Source code for

Module with functionalities for comparing a spectrum with a library of
empirical or model spectra. Empirical libraries of field or low-gravity
objects can be used to determine the spectral type. A comparison with
model spectra are useful for exploration of the atmospheric parameter.

import configparser
import os
import warnings

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import h5py
import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from typeguard import typechecked

from species.core import constants
from import add_spec_library
from species.phot.syn_phot import SyntheticPhotometry
from import ReadFilter
from import ReadModel
from import ReadObject
from species.util.dust_util import ism_extinction
from species.util.spec_util import smooth_spectrum

[docs] class CompareSpectra: """ Class for comparing the spectrum of an object with a library of empirical or model spectra. """ @typechecked def __init__( self, object_name: str, spec_name: Union[str, List[str]], ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- object_name : str Object name as stored in the database with :func:`` or :func:``. spec_name : str, list(str) Name of the spectrum or a list with the names of the spectra that will be used for the comparison. The spectrum names should have been stored at the object data of ``object_name``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.object_name = object_name self.spec_name = spec_name if isinstance(self.spec_name, str): self.spec_name = [self.spec_name] self.object = ReadObject(object_name) config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "species_config.ini") config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.database = config["species"]["database"] self.data_folder = config["species"]["data_folder"]
[docs] @typechecked def spectral_type( self, tag: str, spec_library: str, wavel_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]] = None, sptypes: Optional[List[str]] = None, av_ext: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, rad_vel: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, ) -> None: """ Method for finding the best fitting empirical spectra from a selected library by evaluating the goodness-of-fit statistic from `Cushing et al. (2008) <https://ui.adsabs.>`_. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag where for each spectrum from the spectral library the best-fit parameters will be stored. So when testing a range of values for ``av_ext`` and ``rad_vel``, only the parameters that minimize the goodness-of-fit statistic will be stored. spec_library : str Name of the spectral library (e.g. 'irtf', 'spex', 'kesseli+2017', 'bonnefoy+2014'). wavel_range : tuple(float, float), None Wavelength range (:math:`\\mu\\mathrm{m}`) that is evaluated. sptypes : list(str), None List with spectral types to compare with, for example ``sptypes=['M', 'L']``. All available spectral types in the ``spec_library`` are compared with if the argument is set to ``None``. av_ext : list(float), np.ndarray, None List of :math:`A_V` for which the goodness-of-fit statistic is tested. The extinction is calculated with the empirical relation from `Cardelli et al. (1989) < abstract>`_. The extinction is not varied if the argument is set to ``None``. rad_vel : list(float), np.ndarray, None List of radial velocities (km s-1) for which the goodness-of-fit statistic is tested. The radial velocity is not varied if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ w_i = 1.0 if av_ext is None: av_ext = [0.0] if rad_vel is None: rad_vel = [0.0] with h5py.File(self.database, "a") as hdf5_file: if f"spectra/{spec_library}" not in hdf5_file: add_spec_library(self.data_folder, hdf5_file, spec_library) # Read object spectra and resolution obj_spec = [] obj_res = [] for item in self.spec_name: obj_spec.append(self.object.get_spectrum()[item][0]) obj_res.append(self.object.get_spectrum()[item][3]) # Read inverted covariance matrix # obj_inv_cov = self.object.get_spectrum()[self.spec_name][2] # Create empty lists for results name_list = [] spt_list = [] gk_list = [] ck_list = [] av_list = [] rv_list = [] print_message = "" # Start looping over library spectra for i, item in enumerate(hdf5_file[f"spectra/{spec_library}"]): # Read spectrum spectral type from library dset = hdf5_file[f"spectra/{spec_library}/{item}"] if isinstance(dset.attrs["sptype"], str): item_sptype = dset.attrs["sptype"] else: # Use decode for backward compatibility item_sptype = dset.attrs["sptype"].decode("utf-8") if item_sptype == "None": continue if sptypes is None or item_sptype[0] in sptypes: # Convert HDF5 dataset into numpy array spectrum = np.asarray(dset) if wavel_range is not None: # Select subset of the spectrum if wavel_range[0] is None: indices = np.where((spectrum[:, 0] < wavel_range[1]))[0] elif wavel_range[1] is None: indices = np.where((spectrum[:, 0] > wavel_range[0]))[0] else: indices = np.where( (spectrum[:, 0] > wavel_range[0]) & (spectrum[:, 0] < wavel_range[1]) )[0] if len(indices) == 0: raise ValueError( "The selected wavelength range does not " "cover any wavelength points of the input " "spectrum. Please use a broader range as " "argument of 'wavel_range'." ) spectrum = spectrum[indices,] empty_message = len(print_message) * " " print(f"\r{empty_message}", end="") print_message = f"Processing spectra... {item}" print(f"\r{print_message}", end="") # Loop over all values of A_V and RV that will be tested for av_item in av_ext: for rv_item in rad_vel: for j, spec_item in enumerate(obj_spec): # Dust extinction ism_ext = ism_extinction(av_item, 3.1, spectrum[:, 0]) flux_scaling = 10.0 ** (-0.4 * ism_ext) # Shift wavelengths by RV wavel_shifted = ( spectrum[:, 0] + spectrum[:, 0] * 1e3 * rv_item / constants.LIGHT ) # Smooth spectrum flux_smooth = smooth_spectrum( wavel_shifted, spectrum[:, 1] * flux_scaling, spec_res=obj_res[j], force_smooth=True, ) # Interpolate library spectrum to object wavelengths interp_spec = interp1d( spectrum[:, 0], flux_smooth, kind="linear", fill_value="extrapolate", ) indices = np.where( (spec_item[:, 0] > np.amin(spectrum[:, 0])) & (spec_item[:, 0] < np.amax(spectrum[:, 0])) )[0] flux_resample = interp_spec(spec_item[indices, 0]) c_numer = ( w_i * spec_item[indices, 1] * flux_resample / spec_item[indices, 2] ** 2 ) c_denom = ( w_i * flux_resample**2 / spec_item[indices, 2] ** 2 ) if j == 0: g_k = 0.0 c_k_spec = [] c_k = np.sum(c_numer) / np.sum(c_denom) c_k_spec.append(c_k) chi_sq = ( spec_item[indices, 1] - c_k * flux_resample ) / spec_item[indices, 2] g_k += np.sum(w_i * chi_sq**2) # obj_inv_cov_crop = obj_inv_cov[indices, :] # obj_inv_cov_crop = obj_inv_cov_crop[:, indices] # g_k =[indices, 1]-c_k*flux_resample, #, # spec_item[indices, 1]-c_k*flux_resample)) # Append to the lists of results name_list.append(item) spt_list.append(item_sptype) gk_list.append(g_k) ck_list.append(c_k_spec) av_list.append(av_item) rv_list.append(rv_item) empty_message = len(print_message) * " " print(f"\r{empty_message}", end="") print("\rProcessing spectra... [DONE]") hdf5_file.close() name_list = np.asarray(name_list) spt_list = np.asarray(spt_list) gk_list = np.asarray(gk_list) ck_list = np.asarray(ck_list) av_list = np.asarray(av_list) rv_list = np.asarray(rv_list) sort_index = np.argsort(gk_list) name_list = name_list[sort_index] spt_list = spt_list[sort_index] gk_list = gk_list[sort_index] ck_list = ck_list[sort_index] av_list = av_list[sort_index] rv_list = rv_list[sort_index] name_select = [] spt_select = [] gk_select = [] ck_select = [] av_select = [] rv_select = [] for i, item in enumerate(name_list): if item not in name_select: name_select.append(item) spt_select.append(spt_list[i]) gk_select.append(gk_list[i]) ck_select.append(ck_list[i]) av_select.append(av_list[i]) rv_select.append(rv_list[i]) print("Best-fitting spectra:") if len(gk_select) < 10: for i, gk_item in enumerate(gk_select): print( f" {i+1:2d}. G = {gk_item:.2e} -> {name_select[i]}, {spt_select[i]}, " f"A_V = {av_select[i]:.2f}, RV = {rv_select[i]:.0f} km/s,\n" f" scalings = {ck_select[i]}" ) else: for i in range(10): print( f" {i+1:2d}. G = {gk_select[i]:.2e} -> {name_select[i]}, {spt_select[i]}, " f"A_V = {av_select[i]:.2f}, RV = {rv_select[i]:.0f} km/s,\n" f" scalings = {ck_select[i]}" ) from import Database species_db = Database() species_db.add_empirical( tag=tag, names=name_select, sptypes=spt_select, goodness_of_fit=gk_select, flux_scaling=ck_select, av_ext=av_select, rad_vel=rv_select, object_name=self.object_name, spec_name=self.spec_name, spec_library=spec_library, )
