Source code for

Module for the accretion luminosity relation.

import os

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pooch

from typeguard import typechecked

from species.core import constants

[docs] @typechecked def add_accretion_relation(input_path: str, database: h5py._hl.files.File) -> None: """ Function for adding the accretion relation from `Aoyama et al. (2021) <https://ui. 2021ApJ...917L..30A/abstract>`_ and extrapolation from `Marleau & Aoyama (2022) < 2022RNAAS...6..262M/abstract>`_ to the database. It provides coefficients to convert line to accretion luminosities. Parameters ---------- input_path : str Folder where the data is located. database : h5py._hl.files.File Database. Returns ------- None NoneType """ if not os.path.exists(input_path): os.makedirs(input_path) url = ( "" "species/ab-Koeffienzenten_mehrStellen.dat" ) data_file = os.path.join(input_path, "ab-Koeffienzenten_mehrStellen.dat") if not os.path.isfile(data_file): pooch.retrieve( url=url, known_hash="941b416e678128648c9ce485016af908f16bfe16ab72e0f8cb57a6bad963429a", fname="ab-Koeffienzenten_mehrStellen.dat", path=input_path, progressbar=True, ) print("Adding coefficients for accretion relation (2.1 kB)...", end="", flush=True) data = np.genfromtxt( data_file, dtype=None, skip_header=1, encoding=None, names=True, usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], ) line_names = data["name"] coefficients = np.column_stack([data["a"], data["b"]]) n_init = data["ni"] n_final = data["nf"] delta_n_min = {"H": 9, "Pa": 8, "Br": 6} delta_n_max = {"H": 14, "Pa": 13, "Br": 12} for i, item in enumerate(["H", "Pa", "Br"]): for j in range(delta_n_min[item], delta_n_max[item] + 1): # n_f: Ly=1, H=Ba=2, Pa=3, Br=4 n_f_tmp = i + 2 idx_insert = np.argwhere(line_names == f"{item}{j+n_f_tmp-1}")[0][0] + 1 line_names = np.insert(line_names, idx_insert, f"{item}{j+n_f_tmp}") n_final = np.insert(n_final, idx_insert, n_f_tmp) # delta_n = n_i - n_f n_i_tmp = j + n_f_tmp n_init = np.insert(n_init, idx_insert, n_i_tmp) # Relation for extrapolation of coefficients # See Marleau & Aoyama (2022) a_coeff = 0.811 - (1.0 / (9.90 * n_f_tmp - 9.5 * n_i_tmp)) b_coeff = ( 1.0 + 1.05 * np.log(n_i_tmp) + (1.0 / (n_i_tmp - n_f_tmp)) - (1.0 / n_f_tmp) ) * (1.07 + 0.0694 * n_f_tmp) - 1.41 coefficients = np.insert( coefficients, idx_insert, [[a_coeff, b_coeff]], axis=0 ) # Rest vacuum wavelength (um) from Rydberg formula, # which is valid usually to three or four decimal places. # Exact values, if needed, can be obtained from e.g. # Wiese & Fuhr (2009): # # wavelengths = 1e6 / (constants.RYDBERG * (1.0 / n_final**2 - 1.0 / n_init**2)) # data = np.column_stack( # [ # line_names, # wavelengths, # n_init, # n_final, # coefficients[:, 0], # coefficients[:, 1], # ] # ) # np.savetxt("acc_lines.dat", data, delimiter=" ", fmt="%s") database.create_dataset("accretion/wavelengths", data=wavelengths) database.create_dataset("accretion/coefficients", data=coefficients) dtype = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) dset = database.create_dataset( "accretion/hydrogen_lines", (np.size(line_names),), dtype=dtype ) dset[...] = line_names print(" [DONE]") print( "Please cite Aoyama et al. (2021) and Marleau & Aoyama " "(2022) when using the accretion relation in a publication" )