " "the same as one of the two values of " "filters_color." ) color = color[indices] mag = mag[indices] sptype = sptype[indices] obj_names = obj_names[indices] indices = [] for i in range(color.size): if not np.isnan(color[i]) and not np.isnan(mag[i]): indices.append(i) colormag_box = create_box( boxtype="colormag", library=self.library, object_type=object_type, filters_color=self.filters_color, filter_mag=self.filter_mag, color=color[indices], magnitude=mag[indices], sptype=sptype[indices], names=obj_names[indices], ) elif self.lib_type == "spec_lib": read_spec_0 = ReadSpectrum( spec_library=self.library, filter_name=self.filters_color[0] ) read_spec_1 = ReadSpectrum( spec_library=self.library, filter_name=self.filters_color[1] ) read_spec_2 = ReadSpectrum( spec_library=self.library, filter_name=self.filter_mag ) phot_box_0 = read_spec_0.get_magnitude(sptypes=None) phot_box_1 = read_spec_1.get_magnitude(sptypes=None) phot_box_2 = read_spec_2.get_magnitude(sptypes=None) colormag_box = create_box( boxtype="colormag", library=self.library, object_type=object_type, filters_color=self.filters_color, filter_mag=self.filter_mag, color=phot_box_0.app_mag[:, 0] - phot_box_1.app_mag[:, 0], magnitude=phot_box_2.abs_mag[:, 0], sptype=phot_box_0.sptype, names=None, ) n_objects = len(colormag_box.sptype) print(f"Returning ColorMagBox with {n_objects} objects") return colormag_box
[docs] class ReadColorColor: """ Class for reading color-color data from the database. """ @typechecked def __init__( self, library: str, filters_colors: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]] ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- library : str Photometric ('vlm-plx' or 'leggett') or spectral ('irtf' or 'spex') library. filters_colors : tuple(tuple(str, str), tuple(str, str)) Filter names for the colors. For a photometric library, these have to be present in the database (typically in the MKO, 2MASS, or WISE system). For a spectral library, any filter names can be provided as long as they overlap with the wavelength range of the spectra. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print_section("Read color-magnitude") self.library = library self.filters_colors = filters_colors config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "species_config.ini") config = ConfigParser() self.database = config["species"]["database"] with h5py.File(self.database, "r") as hdf_file: if "photometry" in hdf_file and self.library in hdf_file["photometry"]: self.lib_type = "phot_lib" elif "spectra" in hdf_file and self.library in hdf_file["spectra"]: self.lib_type = "spec_lib" else: raise ValueError( f"The '{self.library}' library is not present in the database." ) print(f"Database tag: {self.library}") print(f"Library type: {self.lib_type}") print(f"Filters colors: {self.filters_colors}")
[docs] @typechecked def get_color_color(self, object_type: Optional[str] = None) -> ColorColorBox: """ Function for extracting color-color data from the selected library. Parameters ---------- object_type : str, None Object type for which the colors and magnitudes are extracted. Either field dwarfs ('field') or young/low-gravity objects ('young'). All objects are selected if set to ``None``. Returns ------- Box with the colors. """ print_section("Get color-magnitude") print(f"Object type: {object_type}") if self.lib_type == "phot_lib": h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, "r") sptype = np.asarray(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/sptype"]) flag = np.asarray(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/flag"]) obj_names = np.asarray(h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/name"]) if object_type is None: indices = np.arange(0, np.size(sptype), 1) elif object_type == "field": indices = np.where(flag == "null")[0] elif object_type == "young": indices = [] for j, object_flag in enumerate(flag): if "young" in object_flag: indices.append(j) elif "lowg" in object_flag: indices.append(j) indices = np.array(indices) mag1 = np.asarray( h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_colors[0][0]}"] ) mag2 = np.asarray( h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_colors[0][1]}"] ) mag3 = np.asarray( h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_colors[1][0]}"] ) mag4 = np.asarray( h5_file[f"photometry/{self.library}/{self.filters_colors[1][1]}"] ) color1 = mag1 - mag2 color2 = mag3 - mag4 color1 = color1[indices] color2 = color2[indices] sptype = sptype[indices] obj_names = obj_names[indices] indices = [] for i in range(color1.size): if not np.isnan(color1[i]) and not np.isnan(color2[i]): indices.append(i) colorbox = create_box( boxtype="colorcolor", library=self.library, object_type=object_type, filters=self.filters_colors, color1=color1[indices], color2=color2[indices], sptype=sptype[indices], names=obj_names[indices], ) h5_file.close() elif self.lib_type == "spec_lib": read_spec_0 = ReadSpectrum( spec_library=self.library, filter_name=self.filters_colors[0][0] ) read_spec_1 = ReadSpectrum( spec_library=self.library, filter_name=self.filters_colors[0][1] ) read_spec_2 = ReadSpectrum( spec_library=self.library, filter_name=self.filters_colors[1][0] ) read_spec_3 = ReadSpectrum( spec_library=self.library, filter_name=self.filters_colors[1][1] ) phot_box_0 = read_spec_0.get_magnitude(sptypes=None) phot_box_1 = read_spec_1.get_magnitude(sptypes=None) phot_box_2 = read_spec_2.get_magnitude(sptypes=None) phot_box_3 = read_spec_3.get_magnitude(sptypes=None) colorbox = create_box( boxtype="colorcolor", library=self.library, object_type=object_type, filters=self.filters_colors, color1=phot_box_0.app_mag[:, 0] - phot_box_1.app_mag[:, 0], color2=phot_box_2.app_mag[:, 0] - phot_box_3.app_mag[:, 0], sptype=phot_box_0.sptype, names=None, ) n_objects = len(colorbox.sptype) print(f"Returning ColorColorBox with {n_objects} objects") return colorbox