Source code for

Module with a frontend for atmospheric retrieval with the
radiative transfer and retrieval code
`petitRADTRANS <>`_. The
Bayesian inference can be done with
`PyMultiNest <>`_
or with `Dynesty <>`_.

# import copy
import os
import inspect
import json
import sys
import time
import warnings

# from math import isclose
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import dynesty
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

    import pymultinest
        "PyMultiNest could not be imported. "
        "Perhaps because MultiNest was not build "
        "and/or found at the LD_LIBRARY_PATH "
        "(Linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac)?"

from molmass import Formula
from PyAstronomy.pyasl import fastRotBroad
from schwimmbad import MPIPool
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.stats import invgamma, norm
from typeguard import typechecked

from species.core import constants
from species.phot.syn_phot import SyntheticPhotometry
from import ReadFilter
from import ReadObject
from species.util.core_util import print_section
from species.util.dust_util import apply_ism_ext
from species.util.convert_util import logg_to_mass
from species.util.retrieval_util import (

os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"

[docs] class AtmosphericRetrieval: """ Class for atmospheric retrievals of self-luminous atmospheres of giant planets and brown dwarfs within a Bayesian framework. This class provides a frontend for ``petitRADTRANS``, with a variety of P-T profiles, cloud models, priors, and more. The Bayesian inference is done with the nested sampling implementation of ``PyMultiNest`` or ``Dynesty``. """ @typechecked def __init__( self, object_name: str, line_species: Optional[List[str]] = None, cloud_species: Optional[List[str]] = None, res_mode: str = "c-k", output_folder: str = "multinest", wavel_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, scattering: bool = True, inc_spec: Union[bool, List[str]] = True, inc_phot: Union[bool, List[str]] = False, pressure_grid: str = "smaller", weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, ccf_species: Optional[List[str]] = None, max_pressure: float = 1e3, lbl_opacity_sampling: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- object_name : str Name of the object as stored in the database with :func:``. line_species : list, None List with the line species. A minimum of one line species should be included. cloud_species : list, None List with the cloud species. No cloud species are used if the argument is to ``None``. res_mode : str Resolution mode ('c-k' or 'lbl'). The low-resolution mode ('c-k') calculates the spectrum with the correlated-k assumption at :math:`\\lambda/\\Delta \\lambda = 1000`. The high-resolution mode ('lbl') calculates the spectrum with a line-by-line treatment at :math:`\\lambda/\\Delta \\lambda = 10^6`. output_folder : str Folder name that is used for the output files from ``MultiNest``. The folder is created if it does not exist. wavel_range : tuple(float, float), None The wavelength range (um) that is used for the forward model. Should be a bit broader than the minimum and maximum wavelength of the data. If photometric fluxes are included (see ``inc_phot``), it is important that ``wavel_range`` encompasses the full filter profile, which can be inspected with the functionalities of :class:``. The wavelength range is set automatically if the argument is set to ``None``. scattering : bool Turn on scattering in the radiative transfer. Only recommended at infrared wavelengths when clouds are included in the forward model. Using scattering will increase the computation time significantly. inc_spec : bool, list(str) Include spectroscopic data in the fit. If a boolean, either all (``True``) or none (``False``) of the available data are selected. If a list, a subset of spectrum names (as stored in the database with :func:``) can be provided. inc_phot : bool, list(str) Include photometric data in the fit. If a boolean, either all (``True``) or none (``False``) of the available data are selected. If a list, a subset of filter names (as stored in the database with :func:``) can be provided. pressure_grid : str The type of pressure grid that is used for the radiative transfer. Either 'standard', to use 180 layers both for the atmospheric structure (e.g. when interpolating the abundances) and 180 layers with the radiative transfer, or 'smaller' to use 60 (instead of 180) with the radiative transfer, or 'clouds' to start with 1440 layers but resample to ~100 layers (depending on the number of cloud species) with a refinement around the cloud decks. For cloudless atmospheres it is recommended to use 'smaller', which runs faster than 'standard' and provides sufficient accuracy. For cloudy atmosphere, it is recommended to test with 'smaller' but it might be required to use 'clouds' to improve the accuracy of the retrieved parameters, at the cost of a long runtime. weights : dict(str, float), None Weights to be applied to the log-likelihood components of the different spectroscopic and photometric data that are provided with ``inc_spec`` and ``inc_phot``. This parameter can for example be used to increase the weighting of the photometric data points relative to the spectroscopic data. An equal weighting is applied if the argument is set to ``None``. ccf_species : list, None List with the line species that will be used for calculating line-by-line spectra for the list of high-resolution spectra that are provided as argument of ``cross_corr`` when starting the retrieval with :func:``. The argument can be set to ``None`` when ``cross_corr=None``. The ``ccf_species`` and ``cross_corr`` parameters should only be used if the log-likelihood component should be determined with a cross-correlation instead of a direct comparison of data and model. max_pressure : float Maximum pressure (bar) that is used for the P-T profile. The default is set to 1000 bar. lbl_opacity_sampling : int, None This is the same parameter as in ``petitRADTRANS`` which is used with ``res_mode='lbl'`` to downsample the line-by-line opacities by selecting every ``lbl_opacity_sampling``-th wavelength from the original sampling of :math:`\\lambda/\\Delta \\lambda = 10^6`. Setting this parameter will lower the computation time. By setting the argument to ``None``, the value is automatically set, based on the spectral resolution of the input data. By setting the parameter to ``lbl_opacity_sampling=1``, the original sampling is used so no downsampling is applied. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print_section("Atmospheric retrieval") # Input parameters self.object_name = object_name self.line_species = line_species self.cloud_species = cloud_species self.scattering = scattering self.output_folder = output_folder self.pressure_grid = pressure_grid self.ccf_species = ccf_species self.max_pressure = max_pressure # Get object data self.object = ReadObject(self.object_name) self.parallax = self.object.get_parallax() # (mas) print(f"Object: {self.object_name}") print(f"Parallax (mas): {self.parallax[0]:.4f} +/- {self.parallax[1]:.4f}") # Line species if self.line_species is None: raise ValueError( "At least 1 line species should be " "included in the list of the " "line_species argument." ) print("Line species:") for item in self.line_species: print(f" - {item}") # Cloud species if self.cloud_species is None: print("Cloud species: None") self.cloud_species = [] else: print("Cloud species:") for item in self.cloud_species: print(f" - {item}") # Line species (high-resolution / line-by-line) if self.ccf_species is None: print("Cross-correlation species: None") self.ccf_species = [] else: print("Cross-correlation species:") for item in self.ccf_species: print(f" - {item}") # Scattering print(f"Scattering: {self.scattering}") # Opacity mode self.res_mode = res_mode if self.res_mode == "c-k": print("Opacity mode: correlated-k (lambda/Dlambda = 1,000)") elif self.res_mode == "lbl": print("Opacity mode: line-by-line (lambda/Dlambda = 1,000,000)") else: raise ValueError( "The argument of 'res_mode' is set to " f"an incorrect value, '{self.res_mode}'. " "Please set the argument to either " "'c-k' or 'lbl'." ) # Downsampling of line-by-line opacities self.lbl_opacity_sampling = lbl_opacity_sampling # Get ObjectBox from import Database species_db = Database() objectbox = species_db.get_object( object_name, inc_phot=True, inc_spec=True, verbose=False ) # Copy the cloud species into a new list because the values will be adjusted by Radtrans self.cloud_species_full = self.cloud_species.copy() # Get photometric data self.objphot = [] self.synphot = [] if isinstance(inc_phot, bool): if inc_phot: # Select all filters if True species_db = Database() inc_phot = objectbox.filters else: inc_phot = [] if len(inc_phot) > 0: print("\nPhotometry:") for item in inc_phot: obj_phot = self.object.get_photometry(item) self.objphot.append(np.array([obj_phot[2], obj_phot[3]])) print(f" - {item} (W m-2 um-1) = {obj_phot[2]:.2e} +/- {obj_phot[3]:.2e}") self.synphot.append(SyntheticPhotometry(item)) # Get spectroscopic data if isinstance(inc_spec, bool): if inc_spec: # Select all filters if True species_db = Database() inc_spec = list(objectbox.spectrum.keys()) else: inc_spec = [] if inc_spec: # Select all spectra self.spectrum = self.object.get_spectrum() # Select the spectrum names that are not in inc_spec spec_remove = [] for item in self.spectrum: if item not in inc_spec: spec_remove.append(item) # Remove the spectra that are not included in inc_spec for item in spec_remove: del self.spectrum[item] else: self.spectrum = {} # Set wavelength bins and add to spectrum dictionary self.wavel_min = [] self.wavel_max = [] print("\nSpectra:") for key, value in self.spectrum.items(): dict_val = list(value) wavel_data = dict_val[0][:, 0] wavel_bins = np.zeros_like(wavel_data) wavel_bins[:-1] = np.diff(wavel_data) wavel_bins[-1] = wavel_bins[-2] dict_val.append(wavel_bins) self.spectrum[key] = dict_val # Min and max wavelength for the Radtrans object self.wavel_min.append(wavel_data[0]) self.wavel_max.append(wavel_data[-1]) print(f" - {key}") print( f" Wavelength range (um) = {wavel_data[0]:.2f} - {wavel_data[-1]:.2f}" ) print(f" Spectral resolution = {self.spectrum[key][3]:.2f}") # Set the wavelength range for the Radtrans object if wavel_range is None: self.wavel_range = (0.95 * min(self.wavel_min), 1.15 * max(self.wavel_max)) else: self.wavel_range = (wavel_range[0], wavel_range[1]) # Create the pressure layers for the Radtrans object if self.pressure_grid in ["standard", "smaller"]: # Initiate 180 pressure layers but use only # 60 layers during the radiative transfer # when pressure_grid is set to 'smaller' n_pressure = 180 elif self.pressure_grid == "clouds": # Initiate 1140 pressure layers but use fewer # layers (~100) during the radiative tranfer # after running make_half_pressure_better n_pressure = 1440 else: raise ValueError( f"The argument of pressure_grid ('{self.pressure_grid}') is not " f"recognized. Please use 'standard', 'smaller', or 'clouds'." ) self.pressure = np.logspace(-6, np.log10(self.max_pressure), n_pressure) print( f"\nInitiating {self.pressure.size} pressure levels (bar): " f"{self.pressure[0]:.2e} - {self.pressure[-1]:.2e}" ) # Initiate parameter list and counters self.parameters = [] # Initiate the optional P-T and abundance parameters self.pt_smooth = None self.temp_nodes = None self.abund_smooth = None self.abund_nodes = None self.knot_press = None self.knot_press_abund = None self.check_flux = None self.check_phot_press = None self.fit_corr = None self.cross_corr = None self.ccf_radtrans = None self.check_isothermal = None self.plotting = None self.chemistry = None self.pt_profile = None self.quenching = None self.prior = None self.bounds = None self.cube_index = None self.rt_object = None self.lowres_radtrans = None # Weighting of the photometric and spectroscopic data print("\nWeights for the log-likelihood function:") if weights is None: self.weights = {} else: self.weights = weights for item in inc_spec: if item not in self.weights: self.weights[item] = 1.0 print(f" - {item} = {self.weights[item]:.2e}") for item in inc_phot: if item not in self.weights: self.weights[item] = 1.0 print(f" - {item} = {self.weights[item]:.2e}")
[docs] @typechecked def rebin_opacities(self, spec_res: float, out_folder: str = "rebin_out") -> None: """ Function for downsampling the ``c-k`` opacities from :math:`\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda = 1000` to a smaller wavelength binning. The downsampled opacities should be stored in the `opacities/lines/corr_k/` folder of ``pRT_input_data_path``. Parameters ---------- spec_res : float Spectral resolution, :math:`\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda`, to which the opacities will be downsampled. out_folder : str Path of the output folder where the downsampled opacities will be stored. Returns ------- NoneType None """ from petitRADTRANS.radtrans import Radtrans # rt_object = Radtrans( line_species=self.line_species, rayleigh_species=["H2", "He"], cloud_species=self.cloud_species_full.copy(), continuum_opacities=["H2-H2", "H2-He"], wlen_bords_micron=(0.1, 251.0), mode="c-k", test_ck_shuffle_comp=self.scattering, do_scat_emis=self.scattering, ) mol_masses = {} for item in self.line_species: if item[-8:] == "_all_iso": mol_masses[item[:-8]] = Formula(item[:-8]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-14:] == "_all_iso_Chubb": mol_masses[item[:-14]] = Formula(item[:-14]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-15:] == "_all_iso_HITEMP": mol_masses[item[:-15]] = Formula(item[:-15]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-7:] == "_HITEMP": mol_masses[item[:-7]] = Formula(item[:-7]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-7:] == "_allard": mol_masses[item[:-7]] = Formula(item[:-7]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-8:] == "_burrows": mol_masses[item[:-8]] = Formula(item[:-8]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-8:] == "_lor_cut": mol_masses[item[:-8]] = Formula(item[:-8]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-11:] == "_all_Exomol": mol_masses[item[:-11]] = Formula(item[:-11]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-9:] == "_all_Plez": mol_masses[item[:-9]] = Formula(item[:-9]).isotope.massnumber elif item[-5:] == "_Plez": mol_masses[item[:-5]] = Formula(item[:-5]).isotope.massnumber else: mol_masses[item] = Formula(item).isotope.massnumber rt_object.write_out_rebin( spec_res, path=out_folder, species=self.line_species, masses=mol_masses )