[docs] @typechecked def compare_model( self, tag: str, model: str, av_points: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, fix_logg: Optional[float] = None, scale_spec: Optional[List[str]] = None, weights: bool = True, inc_phot: Union[List[str], bool] = False, ) -> None: """ Method for finding the best-fit spectrum from a grid of atmospheric model spectra by evaluating the goodness-of-fit statistic from `Cushing et al. (2008) <https://ui.adsabs.>`_. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag where for each spectrum from the spectral library the best-fit parameters will be stored. model : str Name of the model grid with synthetic spectra. av_points : list(float), np.ndarray, None List of :math:`A_V` extinction values for which the goodness-of-fit statistic will be tested. The extinction is calculated with the relation from `Cardelli et al. (1989) < abstract>`_. fix_logg : float, None Fix the value of :math:`\\log(g)`, for example if estimated from gravity-sensitive spectral features. Typically, :math:`\\log(g)` can not be accurately determined when comparing the spectra over a broad wavelength range. scale_spec : list(str), None List with names of observed spectra to which an additional flux scaling is applied to best match the spectral templates. This can be used to account for a difference in absolute calibration between spectra. weights : bool Apply a weighting of the spectra and photometry based on the widths of the wavelengths bins and the FWHM of the filter profiles, respectively. No weighting is applied if the argument is set to ``False``. inc_phot : list(str), bool Filter names for which photometric fluxes of the selected ``object_name`` will be included in the comparison. The argument can be a list with filter names or a boolean to select all or none of the photometry. By default the argument is set to ``False`` so photometric fluxes are not included. Returns ------- NoneType None """ w_i = {} for spec_item in self.spec_name: # Determine width of wavelength bins for the spectra # Set the optional weights for the statistic to the # width of the bins or otherwise to one obj_wavel = self.object.get_spectrum()[spec_item][0][:, 0] diff = (np.diff(obj_wavel)[1:] + np.diff(obj_wavel)[:-1]) / 2.0 diff = np.insert(diff, 0, diff[0]) diff = np.append(diff, diff[-1]) if weights: w_i[spec_item] = diff else: w_i[spec_item] = np.ones(obj_wavel.shape[0]) read_object = ReadObject(self.object_name) if isinstance(inc_phot, bool): # The argument of inc_phot is a boolean if inc_phot: # Select all filters if inc_phot=True inc_phot = read_object.list_filters() else: inc_phot = [] object_flux = {} for filter_item in inc_phot: object_flux[filter_item] = read_object.get_photometry(filter_item)[2:] if scale_spec is None: scale_spec = [] phot_wavel = {} for phot_item in inc_phot: read_filt = ReadFilter(phot_item) phot_wavel[phot_item] = read_filt.mean_wavelength() if weights: # Set the weight for the photometric fluxes # to the FWHM of the filter profile w_i[phot_item] = read_filt.filter_fwhm() else: w_i[phot_item] = 1.0 model_reader = ReadModel(model) model_param = model_reader.get_parameters() grid_points = model_reader.get_points() coord_points = [] for key, value in grid_points.items(): if key == "logg" and fix_logg is not None: if fix_logg in value: coord_points.append(np.array([fix_logg])) else: raise ValueError( f"The argument of 'fix_logg' ({fix_logg}) is " f"not found in the parameter grid of the " f"model spectra. The following values of " f"log(g) are available: {value}" ) else: coord_points.append(value) if av_points is not None: model_param.append("ism_ext") coord_points.append(av_points) grid_shape = [] for item in coord_points: grid_shape.append(len(item)) for _ in range(len(coord_points), 6): model_param.append(None) coord_points.append([None]) grid_shape.append(1) spec_data = self.object.get_spectrum() fit_stat = np.zeros(grid_shape) flux_scaling = np.zeros(grid_shape) if len(scale_spec) > 0: grid_shape.append(len(scale_spec)) extra_scaling = np.zeros(grid_shape) else: extra_scaling = None n_iter = 1 for item in coord_points: if len(item) > 0: n_iter *= len(item) count = 1 for coord_0_idx, coord_0_item in enumerate(coord_points[0]): for coord_1_idx, coord_1_item in enumerate(coord_points[1]): for coord_2_idx, coord_2_item in enumerate(coord_points[2]): for coord_3_idx, coord_3_item in enumerate(coord_points[3]): for coord_4_idx, coord_4_item in enumerate(coord_points[4]): for coord_5_idx, coord_5_item in enumerate(coord_points[5]): print( f"\rProcessing model spectrum {count}/{n_iter}...", end="", ) param_dict = {} model_spec = {} if model_param[0] is not None: param_dict[model_param[0]] = coord_0_item if model_param[1] is not None: param_dict[model_param[1]] = coord_1_item if model_param[2] is not None: param_dict[model_param[2]] = coord_2_item if model_param[3] is not None: param_dict[model_param[3]] = coord_3_item if model_param[4] is not None: param_dict[model_param[4]] = coord_4_item if model_param[5] is not None: param_dict[model_param[5]] = coord_5_item model_box_full = model_reader.get_data(param_dict) for spec_item in self.spec_name: obj_spec = self.object.get_spectrum()[spec_item][0] obj_res = self.object.get_spectrum()[spec_item][3] # Smooth model spectrum model_flux = smooth_spectrum( model_box_full.wavelength, model_box_full.flux, obj_res, ) # Resample model spectrum flux_intep = interp1d( model_box_full.wavelength, model_flux, bounds_error=False, ) model_flux = flux_intep(obj_spec[:, 0]) nan_wavel = np.sum(np.isnan(model_flux)) if nan_wavel > 0: warnings.warn( "The extracted model spectrum contains " f"{nan_wavel} fluxes with NaN. Probably " "because some of the wavelengths of the " "data are outside the available " "wavelength range of the model grid. " "These wavelengths are ignored when " "calculating the goodness-of-fit statistic." ) model_spec[spec_item] = model_flux g_fit = 0.0 model_list = [] data_list = [] weights_list = [] for spec_item in self.spec_name: if spec_item not in scale_spec: model_list.append(model_spec[spec_item]) data_list.append(spec_data[spec_item][0]) weights_list.append(w_i[spec_item]) model_phot = {} for phot_item in inc_phot: syn_phot = SyntheticPhotometry(phot_item) model_phot[phot_item] = syn_phot.spectrum_to_flux( model_box_full.wavelength, model_box_full.flux )[0] model_list.append(np.array([model_phot[phot_item]])) phot_flux = object_flux[phot_item] phot_data = np.array( [ [ phot_wavel[phot_item], phot_flux[0], phot_flux[1], ] ] ) data_list.append(phot_data) weights_list.append(np.array([w_i[phot_item]])) data_list = np.concatenate(data_list) model_list = np.concatenate(model_list) weights_list = np.concatenate(weights_list) c_numer = ( weights_list * data_list[:, 1] * model_list / data_list[:, 2] ** 2 ) c_denom = ( weights_list * model_list**2 / data_list[:, 2] ** 2 ) if np.nansum(model_list) == 0.0: # This happens if model spectra contain # only zeros because the grid point was # missing and could not be fixed with # an interpolation when the grid was # added to the database scaling = np.nan else: scaling = np.nansum(c_numer) / np.nansum(c_denom) flux_scaling[ coord_0_idx, coord_1_idx, coord_2_idx, coord_3_idx, coord_4_idx, coord_5_idx, ] = scaling for spec_item in scale_spec: spec_idx = scale_spec.index(spec_item) c_numer = ( w_i[spec_item] * scaling * model_spec[spec_item] * spec_data[spec_item][0][:, 1] / spec_data[spec_item][0][:, 2] ** 2 ) c_denom = ( w_i[spec_item] * spec_data[spec_item][0][:, 1] ** 2 / spec_data[spec_item][0][:, 2] ** 2 ) spec_scaling = np.nansum(c_numer) / np.nansum( c_denom ) extra_scaling[ coord_0_idx, coord_1_idx, coord_2_idx, coord_3_idx, coord_4_idx, coord_5_idx, spec_idx, ] = spec_scaling for phot_item in inc_phot: phot_flux = object_flux[phot_item] g_fit += np.nansum( w_i[phot_item] * ( phot_flux[0] - scaling * model_phot[phot_item] ) ** 2 / phot_flux[1] ** 2 ) for spec_item in self.spec_name: if spec_item in scale_spec: spec_idx = scale_spec.index(spec_item) data_scaling = extra_scaling[ coord_0_idx, coord_1_idx, coord_2_idx, coord_3_idx, coord_4_idx, coord_5_idx, spec_idx, ] else: data_scaling = 1.0 g_fit += np.nansum( w_i[spec_item] * ( data_scaling * spec_data[spec_item][0][:, 1] - scaling * model_spec[spec_item] ) ** 2 / spec_data[spec_item][0][:, 2] ** 2 ) if np.nansum(model_list) == 0.0: # This happens if model spectra contain # only zeros because the grid point was # missing and could not be fixed with # an interpolation when the grid was # added to the database g_fit = np.nan fit_stat[ coord_0_idx, coord_1_idx, coord_2_idx, coord_3_idx, coord_4_idx, coord_5_idx, ] = g_fit count += 1 print(" [DONE]") for param_idx, param_item in enumerate(model_param): if param_item is None: model_param = model_param[:param_idx] coord_points = coord_points[:param_idx] break for dim_idx in range(fit_stat.ndim, 0, -1): if dim_idx > len(model_param): fit_stat = fit_stat[..., 0] flux_scaling = flux_scaling[..., 0] if extra_scaling is not None: extra_scaling = extra_scaling[..., 0, :] from import Database species_db = Database() species_db.add_comparison( tag=tag, goodness_of_fit=fit_stat, flux_scaling=flux_scaling, model_param=model_param, coord_points=coord_points, object_name=self.object_name, spec_name=self.spec_name, model=model, scale_spec=scale_spec, extra_scaling=extra_scaling, inc_phot=inc_phot, )