Source code for

Module for adding a flux-calibrated spectrum of Vega to the database.

import os

import numpy as np
import pooch
import requests

from import fits

[docs] def add_vega(input_path, database): """ Function for adding a flux-calibrated spectrum of Vega to the database. The latest spectrum (alpha_lyr_stis_011.fits) is downloaded from the STScI archive (see `CALSPEC page <https:// -and-tools/astronomical-catalogs/calspec>`_ for details). Parameters ---------- input_path : str Path of the data folder. database : h5py._hl.files.File Database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ data_file = os.path.join(input_path, "alpha_lyr_stis_011.fits") if not os.path.isfile(data_file): try: url = ( "" "/cdbs/current_calspec/alpha_lyr_stis_011.fits" ) pooch.retrieve( url=url, known_hash="60aebf5c193223f69061cd176d6309730c3210051fffad0dd6ad44475199ceaa", fname="alpha_lyr_stis_011.fits", path=input_path, progressbar=True, ) except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): url = ( "" "species/alpha_lyr_stis_011.fits" ) pooch.retrieve( url=url, known_hash="60aebf5c193223f69061cd176d6309730c3210051fffad0dd6ad44475199ceaa", fname="alpha_lyr_stis_011.fits", path=input_path, progressbar=True, ) if "spectra/calibration/vega" in database: del database["spectra/calibration/vega"] with as hdu_list: vega_data = hdu_list[1].data wavelength = vega_data["WAVELENGTH"] # (Angstrom) flux = vega_data["FLUX"] # (erg s-1 cm-2 A-1) error_stat = vega_data["STATERROR"] # (erg s-1 cm-2 A-1) error_sys = vega_data["SYSERROR"] # (erg s-1 cm-2 A-1) wavelength *= 1e-4 # (Angstrom) -> (um) flux *= 1e-3 * 1e4 # (erg s-1 cm-2 A-1) -> (W m-2 um-1) error_stat *= 1e-3 * 1e4 # (erg s-1 cm-2 A-1) -> (W m-2 um-1) error_sys *= 1e-3 * 1e4 # (erg s-1 cm-2 A-1) -> (W m-2 um-1) print("Adding spectrum: Vega", end="", flush=True) database.create_dataset( "spectra/calibration/vega", data=np.vstack((wavelength, flux, error_stat)) ) print("Reference: Bohlin et al. 2014, PASP, 126") print("URL:")