@typechecked def _set_parameters( self, bounds: dict, rt_object, ) -> None: """ Function to add the model parameters to the list of the ``parameters`` attribute. Parameters ---------- bounds : dict Dictionary with the boundaries that are used as uniform priors for the parameters. rt_object : petitRADTRANS.radtrans.Radtrans Instance of ``Radtrans`` from ``petitRADTRANS``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ # Generic parameters self.parameters.append("logg") self.parameters.append("radius") self.parameters.append("parallax") # P-T profile parameters if self.pt_profile in ["molliere", "mod-molliere"]: self.parameters.append("tint") self.parameters.append("alpha") self.parameters.append("log_delta") if "log_sigma_alpha" in bounds: self.parameters.append("log_sigma_alpha") if self.pt_profile == "molliere": self.parameters.append("t1") self.parameters.append("t2") self.parameters.append("t3") elif self.pt_profile in ["free", "monotonic"]: for i in range(self.temp_nodes): self.parameters.append(f"t{i}") if "log_beta_r" in bounds: self.parameters.append("log_gamma_r") self.parameters.append("log_beta_r") if self.pt_profile == "eddington": self.parameters.append("log_delta") self.parameters.append("tint") if self.pt_profile == "gradient": self.parameters.append("T_bottom") self.parameters.append("PTslope_1") self.parameters.append("PTslope_2") self.parameters.append("PTslope_3") self.parameters.append("PTslope_4") self.parameters.append("PTslope_5") self.parameters.append("PTslope_6") # Abundance parameters if self.chemistry == "equilibrium": self.parameters.append("metallicity") self.parameters.append("c_o_ratio") elif self.chemistry == "free": if self.abund_nodes is None: for line_item in self.line_species: self.parameters.append(line_item) else: for node_idx in range(self.abund_nodes): for line_item in self.line_species: self.parameters.append(f"{line_item}_{node_idx}") # Non-equilibrium chemistry if self.quenching == "pressure": # Fit quenching pressure self.parameters.append("log_p_quench") elif self.quenching == "diffusion": # Calculate quenching pressure from Kzz and timescales pass # Cloud parameters if "log_kappa_0" in bounds: inspect_prt = inspect.getfullargspec(rt_object.calc_flux) if "give_absorption_opacity" not in inspect_prt.args: raise RuntimeError( "The Radtrans.calc_flux method " "from petitRADTRANS does not have " "the give_absorption_opacity " "parameter. Probably you are " "using an outdated version so " "please update petitRADTRANS " "to the latest version." ) if "fsed_1" in bounds and "fsed_2" in bounds: self.parameters.append("fsed_1") self.parameters.append("fsed_2") self.parameters.append("f_clouds") else: self.parameters.append("fsed") self.parameters.append("log_kappa_0") self.parameters.append("opa_index") self.parameters.append("log_p_base") self.parameters.append("albedo") elif "log_kappa_abs" in bounds: self.parameters.append("log_p_base") self.parameters.append("fsed") self.parameters.append("log_kappa_abs") self.parameters.append("opa_abs_index") if "log_kappa_sca" in bounds: self.parameters.append("log_kappa_sca") self.parameters.append("opa_sca_index") self.parameters.append("lambda_ray") elif "log_kappa_gray" in bounds: inspect_prt = inspect.getfullargspec(rt_object.calc_flux) if "give_absorption_opacity" not in inspect_prt.args: raise RuntimeError( "The Radtrans.calc_flux method " "from petitRADTRANS does not have " "the give_absorption_opacity " "parameter. Probably you are " "using an outdated version so " "please update petitRADTRANS " "to the latest version." ) self.parameters.append("log_kappa_gray") self.parameters.append("log_cloud_top") if "albedo" in bounds: self.parameters.append("albedo") elif len(self.cloud_species) > 0: if self.global_fsed: self.parameters.append("fsed") self.parameters.append("log_kzz") self.parameters.append("sigma_lnorm") for item in self.cloud_species: if "log_p_base" in bounds: self.parameters.append(f"log_p_base_{item}") if not self.global_fsed: self.parameters.append(f"fsed_{item}") cloud_lower = item[:-3].lower() if f"{cloud_lower}_tau" in bounds: self.parameters.append(f"{cloud_lower}_tau") elif "log_tau_cloud" not in bounds: if self.chemistry == "equilibrium": self.parameters.append(f"{cloud_lower}_fraction") elif self.chemistry == "free": self.parameters.append(item) # Add cloud optical depth parameter if "log_tau_cloud" in bounds: self.parameters.append("log_tau_cloud") if len(self.cloud_species) > 1: for item in self.cloud_species[1:]: cloud_1 = item[:-3].lower() cloud_2 = self.cloud_species[0][:-3].lower() self.parameters.append(f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio") # Add the flux scaling parameters for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds: if bounds[item][0] is not None: self.parameters.append(f"scaling_{item}") # Add the error offset parameters for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds: if bounds[item][1] is not None: self.parameters.append(f"error_{item}") # Add the wavelength calibration parameters for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds: if bounds[item][2] is not None: self.parameters.append(f"wavelength_{item}") # Add extinction parameters if "ism_ext" in bounds: self.parameters.append("ism_ext") if "ism_red" in bounds: if "ism_ext" not in bounds: raise ValueError( "The 'ism_red' parameter can only be " "used in combination with 'ism_ext'." ) self.parameters.append("ism_red") # Add covariance parameters for item in self.spectrum: if item in self.fit_corr: self.parameters.append(f"corr_len_{item}") self.parameters.append(f"corr_amp_{item}") # Add P-T smoothing parameter if "pt_smooth" in bounds: self.parameters.append("pt_smooth") # Add abundance smoothing parameter if "abund_smooth" in bounds: self.parameters.append("abund_smooth") # Add mixing-length parameter for convective component # of the bolometric flux when using check_flux if "mix_length" in bounds: self.parameters.append("mix_length") # Radial veloctiy (km s-1) if "rad_vel" in bounds: self.parameters.append("rad_vel") # Rotational broadening (km s-1) if "vsini" in bounds: self.parameters.append("vsini") # List all parameters print(f"Fitting {len(self.parameters)} parameters:") for item in self.parameters: print(f" - {item}") @typechecked def _prior_transform( self, cube, bounds: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]], cube_index: Dict[str, int] ): """ Function to transform the sampled unit cube into a cube with sampled model parameters. Parameters ---------- cube : LP_c_double, np.ndarray Unit cube. bounds : dict(str, tuple(float, float)) Dictionary with the prior boundaries. cube_index : dict(str, int) Dictionary with the indices for selecting the model parameters in the ``cube``. Returns ------- LP_c_double, np.ndarray Cube with the sampled model parameters. """ # Surface gravity log10(g/cgs) if "logg" in bounds: logg = ( bounds["logg"][0] + (bounds["logg"][1] - bounds["logg"][0]) * cube[cube_index["logg"]] ) else: # Default: 2 - 5.5 logg = 2.0 + 3.5 * cube[cube_index["logg"]] cube[cube_index["logg"]] = logg # Planet radius (Rjup) if "radius" in bounds: radius = ( bounds["radius"][0] + (bounds["radius"][1] - bounds["radius"][0]) * cube[cube_index["radius"]] ) else: # Defaul: 0.8-2 Rjup radius = 0.8 + 1.2 * cube[cube_index["radius"]] cube[cube_index["radius"]] = radius # Parallax (mas), Gaussian prior cube[cube_index["parallax"]] = norm.ppf( cube[cube_index["parallax"]], loc=self.parallax[0], scale=self.parallax[1], ) # Pressure-temperature profile if self.pt_profile in ["molliere", "mod-molliere"]: # Internal temperature (K) of the Eddington # approximation (middle altitudes) # see Eq. 2 in Mollière et al. (2020) if "tint" in bounds: tint = ( bounds["tint"][0] + (bounds["tint"][1] - bounds["tint"][0]) * cube[cube_index["tint"]] ) else: # Default: 500 - 3000 K tint = 500.0 + 2500.0 * cube[cube_index["tint"]] cube[cube_index["tint"]] = tint if self.pt_profile == "molliere": # Connection temperature (K) t_connect = (3.0 / 4.0 * tint**4.0 * (0.1 + 2.0 / 3.0)) ** 0.25 # The temperature (K) at temp_3 is scaled down from t_connect temp_3 = t_connect * (1 - cube[cube_index["t3"]]) cube[cube_index["t3"]] = temp_3 # The temperature (K) at temp_2 is scaled down from temp_3 temp_2 = temp_3 * (1 - cube[cube_index["t2"]]) cube[cube_index["t2"]] = temp_2 # The temperature (K) at temp_1 is scaled down from temp_2 temp_1 = temp_2 * (1 - cube[cube_index["t1"]]) cube[cube_index["t1"]] = temp_1 # alpha: power law index in tau = delta * press_cgs**alpha # see Eq. 1 in Mollière et al. (2020) if "alpha" in bounds: alpha = ( bounds["alpha"][0] + (bounds["alpha"][1] - bounds["alpha"][0]) * cube[cube_index["alpha"]] ) else: # Default: 1 - 2 alpha = 1.0 + cube[cube_index["alpha"]] cube[cube_index["alpha"]] = alpha # Photospheric pressure (bar) if self.pt_profile == "molliere": if "log_delta" in bounds: p_phot = 10.0 ** ( bounds["log_delta"][0] + (bounds["log_delta"][1] - bounds["log_delta"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_delta"]] ) else: # 1e-3 - 1e2 bar p_phot = 10.0 ** (-3.0 + 5.0 * cube[cube_index["log_delta"]]) elif self.pt_profile == "mod-molliere": # 1e-6 - 1e2 bar p_phot = 10.0 ** (-6.0 + 8.0 * cube[cube_index["log_delta"]]) # delta: proportionality factor in tau = delta * press_cgs**alpha # see Eq. 1 in Mollière et al. (2020) delta = (p_phot * 1e6) ** (-alpha) log_delta = np.log10(delta) cube[cube_index["log_delta"]] = log_delta # sigma_alpha: fitted uncertainty on the alpha index # see Eq. 6 in GRAVITY Collaboration et al. (2020) if "log_sigma_alpha" in bounds: # Recommended range: -4 - 1 log_sigma_alpha = ( bounds["log_sigma_alpha"][0] + (bounds["log_sigma_alpha"][1] - bounds["log_sigma_alpha"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_sigma_alpha"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_sigma_alpha"]] = log_sigma_alpha elif self.pt_profile == "free": # Free temperature nodes (K) for i in range(self.temp_nodes): # Default: 0 - 8000 K cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] = 20000.0 * cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] elif self.pt_profile == "monotonic": # Free temperature node (K) between 300 and # 20000 K for the deepest pressure point cube[cube_index[f"t{self.temp_nodes-1}"]] = ( 20000.0 - 19700.0 * cube[cube_index[f"t{self.temp_nodes-1}"]] ) for i in range(self.temp_nodes - 2, -1, -1): # Sample a temperature that is smaller # than the previous/deeper point cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] = cube[cube_index[f"t{i+1}"]] * ( 1.0 - cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] ) # # Increasing temperature steps with # # constant log-pressure steps # if i == self.temp_nodes - 2: # # First temperature step has no constraints # cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] = cube[cube_index[f"t{i+1}"]] * ( # 1.0 - cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] # ) # # else: # # Temperature difference of previous step # temp_diff = ( # cube[cube_index[f"t{i+2}"]] - cube[cube_index[f"t{i+1}"]] # ) # # if cube[cube_index[f"t{i+1}"]] - temp_diff < 0.0: # # If previous step would make the next point # # smaller than zero than use the maximum # # temperature step possible # temp_diff = cube[cube_index[f"t{i+1}"]] # # # Sample next temperature point with a smaller # # temperature step than the previous one # cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] = ( # cube[cube_index[f"t{i+1}"]] # - cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]] * temp_diff # ) elif self.pt_profile == "eddington": # Internal temperature (K) for the # Eddington approximation if "tint" in bounds: tint = ( bounds["tint"][0] + (bounds["tint"][1] - bounds["tint"][0]) * cube[cube_index["tint"]] ) else: # Default: 100 - 10000 K tint = 100.0 + 9900.0 * cube[cube_index["tint"]] cube[cube_index["tint"]] = tint # Proportionality factor in tau = 10**log_delta * press_cgs if "log_delta" in bounds: log_delta = ( bounds["log_delta"][0] + (bounds["log_delta"][1] - bounds["log_delta"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_delta"]] ) else: # Default: -10 - 10 log_delta = -10.0 + 20.0 * cube[cube_index["log_delta"]] # delta: proportionality factor in tau = delta * press_cgs**alpha # see Eq. 1 in Mollière et al. (2020) cube[cube_index["log_delta"]] = log_delta elif self.pt_profile == "gradient": # Temperature at 1000 Bar if "T_bottom" in bounds: t_bottom = ( bounds["T_bottom"][0] + (bounds["T_bottom"][1] - bounds["T_bottom"][0]) * cube[cube_index["T_bottom"]] ) else: # Default: 500 - 15500 K t_bottom = 500.0 + 15000.0 * cube[cube_index["T_bottom"]] cube[cube_index["T_bottom"]] = t_bottom for i in range(1, 7): if f"PTslope_{i}" in bounds: t_i = ( bounds[f"PTslope_{i}"][0] + (bounds[f"PTslope_{i}"][1] - bounds[f"PTslope_{i}"][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"PTslope_{i}"]] ) else: t_i = 0.0 + 1.0 * cube[cube_index[f"PTslope_{i}"]] cube[cube_index[f"PTslope_{i}"]] = t_i # Penalization of wiggles in the P-T profile # Inverse gamma distribution # a=1, b=5e-5 (Line et al. 2015) if "log_gamma_r" in self.parameters: log_beta_r = ( bounds["log_beta_r"][0] + (bounds["log_beta_r"][1] - bounds["log_beta_r"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_beta_r"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_beta_r"]] = log_beta_r # Input log_gamma_r is sampled between 0 and 1 gamma_r = invgamma.ppf( cube[cube_index["log_gamma_r"]], a=1.0, scale=10.0**log_beta_r ) cube[cube_index["log_gamma_r"]] = np.log10(gamma_r) # Chemical composition if self.chemistry == "equilibrium": # Metallicity [Fe/H] for the nabla_ad interpolation if "metallicity" in bounds: metallicity = ( bounds["metallicity"][0] + (bounds["metallicity"][1] - bounds["metallicity"][0]) * cube[cube_index["metallicity"]] ) else: # Default: -1.5 - 1.5 dex metallicity = -1.5 + 3.0 * cube[cube_index["metallicity"]] cube[cube_index["metallicity"]] = metallicity # Carbon-to-oxygen ratio for the nabla_ad interpolation if "c_o_ratio" in bounds: c_o_ratio = ( bounds["c_o_ratio"][0] + (bounds["c_o_ratio"][1] - bounds["c_o_ratio"][0]) * cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]] ) else: # Default: 0.1 - 1.6 c_o_ratio = 0.1 + 1.5 * cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]] cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]] = c_o_ratio elif self.chemistry == "free": # log10 abundances of the line species log_x_abund = {} if self.abund_nodes is None: for line_item in self.line_species: if line_item in bounds: cube[cube_index[line_item]] = ( bounds[line_item][0] + (bounds[line_item][1] - bounds[line_item][0]) * cube[cube_index[line_item]] ) elif line_item not in [ "K", "K_lor_cut", "K_burrows", "K_allard", ]: # Default: -10. - 0. dex cube[cube_index[line_item]] = ( -10.0 * cube[cube_index[line_item]] ) # Add the log10 of the mass fraction to the abundace dictionary log_x_abund[line_item] = cube[cube_index[line_item]] else: for node_idx in range(self.abund_nodes): for line_item in self.line_species: item = f"{line_item}_{node_idx}" if line_item in bounds: cube[cube_index[item]] = ( bounds[line_item][0] + (bounds[line_item][1] - bounds[line_item][0]) * cube[cube_index[item]] ) elif item not in [ "K", "K_lor_cut", "K_burrows", "K_allard", ]: # Default: -10. - 0. dex cube[cube_index[item]] = -10.0 * cube[cube_index[item]] # Add the log10 of the mass fraction to the abundace dictionary log_x_abund[item] = cube[cube_index[item]] if ( "Na" in self.line_species or "Na_lor_cut" in self.line_species or "Na_burrows" in self.line_species or "Na_allard" in self.line_species ): if self.abund_nodes is None: log_x_k_abund = potassium_abundance( log_x_abund, self.line_species, self.abund_nodes ) if "K" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index["K"]] = log_x_k_abund elif "K_lor_cut" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index["K_lor_cut"]] = log_x_k_abund elif "K_burrows" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index["K_burrows"]] = log_x_k_abund elif "K_allard" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index["K_allard"]] = log_x_k_abund else: log_x_k_abund = potassium_abundance( log_x_abund, self.line_species, self.abund_nodes ) for node_idx in range(self.abund_nodes): if "K" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index[f"K_{node_idx}"]] = log_x_k_abund[node_idx] elif "K_lor_cut" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index[f"K_lor_cut_{node_idx}"]] = log_x_k_abund[ node_idx ] elif "K_burrows" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index[f"K_burrows_{node_idx}"]] = log_x_k_abund[ node_idx ] elif "K_allard" in self.line_species: cube[cube_index[f"K_allard_{node_idx}"]] = log_x_k_abund[ node_idx ] # log10 abundances of the cloud species if "log_tau_cloud" in bounds: for item in self.cloud_species[1:]: cloud_1 = item[:-3].lower() cloud_2 = self.cloud_species[0][:-3].lower() mass_ratio = ( bounds[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"][0] + ( bounds[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"][1] - bounds[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"][0] ) * cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"]] ) cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"]] = mass_ratio else: for item in self.cloud_species: if item in bounds: cube[cube_index[item]] = ( bounds[item][0] + (bounds[item][1] - bounds[item][0]) * cube[cube_index[item]] ) else: # Default: -10. - 0. dex cube[cube_index[item]] = -10.0 * cube[cube_index[item]] # CO/CH4/H2O quenching pressure (bar) if self.quenching == "pressure": if "log_p_quench" in bounds: log_p_quench = ( bounds["log_p_quench"][0] + (bounds["log_p_quench"][1] - bounds["log_p_quench"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_p_quench"]] ) else: # Default: -6 - 3. (i.e. 1e-6 - 1e3 bar) log_p_quench = ( -6.0 + (6.0 + np.log10(self.max_pressure)) * cube[cube_index["log_p_quench"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_p_quench"]] = log_p_quench # Cloud parameters if "log_kappa_0" in bounds: # Cloud model 2 from Mollière et al. (2020) if "fsed_1" in bounds and "fsed_2" in bounds: fsed_1 = ( bounds["fsed_1"][0] + (bounds["fsed_1"][1] - bounds["fsed_1"][0]) * cube[cube_index["fsed_1"]] ) cube[cube_index["fsed_1"]] = fsed_1 fsed_2 = ( bounds["fsed_2"][0] + (bounds["fsed_2"][1] - bounds["fsed_2"][0]) * cube[cube_index["fsed_2"]] ) cube[cube_index["fsed_2"]] = fsed_2 # Cloud coverage fraction: 0 - 1 cube[cube_index["f_clouds"]] = cube[cube_index["f_clouds"]] else: if "fsed" in bounds: fsed = ( bounds["fsed"][0] + (bounds["fsed"][1] - bounds["fsed"][0]) * cube[cube_index["fsed"]] ) else: # Default: 0 - 10 fsed = 10.0 * cube[cube_index["fsed"]] cube[cube_index["fsed"]] = fsed if "log_kappa_0" in bounds: log_kappa_0 = ( bounds["log_kappa_0"][0] + (bounds["log_kappa_0"][1] - bounds["log_kappa_0"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_kappa_0"]] ) else: # Default: -8 - 3 log_kappa_0 = -8.0 + 11.0 * cube[cube_index["log_kappa_0"]] cube[cube_index["log_kappa_0"]] = log_kappa_0 if "opa_index" in bounds: opa_index = ( bounds["opa_index"][0] + (bounds["opa_index"][1] - bounds["opa_index"][0]) * cube[cube_index["opa_index"]] ) else: # Default: -6 - 1 opa_index = -6.0 + 7.0 * cube[cube_index["opa_index"]] cube[cube_index["opa_index"]] = opa_index if "log_p_base" in bounds: log_p_base = ( bounds["log_p_base"][0] + (bounds["log_p_base"][1] - bounds["log_p_base"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_p_base"]] ) else: # Default: -6 - 3 log_p_base = -6.0 + 9.0 * cube[cube_index["log_p_base"]] cube[cube_index["log_p_base"]] = log_p_base if "albedo" in bounds: albedo = ( bounds["albedo"][0] + (bounds["albedo"][1] - bounds["albedo"][0]) * cube[cube_index["albedo"]] ) else: # Default: 0 - 1 albedo = cube[cube_index["albedo"]] cube[cube_index["albedo"]] = albedo if "log_tau_cloud" in bounds: log_tau_cloud = ( bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0] + (bounds["log_tau_cloud"][1] - bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] = log_tau_cloud elif "log_kappa_abs" in bounds: # Parametrized absorption and scattering opacity log_kappa_abs = ( bounds["log_kappa_abs"][0] + (bounds["log_kappa_abs"][1] - bounds["log_kappa_abs"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_kappa_abs"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_kappa_abs"]] = log_kappa_abs if "opa_abs_index" in bounds: opa_abs_index = ( bounds["opa_abs_index"][0] + (bounds["opa_abs_index"][1] - bounds["opa_abs_index"][0]) * cube[cube_index["opa_abs_index"]] ) else: # Default: -6 - 1 opa_abs_index = -6.0 + 7.0 * cube[cube_index["opa_abs_index"]] cube[cube_index["opa_abs_index"]] = opa_abs_index if "log_p_base" in bounds: log_p_base = ( bounds["log_p_base"][0] + (bounds["log_p_base"][1] - bounds["log_p_base"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_p_base"]] ) else: # Default: -6 - 3 log_p_base = -6.0 + 9.0 * cube[cube_index["log_p_base"]] cube[cube_index["log_p_base"]] = log_p_base if "fsed" in bounds: fsed = ( bounds["fsed"][0] + (bounds["fsed"][1] - bounds["fsed"][0]) * cube[cube_index["fsed"]] ) else: # Default: 0 - 10 fsed = 10.0 * cube[cube_index["fsed"]] cube[cube_index["fsed"]] = fsed if "log_kappa_sca" in bounds: log_kappa_sca = ( bounds["log_kappa_sca"][0] + (bounds["log_kappa_sca"][1] - bounds["log_kappa_sca"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_kappa_sca"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_kappa_sca"]] = log_kappa_sca if "opa_sca_index" in bounds: opa_sca_index = ( bounds["opa_sca_index"][0] + (bounds["opa_sca_index"][1] - bounds["opa_sca_index"][0]) * cube[cube_index["opa_sca_index"]] ) else: # Default: -6 - 1 opa_sca_index = -6.0 + 7.0 * cube[cube_index["opa_sca_index"]] cube[cube_index["opa_sca_index"]] = opa_sca_index if "lambda_ray" in bounds: lambda_ray = ( bounds["lambda_ray"][0] + (bounds["lambda_ray"][1] - bounds["lambda_ray"][0]) * cube[cube_index["lambda_ray"]] ) else: # Default: 0.5 - 6.0 lambda_ray = 0.5 + 5.5 * cube[cube_index["lambda_ray"]] cube[cube_index["lambda_ray"]] = lambda_ray if "log_tau_cloud" in bounds: log_tau_cloud = ( bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0] + (bounds["log_tau_cloud"][1] - bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] = log_tau_cloud elif "log_kappa_gray" in bounds: # Non-scattering, gray clouds with fixed opacity # with pressure but a free cloud top (bar) # log_cloud_top is the log pressure, # log10(P/bar), at the cloud top log_kappa_gray = ( bounds["log_kappa_gray"][0] + (bounds["log_kappa_gray"][1] - bounds["log_kappa_gray"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_kappa_gray"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_kappa_gray"]] = log_kappa_gray if "log_cloud_top" in bounds: log_cloud_top = ( bounds["log_cloud_top"][0] + (bounds["log_cloud_top"][1] - bounds["log_cloud_top"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_cloud_top"]] ) else: # Default: -6 - 3 log_cloud_top = -6.0 + 9.0 * cube[cube_index["log_cloud_top"]] cube[cube_index["log_cloud_top"]] = log_cloud_top if "log_tau_cloud" in bounds: log_tau_cloud = ( bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0] + (bounds["log_tau_cloud"][1] - bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] = log_tau_cloud if "albedo" in bounds: albedo = ( bounds["albedo"][0] + (bounds["albedo"][1] - bounds["albedo"][0]) * cube[cube_index["albedo"]] ) cube[cube_index["albedo"]] = albedo elif len(self.cloud_species) > 0: # Sedimentation parameter: ratio of the settling and # mixing velocities of the cloud particles # (used in Eq. 3 of Mollière et al. 2020) if self.global_fsed: if "fsed" in bounds: fsed = ( bounds["fsed"][0] + (bounds["fsed"][1] - bounds["fsed"][0]) * cube[cube_index["fsed"]] ) else: # Default: 0 - 10 fsed = 10.0 * cube[cube_index["fsed"]] cube[cube_index["fsed"]] = fsed else: for item in self.cloud_species: if "fsed" in bounds: fsed = ( bounds["fsed"][0] + (bounds["fsed"][1] - bounds["fsed"][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"fsed_{item}"]] ) else: # Default: 0 - 10 fsed = 10.0 * cube[cube_index[f"fsed_{item}"]] cube[cube_index[f"fsed_{item}"]] = fsed # Log10 of the eddy diffusion coefficient (cm2 s-1) if "log_kzz" in bounds: log_kzz = ( bounds["log_kzz"][0] + (bounds["log_kzz"][1] - bounds["log_kzz"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_kzz"]] ) else: # Default: 5 - 13 log_kzz = 5.0 + 8.0 * cube[cube_index["log_kzz"]] cube[cube_index["log_kzz"]] = log_kzz # Geometric standard deviation of the # log-normal size distribution if "sigma_lnorm" in bounds: sigma_lnorm = ( bounds["sigma_lnorm"][0] + (bounds["sigma_lnorm"][1] - bounds["sigma_lnorm"][0]) * cube[cube_index["sigma_lnorm"]] ) else: # Default: 1.05 - 3. sigma_lnorm = 1.05 + 1.95 * cube[cube_index["sigma_lnorm"]] cube[cube_index["sigma_lnorm"]] = sigma_lnorm if "log_p_base" in bounds: for item in self.cloud_species: # Use the same cloud base pressure range # for the different cloud species log_p_base = ( bounds["log_p_base"][0] + (bounds["log_p_base"][1] - bounds["log_p_base"][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"log_p_base_{item}"]] ) cube[cube_index[f"log_p_base_{item}"]] = log_p_base if "log_tau_cloud" in bounds: log_tau_cloud = ( bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0] + (bounds["log_tau_cloud"][1] - bounds["log_tau_cloud"][0]) * cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] ) cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] = log_tau_cloud if len(self.cloud_species) > 1: for item in self.cloud_species[1:]: cloud_1 = item[:-3].lower() cloud_2 = self.cloud_species[0][:-3].lower() mass_ratio = ( bounds[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"][0] + ( bounds[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"][1] - bounds[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"][0] ) * cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"]] ) cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"]] = mass_ratio elif self.chemistry == "equilibrium": # Cloud mass fractions at the cloud base, # relative to the maximum values allowed # from elemental abundances # (see Eq. 3 in Mollière et al. 2020) for item in self.cloud_species_full: cloud_lower = item[:-6].lower() if f"{cloud_lower}_fraction" in bounds: cloud_bounds = bounds[f"{cloud_lower}_fraction"] cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_lower}_fraction"]] = ( cloud_bounds[0] + (cloud_bounds[1] - cloud_bounds[0]) * cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_lower}_fraction"]] ) elif f"{cloud_lower}_tau" in bounds: cloud_bounds = bounds[f"{cloud_lower}_tau"] cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_lower}_tau"]] = ( cloud_bounds[0] + (cloud_bounds[1] - cloud_bounds[0]) * cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_lower}_tau"]] ) else: # Default: 0.05 - 1. cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_lower}_fraction"]] = ( np.log10(0.05) + (np.log10(1.0) - np.log10(0.05)) * cube[cube_index[f"{cloud_lower}_fraction"]] ) # Add flux scaling parameter if the boundaries are provided for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds: if bounds[item][0] is not None: cube[cube_index[f"scaling_{item}"]] = ( bounds[item][0][0] + (bounds[item][0][1] - bounds[item][0][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"scaling_{item}"]] ) # Add error inflation parameter if the boundaries are provided for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds: if bounds[item][1] is not None: cube[cube_index[f"error_{item}"]] = ( bounds[item][1][0] + (bounds[item][1][1] - bounds[item][1][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"error_{item}"]] ) # Add wavelength calibration parameter if the boundaries are provided for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds: if bounds[item][2] is not None: cube[cube_index[f"wavelength_{item}"]] = ( bounds[item][2][0] + (bounds[item][2][1] - bounds[item][2][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"wavelength_{item}"]] ) # Add covariance parameters if any spectra are provided to fit_corr for item in self.spectrum: if item in self.fit_corr: cube[cube_index[f"corr_len_{item}"]] = ( bounds[f"corr_len_{item}"][0] + (bounds[f"corr_len_{item}"][1] - bounds[f"corr_len_{item}"][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"corr_len_{item}"]] ) cube[cube_index[f"corr_amp_{item}"]] = ( bounds[f"corr_amp_{item}"][0] + (bounds[f"corr_amp_{item}"][1] - bounds[f"corr_amp_{item}"][0]) * cube[cube_index[f"corr_amp_{item}"]] ) # ISM extinction if "ism_ext" in bounds: ism_ext = ( bounds["ism_ext"][0] + (bounds["ism_ext"][1] - bounds["ism_ext"][0]) * cube[cube_index["ism_ext"]] ) cube[cube_index["ism_ext"]] = ism_ext if "ism_red" in bounds: ism_red = ( bounds["ism_red"][0] + (bounds["ism_red"][1] - bounds["ism_red"][0]) * cube[cube_index["ism_red"]] ) cube[cube_index["ism_red"]] = ism_red # Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel # for smoothing the P-T profile if "pt_smooth" in bounds: cube[cube_index["pt_smooth"]] = ( bounds["pt_smooth"][0] + (bounds["pt_smooth"][1] - bounds["pt_smooth"][0]) * cube[cube_index["pt_smooth"]] ) # Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel # for smoothing the abundance profiles if "abund_smooth" in bounds: cube[cube_index["abund_smooth"]] = ( bounds["abund_smooth"][0] + (bounds["abund_smooth"][1] - bounds["abund_smooth"][0]) * cube[cube_index["abund_smooth"]] ) # Mixing-length for convective flux if "mix_length" in bounds: cube[cube_index["mix_length"]] = ( bounds["mix_length"][0] + (bounds["mix_length"][1] - bounds["mix_length"][0]) * cube[cube_index["mix_length"]] ) # Radial velocity (km s-1) if "rad_vel" in bounds: cube[cube_index["rad_vel"]] = ( bounds["rad_vel"][0] + (bounds["rad_vel"][1] - bounds["rad_vel"][0]) * cube[cube_index["rad_vel"]] ) # Rotational broadening (km s-1) if "vsini" in bounds: cube[cube_index["vsini"]] = ( bounds["vsini"][0] + (bounds["vsini"][1] - bounds["vsini"][0]) * cube[cube_index["vsini"]] ) return cube @typechecked def _lnlike( self, cube, bounds: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]], cube_index: Dict[str, int], rt_object, lowres_radtrans, ) -> float: """ Function for calculating the log-likelihood from the sampled parameter cube. Parameters ---------- cube : LP_c_double, np.ndarray Cube with the sampled model parameters. bounds : dict(str, tuple(float, float)) Dictionary with the prior boundaries. cube_index : dict(str, int) Dictionary with the indices for selecting the model parameters in the ``cube``. rt_object : petitRADTRANS.radtrans.Radtrans Instance of ``Radtrans`` from ``petitRADTRANS``. lowres_radtrans : petitRADTRANS.radtrans.Radtrans, None Instance of ``Radtrans`` for low resolution spectra. This was implemented for trying to retrieve self-consistent temperature profiles, but is typically not used. Returns ------- float Sum of the logarithm of the prior and likelihood. """ if "poor_mans_nonequ_chem" in sys.modules: from poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import interpol_abundances else: from petitRADTRANS.poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import ( interpol_abundances, ) from petitRADTRANS.retrieval.rebin_give_width import rebin_give_width # Initiate the logarithm of the prior and likelihood ln_prior = 0.0 ln_like = 0.0 # Initiate abundance and cloud base dictionaries to None log_x_abund = None log_x_base = None # Create dictionary with flux scaling parameters scaling = {} for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds and bounds[item][0] is not None: scaling[item] = cube[cube_index[f"scaling_{item}"]] else: scaling[item] = 1.0 # Create dictionary with error offset parameters err_offset = {} for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds and bounds[item][1] is not None: err_offset[item] = cube[cube_index[f"error_{item}"]] else: err_offset[item] = None # Create dictionary with wavelength calibration parameters wavel_cal = {} for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds and bounds[item][2] is not None: wavel_cal[item] = cube[cube_index[f"wavelength_{item}"]] else: wavel_cal[item] = 0.0 # Create dictionary with covariance parameters corr_len = {} corr_amp = {} for item in self.spectrum: if f"corr_len_{item}" in bounds: corr_len[item] = 10.0 ** cube[cube_index[f"corr_len_{item}"]] # (um) if f"corr_amp_{item}" in bounds: corr_amp[item] = cube[cube_index[f"corr_amp_{item}"]] # Gaussian priors if self.prior is not None: for key, value in self.prior.items(): if key == "mass": mass = logg_to_mass( cube[cube_index["logg"]], cube[cube_index["radius"]], ) ln_prior += -0.5 * (mass - value[0]) ** 2 / value[1] ** 2 else: ln_prior += ( -0.5 * (cube[cube_index[key]] - value[0]) ** 2 / value[1] ** 2 ) # Check if the cloud optical depth is a free parameter calc_tau_cloud = False for item in self.cloud_species: if item[:-3].lower() + "_tau" in bounds: calc_tau_cloud = True # Read the P-T smoothing parameter or use # the argument of run_multinest otherwise if "pt_smooth" in cube_index: pt_smooth = cube[cube_index["pt_smooth"]] else: pt_smooth = self.pt_smooth # Read the abundance smoothing parameter or # use the argument of run_multinest otherwise if "abund_smooth" in cube_index: abund_smooth = cube[cube_index["abund_smooth"]] else: abund_smooth = self.abund_smooth # C/O and [Fe/H] if self.chemistry == "equilibrium": metallicity = cube[cube_index["metallicity"]] c_o_ratio = cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]] elif self.chemistry == "free": # TODO Set [Fe/H] = 0 for Molliere P-T profile # and cloud condensation profiles metallicity = 0.0 # Create a dictionary with the mass fractions if self.abund_nodes is None: log_x_abund = {} for line_item in self.line_species: log_x_abund[line_item] = cube[cube_index[line_item]] else: log_x_abund = {} for node_idx in range(self.abund_nodes): for line_item in self.line_species: log_x_abund[f"{line_item}_{node_idx}"] = cube[ cube_index[f"{line_item}_{node_idx}"] ] # Check if the sum of fractional abundances is smaller than unity if np.sum(10.0 ** np.asarray(list(log_x_abund.values()))) > 1.0: return -np.inf # Check if the C/H and O/H ratios are within the prior boundaries if self.abund_nodes is None: c_h_ratio, o_h_ratio, c_o_ratio = calc_metal_ratio( log_x_abund, self.line_species ) if "c_h_ratio" in bounds and ( c_h_ratio < bounds["c_h_ratio"][0] or c_h_ratio > bounds["c_h_ratio"][1] ): return -np.inf if "o_h_ratio" in bounds and ( o_h_ratio < bounds["o_h_ratio"][0] or o_h_ratio > bounds["o_h_ratio"][1] ): return -np.inf if "c_o_ratio" in bounds and ( c_o_ratio < bounds["c_o_ratio"][0] or c_o_ratio > bounds["c_o_ratio"][1] ): return -np.inf else: c_o_ratio = 0.55 # Create the P-T profile temp, knot_temp, phot_press, conv_press = create_pt_profile( cube, cube_index, self.pt_profile, self.pressure, self.knot_press, metallicity, c_o_ratio, pt_smooth, ) if temp is None: return -np.inf # if conv_press is not None and (conv_press > 1. or conv_press < 0.01): # # Maximum pressure (bar) for the radiative-convective boundary # return -np.inf # Enforce convective adiabat # if self.plotting: # plt.plot(temp, self.pressure, "-", lw=1.0) # # if self.pt_profile == "monotonic": # ab = interpol_abundances( # np.full(temp.shape[0], c_o_ratio), # np.full(temp.shape[0], metallicity), # temp, # self.pressure, # ) # # nabla_ad = ab["nabla_ad"] # # # Convert pressures from bar to cgs units # press_cgs = self.pressure * 1e6 # # # Calculate the current, radiative temperature gradient # nab_rad = np.diff(np.log(temp)) / np.diff(np.log(press_cgs)) # # # Extend to array of same length as pressure structure # nabla_rad = np.ones_like(temp) # nabla_rad[0] = nab_rad[0] # nabla_rad[-1] = nab_rad[-1] # nabla_rad[1:-1] = (nab_rad[1:] + nab_rad[:-1]) / 2.0 # # # Where is the atmosphere convectively unstable? # conv_index = nabla_rad > nabla_ad # # tfinal = None # # for i in range(10): # if i == 0: # t_take = copy.copy(temp) # else: # t_take = copy.copy(tfinal) # # ab = interpol_abundances( # np.full(t_take.shape[0], c_o_ratio), # np.full(t_take.shape[0], metallicity), # t_take, # self.pressure, # ) # # nabla_ad = ab["nabla_ad"] # # # Calculate the average nabla_ad between the layers # nabla_ad_mean = nabla_ad # nabla_ad_mean[1:] = (nabla_ad[1:] + nabla_ad[:-1]) / 2.0 # # # What are the increments in temperature due to convection # tnew = nabla_ad_mean[conv_index] * np.mean(np.diff(np.log(press_cgs))) # # # What is the last radiative temperature? # tstart = np.log(t_take[~conv_index][-1]) # # # Integrate and translate to temperature # # from log(temperature) # tnew = np.exp(np.cumsum(tnew) + tstart) # # # Add upper radiative and lower covective # # part into one single array # tfinal = copy.copy(t_take) # tfinal[conv_index] = tnew # # if np.max(np.abs(t_take - tfinal) / t_take) < 0.01: # break # # temp = copy.copy(tfinal) if self.plotting: plt.plot(temp, self.pressure, "-") plt.yscale("log") plt.ylim(1e3, 1e-6) plt.savefig("pt_profile.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() # Prepare the scaling based on the cloud optical depth if calc_tau_cloud: if self.quenching == "pressure": # Quenching pressure (bar) p_quench = 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_p_quench"]] elif self.quenching == "diffusion": pass else: p_quench = None # Interpolate the abundances, following chemical equilibrium abund_in = interpol_abundances( np.full(self.pressure.size, cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]]), np.full(self.pressure.size, cube[cube_index["metallicity"]]), temp, self.pressure, Pquench_carbon=p_quench, ) # Extract the mean molecular weight mmw = abund_in["MMW"] # Check for isothermal regions if self.check_isothermal: # Get knot indices where the pressure is larger than 1 bar indices = np.where(self.knot_press > 1.0)[0] # Remove last index because temp_diff.size = self.knot_press.size - 1 indices = indices[:-1] temp_diff = np.diff(knot_temp) temp_diff = temp_diff[indices] small_temp = np.where(temp_diff < 100.0)[0] if len(small_temp) > 0: # Return zero probability if there is a temperature step smaller than 10 K return -np.inf # Penalize P-T profiles with oscillations if ( self.pt_profile in ["free", "monotonic"] and "log_gamma_r" in self.parameters ): temp_sum = np.sum( (knot_temp[2:] + knot_temp[:-2] - 2.0 * knot_temp[1:-1]) ** 2.0 ) # temp_sum = np.sum((temp[::3][2:] + temp[::3][:-2] - 2.*temp[::3][1:-1])**2.) ln_prior += -1.0 * temp_sum / ( 2.0 * 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_gamma_r"]] ) - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_gamma_r"]]) # Return zero probability if the minimum temperature is negative if np.min(temp) < 0.0: return -np.inf # Set the quenching pressure if self.quenching == "pressure": # Fit the quenching pressure p_quench = 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_p_quench"]] elif self.quenching == "diffusion": # Calculate the quenching pressure from timescales p_quench = quench_pressure( self.pressure, temp, cube[cube_index["metallicity"]], cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]], cube[cube_index["logg"]], cube[cube_index["log_kzz"]], ) else: p_quench = None # Calculate the emission spectrum start = time.time() if ( len(self.cloud_species) > 0 or "log_kappa_0" in bounds or "log_kappa_gray" in bounds or "log_kappa_abs" in bounds ): # Cloudy atmosphere tau_cloud = None if ( "log_kappa_0" in bounds or "log_kappa_gray" in bounds or "log_kappa_abs" in bounds ): if "log_tau_cloud" in self.parameters: tau_cloud = 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] elif self.chemistry == "equilibrium": cloud_fractions = {} for item in self.cloud_species: if f"{item[:-3].lower()}_fraction" in self.parameters: cloud_fractions[item] = cube[ cube_index[f"{item[:-3].lower()}_fraction"] ] elif f"{item[:-3].lower()}_tau" in self.parameters: params = cube_to_dict(cube, cube_index) cloud_fractions[item] = scale_cloud_abund( params, rt_object, self.pressure, temp, mmw, self.chemistry, abund_in, item, params[f"{item[:-3].lower()}_tau"], pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, ) if len(self.cross_corr) != 0: raise ValueError( "Check if it works correctly with ccf species." ) if "log_tau_cloud" in self.parameters: tau_cloud = 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] for i, item in enumerate(self.cloud_species): if i == 0: cloud_fractions[item] = 0.0 else: cloud_1 = item[:-3].lower() cloud_2 = self.cloud_species[0][:-3].lower() cloud_fractions[item] = cube[ cube_index[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"] ] log_x_base = log_x_cloud_base( cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]], cube[cube_index["metallicity"]], cloud_fractions, ) elif self.chemistry == "free": # Add the log10 mass fractions of the clouds to the dictionary if "log_tau_cloud" in self.parameters: tau_cloud = 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_tau_cloud"]] log_x_base = {} for i, item in enumerate(self.cloud_species): if i == 0: log_x_base[item[:-3]] = 0.0 else: cloud_1 = item[:-3].lower() cloud_2 = self.cloud_species[0][:-3].lower() log_x_base[item[:-3]] = cube[ cube_index[f"{cloud_1}_{cloud_2}_ratio"] ] else: log_x_base = {} for item in self.cloud_species: log_x_base[item[:-3]] = cube[cube_index[item]] # Create dictionary with cloud parameters if "log_kzz" in self.parameters: cloud_param = [ "fsed", "log_kzz", "sigma_lnorm", "log_kappa_0", "opa_index", "log_p_base", "albedo", "log_kappa_abs", "log_kappa_sca", "opa_abs_index", "opa_sca_index", "lambda_ray", ] cloud_dict = {} for item in cloud_param: if item in self.parameters: cloud_dict[item] = cube[cube_index[item]] for item in self.cloud_species: if f"log_p_base_{item}" in self.parameters: cloud_dict[f"log_p_base_{item}"] = cube[ cube_index[f"log_p_base_{item}"] ] if f"fsed_{item}" in self.parameters: cloud_dict[f"fsed_{item}"] = cube[cube_index[f"fsed_{item}"]] elif "fsed_1" in self.parameters and "fsed_2" in self.parameters: cloud_param_1 = [ "fsed_1", "log_kzz", "sigma_lnorm", "log_kappa_0", "opa_index", "log_p_base", "albedo", ] cloud_dict_1 = {} for item in cloud_param_1: if item in self.parameters: if item == "fsed_1": cloud_dict_1["fsed"] = cube[cube_index[item]] else: cloud_dict_1[item] = cube[cube_index[item]] cloud_param_2 = [ "fsed_2", "log_kzz", "sigma_lnorm", "log_kappa_0", "opa_index", "log_p_base", "albedo", ] cloud_dict_2 = {} for item in cloud_param_2: if item in self.parameters: if item == "fsed_2": cloud_dict_2["fsed"] = cube[cube_index[item]] else: cloud_dict_2[item] = cube[cube_index[item]] elif "log_kappa_gray" in self.parameters: cloud_dict = { "log_kappa_gray": cube[cube_index["log_kappa_gray"]], "log_cloud_top": cube[cube_index["log_cloud_top"]], } if "albedo" in self.parameters: cloud_dict["albedo"] = cube[cube_index["albedo"]] # Check if the bolometric flux is conserved in the radiative region if self.check_flux is not None: # Pressure index at the radiative-convective boundary # if conv_press is None: # i_conv =[0] # else: # i_conv = np.argmax(conv_press < 1e-6 * # Calculate low-resolution spectrum (R = 10) to initiate the attributes ( wlen_lowres, flux_lowres, _, mmw, ) = calc_spectrum_clouds( lowres_radtrans, self.pressure, temp, c_o_ratio, metallicity, p_quench, log_x_abund, log_x_base, cloud_dict, cube[cube_index["logg"]], chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, plotting=self.plotting, contribution=False, tau_cloud=tau_cloud, ) if wlen_lowres is None and flux_lowres is None: return -np.inf if self.plotting: plt.plot(temp, self.pressure, ls="-") if knot_temp is not None: plt.plot(knot_temp, self.knot_press, "o", ms=2.0) plt.yscale("log") plt.ylim(1e3, 1e-6) plt.xlim(0.0, 6000.0) plt.savefig("pt_low_res.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() # Bolometric flux (W m-2) from the low-resolution spectrum f_bol_spec = simps(flux_lowres, wlen_lowres) # Calculate again a low-resolution spectrum (R = 10) but now # with the new Feautrier function from petitRADTRANS # flux_lowres, __, _, h_bol, _, _, _, _, __, __ = \ # feautrier_pt_it(lowres_radtrans.border_freqs, # lowres_radtrans.total_tau[:, :, 0, :], # lowres_radtrans.temp, #, # lowres_radtrans.w_gauss_mu, # lowres_radtrans.w_gauss, # lowres_radtrans.photon_destruction_prob, # False, # lowres_radtrans.reflectance, # lowres_radtrans.emissivity, # np.zeros_like(lowres_radtrans.freq), # lowres_radtrans.geometry, # lowres_radtrans.mu_star, # True, # lowres_radtrans.do_scat_emis, # lowres_radtrans.line_struc_kappas[:, :, 0, :], # lowres_radtrans.continuum_opa_scat_emis) if hasattr(lowres_radtrans, "h_bol"): # f_bol = 4 x pi x h_bol (erg s-1 cm-2) f_bol = -1.0 * 4.0 * np.pi * lowres_radtrans.h_bol # (erg s-1 cm-2) -> (W cm-2) f_bol *= 1e-7 # (W cm-2) -> (W m-2) f_bol *= 1e4 # Optionally add the convective flux if "mix_length" in cube_index: # Mixing length in pressure scale heights mix_length = cube[cube_index["mix_length"]] # Number of pressures n_press = # Interpolate abundances to get MMW and nabla_ad abund_test = interpol_abundances( np.full(n_press, cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]]), np.full(n_press, cube[cube_index["metallicity"]]), lowres_radtrans.temp, * 1e-6, # (bar) Pquench_carbon=p_quench, ) # Mean molecular weight mmw = abund_test["MMW"] # Adiabatic temperature gradient nabla_ad = abund_test["nabla_ad"] # Pressure (Ba) -> (Pa) press_pa = 1e-1 * # Density (kg m-3) rho = ( press_pa # (Pa) / constants.BOLTZMANN / lowres_radtrans.temp * mmw * constants.ATOMIC_MASS ) # Adiabatic index: gamma = dln(P) / dln(rho), at constant entropy, S # gamma = np.diff(np.log(press_pa)) / np.diff(np.log(rho)) ad_index = 1.0 / (1.0 - nabla_ad) # Extend adiabatic index to array of same length as pressure structure # ad_index = np.zeros( # ad_index[0] = gamma[0] # ad_index[-1] = gamma[-1] # ad_index[1:-1] = (gamma[1:] + gamma[:-1]) / 2.0 # Specific heat capacity (J kg-1 K-1) c_p = ( (1.0 / (ad_index - 1.0) + 1.0) * press_pa / (rho * lowres_radtrans.temp) ) # Calculate the convective flux f_conv = convective_flux( press_pa, # (Pa) lowres_radtrans.temp, # (K) mmw, nabla_ad, 1e-1 * lowres_radtrans.kappa_rosseland, # (m2 kg-1) rho, # (kg m-3) c_p, # (J kg-1 K-1) 1e-2 * 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["logg"]], # (m s-2) f_bol_spec, # (W m-2) mix_length=mix_length, ) # Bolometric flux = radiative + convective press_bar = 1e-6 * # (bar) f_bol[press_bar > 0.1] += f_conv[press_bar > 0.1] # Accuracy on bolometric flux for Gaussian prior sigma_fbol = self.check_flux * f_bol_spec # Gaussian prior for comparing the bolometric flux # that is calculated from the spectrum and the # bolometric flux at each pressure ln_prior += np.sum( -0.5 * (f_bol - f_bol_spec) ** 2 / sigma_fbol**2 ) ln_prior += ( -0.5 * f_bol.size * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * sigma_fbol**2) ) # for i in range(i_conv): # for i in range([0]): # if not isclose( # f_bol_spec, # f_bol, # rel_tol=self.check_flux, # abs_tol=0.0, # ): # # Remove the sample if the bolometric flux of the output spectrum # # is different from the bolometric flux deeper in the atmosphere # return -np.inf if self.plotting: plt.plot(wlen_lowres, flux_lowres) plt.xlabel(r"Wavelength ($\mu$m)") plt.ylabel(r"Flux (W m$^{-2}$ $\mu$m$^{-1}$)") plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.savefig("lowres_spec.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() else: warnings.warn( "The Radtrans object from " "petitRADTRANS does not contain " "the h_bol attribute. Probably " "you are using the main package " "instead of the fork from " "" "/petitRADTRANS. The check_flux " "parameter can therefore not be " "used and could be set to None." ) # Calculate a cloudy spectrum for low- and medium-resolution data (i.e. corr-k) if "fsed_1" in self.parameters and "fsed_2" in self.parameters: ( wlen_micron, flux_lambda_1, _, _, ) = calc_spectrum_clouds( rt_object, self.pressure, temp, c_o_ratio, metallicity, p_quench, log_x_abund, log_x_base, cloud_dict_1, cube[cube_index["logg"]], chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, plotting=self.plotting, contribution=False, tau_cloud=tau_cloud, ) ( wlen_micron, flux_lambda_2, _, _, ) = calc_spectrum_clouds( rt_object, self.pressure, temp, c_o_ratio, metallicity, p_quench, log_x_abund, log_x_base, cloud_dict_2, cube[cube_index["logg"]], chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, plotting=self.plotting, contribution=False, tau_cloud=tau_cloud, ) flux_lambda = ( cube[cube_index["f_clouds"]] * flux_lambda_1 + (1.0 - cube[cube_index["f_clouds"]]) * flux_lambda_2 ) else: ( wlen_micron, flux_lambda, _, _, ) = calc_spectrum_clouds( rt_object, self.pressure, temp, c_o_ratio, metallicity, p_quench, log_x_abund, log_x_base, cloud_dict, cube[cube_index["logg"]], chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, plotting=self.plotting, contribution=False, tau_cloud=tau_cloud, ) if wlen_micron is None and flux_lambda is None: return -np.inf if ( self.check_phot_press is not None and hasattr(rt_object, "tau_rosse") and phot_press is not None ): # Remove the sample if the photospheric pressure # from the P-T profile is more than a factor 5 # larger than the photospheric pressure that is # calculated from the Rosseland mean opacity, # using the non-gray opacities of the atmosphere # See Eq. 7 in GRAVITY Collaboration et al. (2020) if self.pressure_grid == "standard": press_tmp = self.pressure elif self.pressure_grid == "smaller": press_tmp = self.pressure[::3] else: raise RuntimeError("Not yet implemented") rosse_pphot = press_tmp[np.argmin(np.abs(rt_object.tau_rosse - 1.0))] # index_tp = (press_tmp > rosse_pphot / 10.0) & ( # press_tmp < rosse_pphot * 10.0 # ) # tau_pow = np.mean( # np.diff(np.log(rt_object.tau_rosse[index_tp])) # / np.diff(np.log(press_tmp[index_tp])) # ) if ( phot_press > rosse_pphot * self.check_phot_press or phot_press < rosse_pphot / self.check_phot_press ): return -np.inf # if np.abs(cube[cube_index['alpha']]-tau_pow) > 0.1: # # Remove the sample if the parametrized, # # pressure-dependent opacity is not consistent # # consistent with the atmosphere's non-gray # # opacity structure. See Eq. 5 in # # GRAVITY Collaboration et al. (2020) # return -np.inf # Penalize samples if the parametrized, pressure- # dependent opacity is not consistent with the # atmosphere's non-gray opacity structure. See Eqs. # 5 and 6 in GRAVITY Collaboration et al. (2020) if ( self.pt_profile in ["molliere", "mod-molliere"] and "log_sigma_alpha" in cube_index ): sigma_alpha = 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_sigma_alpha"]] if hasattr(rt_object, "tau_pow"): ln_like += -0.5 * ( cube[cube_index["alpha"]] - rt_object.tau_pow ) ** 2.0 / sigma_alpha**2.0 - 0.5 * np.log( 2.0 * np.pi * sigma_alpha**2.0 ) else: warnings.warn( "The Radtrans object from " "petitRADTRANS does not contain " "the tau_pow attribute. Probably " "you are using the main package " "instead of the fork from " "" "/petitRADTRANS. The " "log_sigma_alpha parameter can " "therefore not be used and can " "be removed from the bounds " "dictionary." ) # Calculate cloudy spectra for high-resolution data (i.e. line-by-line) ccf_wavel = {} ccf_flux = {} for item in self.cross_corr: ( ccf_wavel[item], ccf_flux[item], _, _, ) = calc_spectrum_clouds( self.ccf_radtrans[item], self.pressure, temp, c_o_ratio, metallicity, p_quench, log_x_abund, log_x_base, cloud_dict, cube[cube_index["logg"]], chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, plotting=self.plotting, contribution=False, tau_cloud=tau_cloud, ) if ccf_wavel[item] is None and ccf_flux[item] is None: return -np.inf else: # Clear atmosphere if self.chemistry == "equilibrium": # Calculate a clear spectrum for low- and medium-resolution data (i.e. corr-k) wlen_micron, flux_lambda, _ = calc_spectrum_clear( rt_object, self.pressure, temp, cube[cube_index["logg"]], cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]], cube[cube_index["metallicity"]], p_quench, None, chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, contribution=False, ) # Calculate clear spectra for high-resolution data (i.e. line-by-line) ccf_wavel = {} ccf_flux = {} for item in self.cross_corr: ( ccf_wavel[item], ccf_flux[item], _, ) = calc_spectrum_clear( self.ccf_radtrans[item], self.pressure, temp, cube[cube_index["logg"]], cube[cube_index["c_o_ratio"]], cube[cube_index["metallicity"]], p_quench, None, chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, contribution=False, ) elif self.chemistry == "free": # Calculate a clear spectrum for low- and medium-resolution data (i.e. corr-k) wlen_micron, flux_lambda, _ = calc_spectrum_clear( rt_object, self.pressure, temp, cube[cube_index["logg"]], None, None, None, log_x_abund, chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, contribution=False, ) # Calculate clear spectra for high-resolution data (i.e. line-by-line) ccf_wavel = {} ccf_flux = {} for item in self.cross_corr: log_x_ccf = {} if "CO_all_iso" in self.ccf_species: log_x_ccf["CO_all_iso"] = log_x_abund["CO_all_iso"] if "H2O_main_iso" in self.ccf_species: log_x_ccf["H2O_main_iso"] = log_x_abund["H2O"] if "CH4_main_iso" in self.ccf_species: log_x_ccf["CH4_main_iso"] = log_x_abund["CH4"] ( ccf_wavel[item], ccf_flux[item], _, ) = calc_spectrum_clear( self.ccf_radtrans[item], self.pressure, temp, cube[cube_index["logg"]], None, None, None, log_x_ccf, chemistry=self.chemistry, knot_press_abund=self.knot_press_abund, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, pressure_grid=self.pressure_grid, contribution=False, ) end = time.time() if self.plotting: print(f"\rRadiative transfer time: {end-start:.2e} s", end="", flush=True) # Return zero probability if the spectrum contains NaN values if np.sum(np.isnan(flux_lambda)) > 0: # if len(flux_lambda) > 1: # warnings.warn('Spectrum with NaN values encountered.') return -np.inf for item in ccf_flux.values(): if np.sum(np.isnan(item)) > 0: return -np.inf # Scale the emitted spectra to the observation flux_lambda *= ( cube[cube_index["radius"]] * constants.R_JUP / (1e3 * constants.PARSEC / cube[cube_index["parallax"]]) ) ** 2.0 if self.check_flux is not None: flux_lowres *= ( cube[cube_index["radius"]] * constants.R_JUP / (1e3 * constants.PARSEC / cube[cube_index["parallax"]]) ) ** 2.0 for item in self.cross_corr: ccf_flux[item] *= ( cube[cube_index["radius"]] * constants.R_JUP / (1e3 * constants.PARSEC / cube[cube_index["parallax"]]) ) ** 2.0 # Evaluate the spectra for i, spec_item in enumerate(self.spectrum.keys()): # Select data wavelength range from the model spectrum wlen_min = self.spectrum[spec_item][0][0, 0] wlen_max = self.spectrum[spec_item][0][-1, 0] wlen_select = (wlen_micron > wlen_min - 0.1 * wlen_min) & ( wlen_micron < wlen_max + 0.1 * wlen_max ) if spec_item in self.cross_corr: model_wavel = ccf_wavel[spec_item] model_flux = ccf_flux[spec_item] else: model_wavel = wlen_micron[wlen_select] model_flux = flux_lambda[wlen_select] # Apply optional radial velocity shift if "rad_vel" in cube_index and spec_item in self.apply_rad_vel: wavel_shift = ( cube[cube_index["rad_vel"]] * 1e3 * model_wavel / constants.LIGHT ) spec_interp = interp1d( model_wavel + wavel_shift, model_flux, fill_value="extrapolate", ) model_flux = spec_interp(model_wavel) # Apply optional rotational broadening if "vsini" in cube_index and spec_item in self.apply_vsini: spec_interp = interp1d(model_wavel, model_flux) wavel_new = np.linspace( model_wavel[0], model_wavel[-1], 2 * model_wavel.shape[0], ) flux_broad = fastRotBroad( wvl=wavel_new, flux=spec_interp(wavel_new), epsilon=0.0, vsini=cube[cube_index["vsini"]], effWvl=None, ) spec_interp = interp1d(wavel_new, flux_broad) model_flux = spec_interp(model_wavel) # Shift the wavelengths of the data with # the fitted calibration parameter data_wavel = self.spectrum[spec_item][0][:, 0] + wavel_cal[spec_item] # Flux density data_flux = self.spectrum[spec_item][0][:, 1] # Variance with optional inflation if err_offset[spec_item] is None: data_var = self.spectrum[spec_item][0][:, 2] ** 2 else: data_var = ( self.spectrum[spec_item][0][:, 2] + 10.0 ** err_offset[spec_item] ) ** 2 # Apply ISM extinction to the model spectrum if "ism_ext" in self.parameters: if "ism_red" in self.parameters: ism_reddening = cube[cube_index["ism_red"]] else: # Use default interstellar reddening (R_V = 3.1) ism_reddening = 3.1 flux_ext = apply_ism_ext( model_wavel, model_flux, cube[cube_index["ism_ext"]], ism_reddening, ) else: flux_ext = model_flux # Convolve with Gaussian LSF flux_smooth = convolve_spectrum( model_wavel, flux_ext, self.spectrum[spec_item][3] ) # Resample to the observation flux_rebinned = rebin_give_width( model_wavel, flux_smooth, data_wavel, self.spectrum[spec_item][4] ) if spec_item not in self.cross_corr: # Difference between the observed and modeled spectrum flux_diff = flux_rebinned - scaling[spec_item] * data_flux # Shortcut for the weight weight = self.weights[spec_item] if self.spectrum[spec_item][2] is not None: # Use the inverted covariance matrix if err_offset[spec_item] is None: data_cov_inv = self.spectrum[spec_item][2] else: # Ratio of the inflated and original uncertainties sigma_ratio = ( np.sqrt(data_var) / self.spectrum[spec_item][0][:, 2] ) sigma_j, sigma_i = np.meshgrid(sigma_ratio, sigma_ratio) # Calculate the inversion of the infalted covariances data_cov_inv = np.linalg.inv( self.spectrum[spec_item][1] * sigma_i * sigma_j ) # Use the inverted covariance matrix dot_tmp =,, flux_diff)) ln_like += -0.5 * weight * dot_tmp - 0.5 * weight * np.nansum( np.log(2.0 * np.pi * data_var) ) else: if spec_item in self.fit_corr: # Covariance model (Wang et al. 2020) wavel_j, wavel_i = np.meshgrid(data_wavel, data_wavel) error = np.sqrt(data_var) # (W m-2 um-1) error_j, error_i = np.meshgrid(error, error) cov_matrix = ( corr_amp[spec_item] ** 2 * error_i * error_j * np.exp( -((wavel_i - wavel_j) ** 2) / (2.0 * corr_len[spec_item] ** 2) ) + (1.0 - corr_amp[spec_item] ** 2) * np.eye(data_wavel.shape[0]) * error_i**2 ) dot_tmp = flux_diff,, flux_diff) ) ln_like += -0.5 * weight * dot_tmp - 0.5 * weight * np.nansum( np.log(2.0 * np.pi * data_var) ) else: # Calculate the log-likelihood without the covariance matrix ln_like += ( -0.5 * weight * np.sum( flux_diff**2 / data_var + np.log(2.0 * np.pi * data_var) ) ) else: # Cross-correlation to log(L) mapping # See Eq. 9 in Brogi & Line (2019) # Number of wavelengths n_wavel = float(data_flux.shape[0]) # Apply the optional flux scaling to the data data_flux_scaled = scaling[spec_item] * data_flux # Variance of the data and model cc_var_dat = ( np.sum((data_flux_scaled - np.mean(data_flux_scaled)) ** 2) / n_wavel ) cc_var_mod = ( np.sum((flux_rebinned - np.mean(flux_rebinned)) ** 2) / n_wavel ) # Cross-covariance cross_cov = np.sum(data_flux_scaled * flux_rebinned) / n_wavel # Log-likelihood if cc_var_dat - 2.0 * cross_cov + cc_var_mod > 0.0: ln_like += ( -0.5 * n_wavel * np.log(cc_var_dat - 2.0 * cross_cov + cc_var_mod) ) else: # Return -inf if logarithm of negative value return -np.iff if self.plotting: plt.plot(model_wavel, model_flux, color="black", zorder=-20) if self.check_flux is not None: plt.plot(wlen_lowres, flux_lowres, ls="--", color="tab:gray") plt.xlim(np.amin(data_wavel) - 0.1, np.amax(data_wavel) + 0.1) plt.errorbar( data_wavel, scaling[spec_item] * data_flux, yerr=np.sqrt(data_var), marker="o", ms=3, color="tab:blue", markerfacecolor="tab:blue", alpha=0.2, ) plt.plot( data_wavel, flux_rebinned, marker="o", ms=3, color="tab:orange", alpha=0.2, ) if self.plotting and len(self.spectrum) > 0: plt.xlabel(r"Wavelength ($\mu$m)") plt.ylabel(r"Flux (W m$^{-2}$ $\mu$m$^{-1}$)") plt.savefig("spectrum.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() # Evaluate the photometric fluxes for i, obj_item in enumerate(self.objphot): # Calculate the photometric flux from the model spectrum phot_flux, _ = self.synphot[i].spectrum_to_flux(wlen_micron, flux_lambda) if np.isnan(phot_flux): raise ValueError( f"The synthetic flux of {self.synphot[i].filter_name} " f"is NaN. Perhaps the 'wavel_range' should be broader " f"such that it includes the full filter profile?" ) # Shortcut for weight weight = self.weights[self.synphot[i].filter_name] if self.plotting: read_filt = ReadFilter(self.synphot[i].filter_name) plt.errorbar( read_filt.mean_wavelength(), phot_flux, xerr=read_filt.filter_fwhm(), marker="s", ms=5.0, color="tab:green", mfc="white", ) if obj_item.ndim == 1: # Filter with one flux ln_like += ( -0.5 * weight * (obj_item[0] - phot_flux) ** 2 / obj_item[1] ** 2 ) if self.plotting: plt.errorbar( read_filt.mean_wavelength(), obj_item[0], xerr=read_filt.filter_fwhm(), yerr=obj_item[1], marker="s", ms=5.0, color="tab:green", mfc="tab:green", ) else: # Filter with multiple fluxes for j in range(obj_item.shape[1]): ln_like += ( -0.5 * weight * (obj_item[0, j] - phot_flux) ** 2 / obj_item[1, j] ** 2 ) return ln_prior + ln_like
[docs] @typechecked def setup_retrieval( self, bounds: dict, chemistry: str = "equilibrium", quenching: Optional[str] = "pressure", pt_profile: str = "molliere", fit_corr: Optional[List[str]] = None, cross_corr: Optional[List[str]] = None, check_isothermal: bool = False, pt_smooth: Optional[float] = 0.3, abund_smooth: Optional[float] = 0.3, check_flux: Optional[float] = None, temp_nodes: Optional[int] = None, abund_nodes: Optional[int] = None, prior: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, check_phot_press: Optional[float] = None, apply_rad_vel: Optional[List[str]] = None, apply_vsini: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_fsed: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Function for running the atmospheric retrieval. The parameter estimation and computation of the marginalized likelihood (i.e. model evidence), is done with ``PyMultiNest`` wrapper of the ``MultiNest`` sampler. While ``PyMultiNest`` can be installed with ``pip`` from the PyPI repository, ``MultiNest`` has to to be compiled manually. See the ``PyMultiNest`` documentation: Note that the library path of ``MultiNest`` should be set to the environment variable ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on a Linux machine and ``DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on a Mac. Alternatively, the variable can be set before importing the ``species`` toolkit, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> import os >>> os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/path/to/MultiNest/lib' >>> import species When using MPI, it is also required to install ``mpi4py`` (e.g. ``pip install mpi4py``), otherwise an error may occur when the ``output_folder`` is created by multiple processes. Parameters ---------- bounds : dict The boundaries that are used for the uniform or log-uniform priors. The dictionary contains the parameters as key and the boundaries as value. The boundaries are provided as a tuple with two values (lower and upper boundary). Fixing a parameter is possible by providing the same value as lower and upper boundary of the parameter (e.g. ``bounds={'logg': (4., 4.)``. An explanation of the mandatory and optional parameters can be found in the description of the ``model_param`` parameter of :func:``. Additional parameters that can specifically be used for a retrieval are listed below. Scaling parameters (mandatory): - The radius (:math:`R_\\mathrm{J}`), ``radius``, is a mandatory parameter to include. It is used for scaling the flux from the planet surface to the observer. - The parallax (mas), ``parallax``, is also used for scaling the flux. However, this parameter is automatically included in the retrieval with a Gaussian prior (based on the object data of ``object_name``). So this parameter does not need to be included in ``bounds``). Radial velocity and rotational broadening (optional): - Radial velocity can be included with the ``rad_vel`` parameter (km/s). This parameter will only be relevant if the radial velocity shift can be spectrally resolved given the instrument resolution. - Rotational broadening can be fitted by including the ``vsini`` parameter (km/s). This parameter will only be relevant if the rotational broadening is stronger than or comparable to the instrumental broadening, so typically when the data has a high spectral resolution. The resolution is set when adding a spectrum to the database with :func:``. Note that the broadening is applied with the `fastRotBroad < en/latest/pyaslDoc/aslDoc/rotBroad.html#PyAstronomy. pyasl.fastRotBroad>`_ function from ``PyAstronomy``. The rotational broadening is only accurate if the wavelength range of the data is somewhat narrow. For example, when fitting a medium- or high-resolution spectrum across multiple bands (e.g. $JHK$ bands) then it is best to split up the data into the separate bands when adding them with :func:``. Calibration parameters (optional): - For each spectrum/instrument, three optional parameters can be fitted to account for biases in the calibration: a scaling of the flux, a constant inflation of the uncertainties, and a constant offset in the wavelength solution. - For example, ``bounds={'SPHERE': ((0.8, 1.2), (-16., -14.), (-0.01, 0.01))}`` if the scaling is fitted between 0.8 and 1.2, each uncertainty is inflated with a constant value between :math:`10^{-16}` and :math:`10^{-14}` W :math:`\\mathrm{m}^{-2}` :math:`\\mu\\mathrm{m}^{-1}`, and a constant wavelength offset between -0.01 and 0.01 :math:`\\mu\\mathrm{m}` - The dictionary key should be the same as to the database tag of the spectrum. For example, ``{'SPHERE': ((0.8, 1.2), (-16., -14.), (-0.01, 0.01))}`` if the spectrum is stored as ``'SPHERE'`` with :func:``. - Each of the three calibration parameters can be set to ``None`` in which case the parameter is not used. For example, ``bounds={'SPHERE': ((0.8, 1.2), None, None)}``. - No calibration parameters are fitted if the spectrum name is not included in ``bounds``. Prior parameters (optional): - The ``log_sigma_alpha`` parameter can be used when ``pt_profile='molliere'``. This prior penalizes samples if the parametrized, pressure-dependent opacity is not consistent with the atmosphere's non-gray opacity structure (see `GRAVITY Collaboration et al. 2020 < .110G/abstract>`_ for details). - The ``log_gamma_r`` and ``log_beta_r`` parameters can be included when ``pt_profile='monotonic'`` or ``pt_profile='free'``. A prior will be applied that penalizes wiggles in the P-T profile through the second derivative of the temperature structure (see `Line et al. (2015) < ..183L/abstract>`_ for details). chemistry : str The chemistry type: 'equilibrium' for equilibrium chemistry or 'free' for retrieval of free abundances. quenching : str, None Quenching type for CO/CH4/H2O abundances. Either the quenching pressure (bar) is a free parameter (``quenching='pressure'``) or the quenching pressure is calculated from the mixing and chemical timescales (``quenching='diffusion'``). The quenching is not applied if the argument is set to ``None``. pt_profile : str The parametrization for the pressure-temperature profile ('molliere', 'free', 'monotonic', 'eddington', 'gradient'). fit_corr : list(str), None List with spectrum names for which the correlation lengths and fractional amplitudes are fitted (see `Wang et al. 2020 < abstract>`_) to model the covariances in case these are not available. cross_corr : list(str), None List with spectrum names for which a cross-correlation to log-likelihood mapping is used (see `Brogi & Line 2019 < abstract>`_) instead of a direct comparison of model an data with a least-squares approach. This parameter should only be used for high-resolution spectra. Currently, it only supports spectra that have been shifted to the planet's rest frame. check_isothermal : bool Check if there is an isothermal region below 1 bar. If so, discard the sample. This parameter is experimental and has not been properly implemented. pt_smooth : float, None Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel that is used for smoothing the P-T profile, after the temperature nodes have been interpolated to a higher pressure resolution. Only required with ```pt_profile='free'``` or ```pt_profile='monotonic'```. The argument should be given as :math:`\\log10{P/\\mathrm{bar}}`, with the default value set to 0.3 dex. No smoothing is applied if the argument if set to 0 or ``None``. The ``pt_smooth`` parameter can also be included in ``bounds``, in which case the value is fitted and the ``pt_smooth`` argument is ignored. abund_smooth : float, None Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel that is used for smoothing the abundance profiles, after the abundance nodes have been interpolated to a higher pressure resolution. Only required with ```chemistry='free'``` and ``abund_nodes`` is not set to ``None``. The argument should be given as :math:`\\log10{P/\\mathrm{bar}}`, with the default value set to 0.3 dex. No smoothing is applied if the argument if set to 0 or ``None``. The ``pt_smooth`` parameter can also be included in ``bounds``, in which case the value is fitted and the ``abund_smooth`` argument is ignored. check_flux : float, None Relative tolerance for enforcing a constant bolometric flux at all pressures layers. By default, only the radiative flux is used for the bolometric flux. The convective flux component is also included if the ``mix_length`` parameter (relative to the pressure scale height) is included in the ``bounds`` dictionary. To use ``check_flux``, the opacities should be recreated with :func:`` at $R = 10$ (i.e. ``spec_res=10``) and placed in the folder of ``pRT_input_data_path``. This parameter is experimental and has not been fully tested. temp_nodes : int, None Number of free temperature nodes that are used with ``pt_profile='monotonic'`` or ``pt_profile='free'``. abund_nodes : int, None Number of free abundances nodes that are used with ``chemistry='free'``. Constant abundances with altitude are used if the argument is set to ``None``. prior : dict(str, tuple(float, float)), None Dictionary with Gaussian priors for one or multiple parameters. The prior can be set for any of the atmosphere or calibration parameters, for example ``prior={'logg': (4.2, 0.1)}``. Additionally, a prior can be set for the mass, for example ``prior={'mass': (13., 3.)}`` for an expected mass of 13 Mjup with an uncertainty of 3 Mjup. The parameter is not used if set to ``None``. check_phot_press : float, None Remove the sample if the photospheric pressure that is calculated for the P-T profile is more than a factor ``check_phot_press`` larger or smaller than the photospheric pressure that is calculated from the Rosseland mean opacity of the non-gray opacities of the atmospheric structure (see Eq. 7 in GRAVITY Collaboration et al. 2020, where a factor of 5 was used). This parameter can only in combination with ``pt_profile='molliere'``. The parameter is not used used if set to ``None``. Finally, since samples are removed when not full-filling this requirement, the runtime of the retrieval may increase significantly. apply_rad_vel : list(str), None List with the spectrum names for which the radial velocity (RV) will be applied. By including only a subset of the spectra (i.e. excluding low-resolution spectra for which the RV will not matter), the computation will be a bit faster. This parameter is only used when the ``rad_vel`` model parameter has been include in ``bounds``. The RV is applied to all spectra by setting the argument of ``apply_rad_vel`` to ``None``. apply_vsini : list(str), None List with the spectrum names for which the rotational broadening will be applied. By including only a subset of the spectra (i.e. excluding low-resolution spectra for which the broadening will not matter), the computation will be a bit faster. This parameter is only used when the ``vsini`` model parameter has been include in ``bounds``. The :math:`v \\sin(i)` is applied to all spectra by setting the argument of ``apply_vsini`` to ``None``. global_fsed : bool Retrieve a global ``fsed`` parameter when set to ``True`` or retrieve the ``fsed`` parameter for each cloud species individually in the ``cloud_species`` list when set to ``False``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print_section("Retrieval setup") # Set attributes self.pt_profile = pt_profile self.chemistry = chemistry self.quenching = quenching self.fit_corr = fit_corr self.prior = prior self.check_isothermal = check_isothermal self.check_flux = check_flux self.check_phot_press = check_phot_press self.cross_corr = cross_corr self.apply_rad_vel = apply_rad_vel self.apply_vsini = apply_vsini self.global_fsed = global_fsed print(f"P-T profile: {self.pt_profile}") print(f"Chemistry: {self.chemistry}") print(f"Quenching: {self.quenching}") print(f"\nFit covariances: {self.fit_corr}") # Initiate empty dictionary for normal priors if self.prior is None: self.prior = {} # Include all spectra into a list for RV and vsin(i) # if apply_rad_vel and apply_vsini are set to None if "rad_vel" in bounds: if self.apply_rad_vel is None: self.apply_rad_vel = list(self.spectrum.keys()) print(f"Fit RV: {self.apply_rad_vel}") else: print(f"Fit RV: None") if "vsini" in bounds: if self.apply_vsini is None: self.apply_vsini = list(self.spectrum.keys()) print(f"Fit vsin(i): {self.apply_vsini}") else: print(f"Fit vsin(i): None") # Printing uniform and normal priors print("\nUniform priors (min, max):") for key, value in bounds.items(): print(f" - {key} = {value}") if len(self.prior) > 0: print("\nNormal priors (mean, sigma):") for key, value in self.prior.items(): print(f" - {key} = {value}") # Check if quenching parameter is used with equilibrium chemistry if self.quenching is not None and self.chemistry != "equilibrium": warnings.warn( "The 'quenching' parameter can only be used in " "combination with chemistry='equilibrium'. The " "argument of 'quenching' will be set to None." ) self.quenching = None # Check quenching parameter if self.quenching is not None and self.quenching not in [ "pressure", "diffusion", ]: raise ValueError( "The argument of 'quenching' should by of the " "following: 'pressure', 'diffusion', or None." ) # Set number of free temperature nodes if self.pt_profile in ["free", "monotonic"]: if temp_nodes is None: self.temp_nodes = 15 else: self.temp_nodes = temp_nodes else: self.temp_nodes = None # Set number of free abundance nodes if self.chemistry == "free": if abund_nodes is None or abund_nodes == 1: self.abund_nodes = None else: self.abund_nodes = abund_nodes else: self.abund_nodes = None # Set default gradient priors if applicable default_grad_priors = { "1": (0.25, 0.025), "2": (0.25, 0.045), "3": (0.26, 0.05), "4": (0.2, 0.05), "5": (0.12, 0.045), "6": (0.07, 0.07), } if self.pt_profile == "gradient": for i in range(1, 7): if f"PTslope_{i}" not in self.prior: self.prior[f"PTslope_{i}"] = default_grad_priors[str(i)] # Get the MPI rank of the process try: from mpi4py import MPI mpi_rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() except ModuleNotFoundError: mpi_rank = 0 # Create the output folder if required if mpi_rank == 0 and not os.path.exists(self.output_folder): print(f"Creating output folder: {self.output_folder}") os.mkdir(self.output_folder) # Import petitRADTRANS here because it is slow print("\nImporting petitRADTRANS...", end="", flush=True) from petitRADTRANS.radtrans import Radtrans # from petitRADTRANS.fort_spec import feautrier_rad_trans # from petitRADTRANS.fort_spec import feautrier_pt_it print(" [DONE]") # List with spectra for which the covariances # are modeled with a Gaussian process if self.fit_corr is None: self.fit_corr = [] for item in self.spectrum: if item in self.fit_corr: bounds[f"corr_len_{item}"] = (-3.0, 0.0) # log10(corr_len/um) bounds[f"corr_amp_{item}"] = (0.0, 1.0) # List with spectra that will be used for a # cross-correlation instead of least-squares if self.cross_corr is None: self.cross_corr = [] elif "fsed_1" in bounds or "fsed_2" in bounds: raise ValueError( "The cross_corr parameter can not be " "used with multiple fsed parameters." ) # Check if the res_mode is appropriate for the data data_spec_res = [] for spec_value in self.spectrum.values(): data_spec_res.append(spec_value[3]) max_spec_res = max(data_spec_res) if max_spec_res > 1000.0 and self.res_mode == "c-k": warnings.warn( "The maximum spectral resolution of " f"the input data is R = {max_spec_res} " "whereas the 'res_mode' argument has been " "set to 'c-k' (i.e. correlated-k mode). It " "is recommended to set the 'res_mode' " "argument to 'lbl' (i.e. line-by-line mode) " "instead." ) # Adjust lbl_opacity_sampling is needed if self.lbl_opacity_sampling is None and self.res_mode == "lbl": new_sampling = int(np.ceil(1e6 / (4.0 * max_spec_res))) if new_sampling < 1e6: self.lbl_opacity_sampling = new_sampling warnings.warn( "The argument of 'lbl_opacity_sampling' is " "set to None but the maximum spectral " f"resolution of the data is {max_spec_res}. " "The value of 'lbl_opacity_sampling' is " "therefore adjusted to " f"{self.lbl_opacity_sampling} (i.e. " "downsampling to 4 times the resolution " "of the data) to speed up the computation. " "If setting 'lbl_opacity_sampling' to None " "was intentional (i.e. opacity sampling at " "lambda/Dlambda=10^6) then please set " "the argument to 1 such that the line-by-" "line species will not be downsampled." ) # Create an instance of Ratrans # The names in self.cloud_species are changed after initiating Radtrans print("Setting up petitRADTRANS...") rt_object = Radtrans( line_species=self.line_species, rayleigh_species=["H2", "He"], cloud_species=self.cloud_species, continuum_opacities=["H2-H2", "H2-He"], wlen_bords_micron=self.wavel_range, mode=self.res_mode, test_ck_shuffle_comp=self.scattering, do_scat_emis=self.scattering, lbl_opacity_sampling=self.lbl_opacity_sampling, ) # Create list with parameters for MultiNest self._set_parameters(bounds, rt_object) # Create a dictionary with the cube indices of the parameters cube_index = {} for i, item in enumerate(self.parameters): cube_index[item] = i # Delete C/H and O/H boundaries if the chemistry is not free if self.chemistry != "free": if "c_h_ratio" in bounds: del bounds["c_h_ratio"] if "o_h_ratio" in bounds: del bounds["o_h_ratio"] if self.chemistry == "free" and self.abund_nodes is not None: for param_item in ["c_h_ratio", "o_h_ratio", "c_o_ratio"]: if param_item in bounds: warnings.warn( f"The '{param_item}' parameter " "can not be used if the " "'abund_nodes' argument is set. " "The prior boundaries of " f"'{param_item}' will therefore " "be removed from the 'bounds' " "dictionary." ) del bounds[param_item] # Update the P-T smoothing parameter if pt_smooth is None: self.pt_smooth = 0.0 else: self.pt_smooth = pt_smooth # Update the abundance smoothing parameter if abund_smooth is None: self.abund_smooth = 0.0 else: self.abund_smooth = abund_smooth # Create instance of Radtrans for high-resolution spectra self.ccf_radtrans = {} for item in self.cross_corr: ccf_wavel_range = ( 0.95 * self.spectrum[item][0][0, 0], 1.05 * self.spectrum[item][0][-1, 0], ) ccf_cloud_species = self.cloud_species_full.copy() self.ccf_radtrans[item] = Radtrans( line_species=self.ccf_species, rayleigh_species=["H2", "He"], cloud_species=ccf_cloud_species, continuum_opacities=["H2-H2", "H2-He"], wlen_bords_micron=ccf_wavel_range, mode="lbl", test_ck_shuffle_comp=self.scattering, do_scat_emis=self.scattering, ) # Create instance of Radtrans with (very) low-resolution # opacities for enforcing the bolometric flux if self.check_flux is None: lowres_radtrans = None else: if "fsed_1" in self.parameters or "fsed_2" in self.parameters: raise ValueError( "The check_flux parameter does not " "support multiple fsed parameters." ) line_species_low_res = [] for item in self.line_species: line_species_low_res.append(item + "_R_10") lowres_radtrans = Radtrans( line_species=line_species_low_res, rayleigh_species=["H2", "He"], cloud_species=self.cloud_species_full.copy(), continuum_opacities=["H2-H2", "H2-He"], wlen_bords_micron=(0.5, 30.0), mode="c-k", test_ck_shuffle_comp=self.scattering, do_scat_emis=self.scattering, ) # Create the RT arrays if self.pressure_grid == "standard": print( f"\nNumber of pressure levels used with the " f"radiative transfer: {self.pressure.size}" ) rt_object.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure) for item in self.ccf_radtrans.values(): item.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure) if self.check_flux is not None: lowres_radtrans.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure) elif self.pressure_grid == "smaller": print( f"\nNumber of pressure levels used with the " f"radiative transfer: {self.pressure[::3].size}" ) rt_object.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure[::3]) for item in self.ccf_radtrans.values(): item.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure[::3]) if self.check_flux is not None: lowres_radtrans.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure[::3]) elif self.pressure_grid == "clouds": if len(self.cloud_species) == 0: raise ValueError( "Please select a different pressure_grid. Setting the argument " "to 'clouds' is only possible with the use of cloud species." ) # The pressure structure is reinitiated after the # refinement around the cloud deck so the current # initializiation to 60 pressure points is not used print( "\nNumber of pressure levels used with the " "radiative transfer: adaptive refinement" ) rt_object.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure[::24]) for item in self.ccf_radtrans.values(): item.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure[::24]) if self.check_flux is not None: lowres_radtrans.setup_opa_structure(self.pressure[::24]) # Create the knot pressures for temperature profile if self.pt_profile in ["free", "monotonic"]: self.knot_press = np.logspace( np.log10(self.pressure[0]), np.log10(self.pressure[-1]), self.temp_nodes ) else: self.knot_press = None # Create the knot pressures for abundance profile if self.chemistry == "free" and self.abund_nodes is not None: self.knot_press_abund = np.logspace( np.log10(self.pressure[0]), np.log10(self.pressure[-1]), self.abund_nodes, ) else: self.knot_press_abund = None # Store the model parameters in a JSON file json_filename = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "params.json") print(f"\nStoring the model parameters: {json_filename}") with open(json_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(self.parameters, json_file) # Store the Radtrans arguments in a JSON file radtrans_filename = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "radtrans.json") print(f"Storing the Radtrans arguments: {radtrans_filename}") radtrans_dict = {} radtrans_dict["line_species"] = self.line_species radtrans_dict["cloud_species"] = self.cloud_species_full radtrans_dict["ccf_species"] = self.ccf_species radtrans_dict["res_mode"] = self.res_mode radtrans_dict["lbl_opacity_sampling"] = self.lbl_opacity_sampling radtrans_dict["parallax"] = self.parallax radtrans_dict["scattering"] = self.scattering radtrans_dict["chemistry"] = self.chemistry radtrans_dict["quenching"] = self.quenching radtrans_dict["pt_profile"] = self.pt_profile radtrans_dict["pressure_grid"] = self.pressure_grid radtrans_dict["wavel_range"] = self.wavel_range radtrans_dict["temp_nodes"] = self.temp_nodes radtrans_dict["abund_nodes"] = self.abund_nodes radtrans_dict["max_press"] = self.max_pressure if "pt_smooth" not in bounds: radtrans_dict["pt_smooth"] = self.pt_smooth if "abund_smooth" not in bounds: radtrans_dict["abund_smooth"] = self.abund_smooth with open(radtrans_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(radtrans_dict, json_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # TODO This should be implemented differently # Start out with attributes when initializing self.bounds = bounds self.cube_index = cube_index self.rt_object = rt_object self.lowres_radtrans = lowres_radtrans
[docs] @typechecked def run_multinest( self, n_live_points: int = 1000, resume: bool = False, const_efficiency_mode: Optional[bool] = True, sampling_efficiency: Optional[float] = 0.05, evidence_tolerance: Optional[float] = 0.5, out_basename: Optional[str] = None, plotting: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Function for running the atmospheric retrieval. The parameter estimation and computation of the marginalized likelihood (i.e. model evidence), is done with ``PyMultiNest`` wrapper of the ``MultiNest`` sampler. While ``PyMultiNest`` can be installed with ``pip`` from the PyPI repository, ``MultiNest`` has to to be compiled manually. See the `PyMultiNest documentation <>`_ for further details. Note that the library path of ``MultiNest`` should be set to the environment variable ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on a Linux machine and ``DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on a Mac. Alternatively, the variable can be set before importing the ``species`` toolkit, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> import os >>> os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/path/to/MultiNest/lib' >>> import species When using MPI, it is also required to install ``mpi4py`` (e.g. ``pip install mpi4py``), otherwise an error may occur when the ``output_folder`` is created by multiple processes. Parameters ---------- n_live_points : int Number of live points used by the nested sampling with ``MultiNest`` (default: 1000). resume : bool Resume the posterior sampling from a previous run (default: False). const_efficiency_mode : bool Use the constant efficiency mode (default: True). It is recommended to use this mode when the model includes a large number of parameter, as is typically the case with atmospheric retrievals. sampling_efficiency : float Sampling efficiency (default: 0.05). A value of 0.8 is recommended for parameter estimation and a value of 0.3 for evidence evaluation. However, in case of a large number of model parameters, the sampling efficiency will be low, so it is recommended to set the argument of ``const_efficiency_mode`` to ``True`` and the argument of ``sampling_efficiency`` to 0.05 (see `MultiNest documentation < MultiNest>`_). evidence_tolerance : float Tolerance for the evidence. A value of 0.5 should provide sufficient accuracy. (default: 0.5). out_basename : str, None Set the path and basename for the output files from ``MultiNest``. This will overwrite the use of the ``output_folder`` parameter. By setting the argument to ``None``, the ``output_folder`` will be used. plotting : bool Plot sample results for testing purpose. It is recommended to only set the argument to ``True`` for testing purposes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print_section("Nested sampling with MultiNest") # Set attributes self.plotting = plotting # Set the output basename for PyMultiNest if out_basename is None: out_basename = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "retrieval_") # Check if the sampling efficiency is not too high # when using the constant efficiency mode if const_efficiency_mode and sampling_efficiency > 0.075: warnings.warn( "It is recommended to use a sampling efficiency " "of 0.05 when using MultiNest in constant " "efficiency mode." ) if self.bounds is None: # For backward compatibility # setup_retrieval was not called so the retrieval # parameters were passed to run_retrieval instead chemistry = kwargs.get("chemistry", "equilibrium") quenching = kwargs.get("quenching", "pressure") pt_profile = kwargs.get("pt_profile", "molliere") fit_corr = kwargs.get("fit_corr", None) cross_corr = kwargs.get("cross_corr", None) check_isothermal = kwargs.get("check_isothermal", False) pt_smooth = kwargs.get("pt_smooth", 0.3) abund_smooth = kwargs.get("abund_smooth", 0.3) check_flux = kwargs.get("check_flux", None) temp_nodes = kwargs.get("temp_nodes", None) abund_nodes = kwargs.get("abund_nodes", None) prior = kwargs.get("prior", None) check_phot_press = kwargs.get("check_phot_press", None) global_fsed = kwargs.get("global_fsed", None) self.setup_retrieval( bounds=kwargs["bounds"], chemistry=chemistry, quenching=quenching, pt_profile=pt_profile, fit_corr=fit_corr, cross_corr=cross_corr, check_isothermal=check_isothermal, pt_smooth=pt_smooth, abund_smooth=abund_smooth, check_flux=check_flux, temp_nodes=temp_nodes, abund_nodes=abund_nodes, prior=prior, check_phot_press=check_phot_press, global_fsed=global_fsed, ) @typechecked def _lnprior_multinest(cube, n_dim: int, n_param: int) -> None: """ Function to transform the unit cube into the parameter cube. It is not clear how to pass additional arguments to the function, therefore it is placed here. Parameters ---------- cube : Unit cube. n_dim : int Number of dimensions. n_param : int Number of parameters. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self._prior_transform(cube, self.bounds, self.cube_index) @typechecked def _lnlike_multinest( params, n_dim: int, n_param: int ) -> Union[float, np.float64]: """ Function to calculate the log-likelihood for the sampled parameter cube. Parameters ---------- params : Cube with sampled model parameters. n_dim : int Number of dimensions. This parameter is mandatory but not used by the function. n_param : int Number of parameters. This parameter is mandatory but not used by the function. Returns ------- float Log-likelihood. """ return self._lnlike( params, self.bounds, self.cube_index, self.rt_object, self.lowres_radtrans, ) _lnlike_multinest, _lnprior_multinest, len(self.parameters), outputfiles_basename=out_basename, resume=resume, verbose=True, const_efficiency_mode=const_efficiency_mode, sampling_efficiency=sampling_efficiency, n_live_points=n_live_points, evidence_tolerance=evidence_tolerance, )
[docs] @typechecked def run_dynesty( self, n_live_points: int = 2000, evidence_tolerance: float = 0.5, dynamic: bool = False, sample_method: str = "auto", bound: str = "multi", n_pool: Optional[int] = None, mpi_pool: bool = False, resume: bool = False, plotting: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Function for running the atmospheric retrieval. The parameter estimation and computation of the marginalized likelihood (i.e. model evidence), is done with ``Dynesty``. When using MPI, it is also required to install ``mpi4py`` (e.g. ``pip install mpi4py``), otherwise an error may occur when the ``output_folder`` is created by multiple processes. Parameters ---------- n_live_points : int Number of live points used by the nested sampling with ``Dynesty``. evidence_tolerance : float The dlogZ value used to terminate a nested sampling run, or the initial dlogZ value passed to a dynamic nested sampling run. dynamic : bool Whether to use static or dynamic nested sampling (see `Dynesty documentation < en/stable/dynamic.html>`_). sample_method : str The sampling method that should be used ('auto', 'unif', 'rwalk', 'slice', 'rslice' (see `sampling documentation < quickstart.html#nested-sampling-with-dynesty>`_). bound : str Method used to approximately bound the prior using the current set of live points ('none', 'single', 'multi', 'balls', 'cubes'). `Conditions the sampling methods < quickstart.html#nested-sampling-with-dynesty>`_ used to propose new live points n_pool : int The number of processes for the local multiprocessing. The parameter is not used when the argument is set to ``None``. mpi_pool : bool Distribute the workers to an ``MPIPool`` on a cluster, using ``schwimmbad``. resume : bool Resume the posterior sampling from a previous run. plotting : bool Plot sample results for testing purpose. It is recommended to only set the argument to ``True`` for testing purposes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print_section("Nested sampling with Dynesty") self.plotting = plotting self.out_basename = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "retrieval_") if not mpi_pool: if n_pool is not None: with dynesty.pool.Pool( n_pool, self._lnlike, self._prior_transform, logl_args=[ self.bounds, self.cube_index, self.rt_object, self.lowres_radtrans, ], ptform_args=[self.bounds, self.cube_index], ) as pool: print(f"Initialized a dynesty.pool with {n_pool} workers") if dynamic: if resume: dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler.restore( fname=self.out_basename + "", pool=pool, ) print( "Resumed a Dynesty run from " f"{self.out_basename}" ) else: dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler( loglikelihood=pool.loglike, prior_transform=pool.prior_transform, ndim=len(self.parameters), pool=pool, sample=sample_method, bound=bound, ) dsampler.run_nested( dlogz_init=evidence_tolerance, nlive_init=n_live_points, checkpoint_file=self.out_basename + "", resume=resume, ) else: if resume: dsampler = dynesty.NestedSampler.restore( fname=self.out_basename + "", pool=pool, ) print( "Resumed a Dynesty run from " f"{self.out_basename}" ) else: dsampler = dynesty.NestedSampler( loglikelihood=pool.loglike, prior_transform=pool.prior_transform, ndim=len(self.parameters), pool=pool, nlive=n_live_points, sample=sample_method, bound=bound, ) dsampler.run_nested( dlogz=evidence_tolerance, checkpoint_file=self.out_basename + "", resume=resume, ) else: if dynamic: if resume: dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler.restore( fname=self.out_basename + "" ) print( "Resumed a Dynesty run from " f"{self.out_basename}" ) else: dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler( loglikelihood=self._lnlike, prior_transform=self._prior_transform, ndim=len(self.parameters), logl_args=[ self.bounds, self.cube_index, self.rt_object, self.lowres_radtrans, ], ptform_args=[self.bounds, self.cube_index], sample=sample_method, bound=bound, ) dsampler.run_nested( dlogz_init=evidence_tolerance, nlive_init=n_live_points, checkpoint_file=self.out_basename + "", resume=resume, ) else: if resume: dsampler = dynesty.NestedSampler.restore( fname=self.out_basename + "" ) print( "Resumed a Dynesty run from " f"{self.out_basename}" ) else: dsampler = dynesty.NestedSampler( loglikelihood=self._lnlike, prior_transform=self._prior_transform, ndim=len(self.parameters), logl_args=[ self.bounds, self.cube_index, self.rt_object, self.lowres_radtrans, ], ptform_args=[self.bounds, self.cube_index], sample=sample_method, bound=bound, ) dsampler.run_nested( dlogz=evidence_tolerance, checkpoint_file=self.out_basename + "", resume=resume, ) else: pool = MPIPool() if not pool.is_master(): pool.wait() sys.exit(0) print("Created an MPIPool object.") if dynamic: if resume: dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler.restore( fname=self.out_basename + "", pool=pool, ) else: dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler( loglikelihood=self._lnlike, prior_transform=self._prior_transform, ndim=len(self.parameters), logl_args=[ self.bounds, self.cube_index, self.rt_object, self.lowres_radtrans, ], ptform_args=[self.bounds, self.cube_index], pool=pool, sample=sample_method, bound=bound, ) dsampler.run_nested( dlogz_init=evidence_tolerance, nlive_init=n_live_points, checkpoint_file=self.out_basename + "", resume=resume, ) else: if resume: dsampler = dynesty.NestedSampler.restore( fname=self.out_basename + "", pool=pool, ) else: dsampler = dynesty.NestedSampler( loglikelihood=self._lnlike, prior_transform=self._prior_transform, ndim=len(self.parameters), logl_args=[ self.bounds, self.cube_index, self.rt_object, self.lowres_radtrans, ], ptform_args=[self.bounds, self.cube_index], pool=pool, nlive=n_live_points, sample=sample_method, bound=bound, ) dsampler.run_nested( dlogz=evidence_tolerance, checkpoint_file=self.out_basename + "", resume=resume, ) results = dsampler.results new_samples = results.samples_equal() new_samples_filename = self.out_basename + "post_equal_weights.dat" np.savetxt(new_samples_filename, np.c_[new_samples, results.logl])