Source code for species.util.read_util

Utility functions for reading data.

import warnings

import numpy as np

from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter

from species.core import constants
from import read_model, read_planck

[docs]def get_mass(model_param): """ Parameters ---------- model_param : dict Model parameter values. Should contain the surface gravity and radius. Returns ------- float Mass (Mjup). """ logg = 1e-2 * 10.**model_param['logg'] # (m s-1) radius = model_param['radius'] # (Rjup) radius *= constants.R_JUP # (m) mass = logg*radius**2/constants.GRAVITY # (kg) mass /= constants.M_JUP # (Mjup) return mass
[docs]def add_luminosity(modelbox): """ Function to add the luminosity of a model spectrum to the parameter dictionary of the box. Parameters ---------- modelbox : Box with the model spectrum. Should also contain the dictionary with the model parameters, the radius in particular. Returns ------- The input box with the luminosity added in the parameter dictionary. """ print('Calculating the luminosity...', end='', flush=True) if modelbox.model == 'planck': readmodel = read_planck.ReadPlanck(wavel_range=(1e-1, 1e3)) fullspec = readmodel.get_spectrum(model_param=modelbox.parameters, spec_res=1000.) else: readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(modelbox.model) fullspec = readmodel.get_model(modelbox.parameters) flux = simps(fullspec.flux, fullspec.wavelength) if 'distance' in modelbox.parameters: luminosity = 4.*np.pi*(fullspec.parameters['distance']*constants.PARSEC)**2*flux # (W) # Analytical solution for a single-component Planck function # luminosity = 4.*np.pi*(modelbox.parameters['radius']*constants.R_JUP)**2* \ # constants.SIGMA_SB*modelbox.parameters['teff']**4. else: luminosity = 4.*np.pi*(fullspec.parameters['radius']*constants.R_JUP)**2*flux # (W) modelbox.parameters['luminosity'] = luminosity/constants.L_SUN # (Lsun) print(' [DONE]') print(f'Wavelength range (um): {fullspec.wavelength[0]:.2e} - ' f'{fullspec.wavelength[-1]:.2e}') print(f'Luminosity (Lsun): {luminosity/constants.L_SUN:.2e}') return modelbox
[docs]def update_spectra(objectbox, model_param): """ Function for applying a best-fit scaling and/or error inflation to the spectra of an object. Parameters ---------- objectbox : Box with the object's data, including the spectra. model_param : dict Model parameter values. Should contain the scaling and/or error inflation values. Returns ------- The input box with the scaled and/or error inflated spectra. """ for key, value in objectbox.spectrum.items(): spec_tmp = value[0] if f'scaling_{key}' in model_param: scaling = model_param[f'scaling_{key}'] print(f'Scaling the flux of {key}: {scaling:.2f}...', end='', flush=True) spec_tmp[:, 1] *= model_param[f'scaling_{key}'] # spec_tmp[:, 2] *= model_param[f'scaling_{key}'] print(' [DONE]') if f'error_{key}' in model_param: error = 10.**model_param[f'error_{key}'] print(f'Inflating the error of {key} (W m-2 um-1): {error:.2e}...', end='', flush=True) spec_tmp[:, 2] += error print(' [DONE]') objectbox.spectrum[key] = (spec_tmp, value[1], value[2], value[3]) return objectbox
[docs]def smooth_spectrum(wavelength, flux, spec_res, size=11): """ Function to smooth a spectrum with a Gaussian kernel to a fixed spectral resolution. The kernel size is set to 5 times the FWHM of the Gaussian. The FWHM of the Gaussian is equal to the ratio of the wavelength and the spectral resolution. If the kernel does not fit within the available wavelength grid (i.e. at the edge of the array) then the flux values are set to NaN. Parameters ---------- wavelength : numpy.ndarray Wavelength points (um). Should be sampled with a uniform spectral resolution or a uniform wavelength spacing (slow). flux : numpy.ndarray Flux (W m-2 um-1). spec_res : float Spectral resolution. size : int Kernel size (odd integer). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Smoothed spectrum (W m-2 um-1) at the same wavelength points as the input spectrum. """ def _gaussian(size, sigma): pos = range(-(size-1)//2, (size-1)//2+1) kernel = [np.exp(-float(x)**2/(2.*sigma**2))/(sigma*np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)) for x in pos] return np.asarray(kernel/sum(kernel)) spacing = np.mean(2.*np.diff(wavelength)/(wavelength[1:]+wavelength[:-1])) spacing_std = np.std(2.*np.diff(wavelength)/(wavelength[1:]+wavelength[:-1])) if spacing_std/spacing < 1e-2: # see retrieval_util.convolve sigma_lsf = 1./spec_res/(2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.))) flux_smooth = gaussian_filter(flux, sigma=sigma_lsf/spacing, mode='nearest') else: if size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError('The kernel size should be an odd number.') flux_smooth = np.zeros(flux.shape) # (W m-2 um-1) spacing = np.mean(np.diff(wavelength)) # (um) spacing_std = np.std(np.diff(wavelength)) # (um) if spacing_std/spacing > 1e-2: warnings.warn(f'The wavelength spacing is not uniform ({spacing} +/- {spacing_std}). ' f'The smoothing with the Gaussian kernel requires either the spectral ' f'resolution or the wavelength spacing to be uniformly sampled.') for i, item in enumerate(wavelength): fwhm = item/spec_res # (um) sigma = fwhm/(2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.))) # (um) size = int(5.*sigma/spacing) # Kernel size 5 times the width of the LSF if size % 2 == 0: size += 1 gaussian = _gaussian(size, sigma/spacing) try: flux_smooth[i] = np.sum(gaussian * flux[i-(size-1)//2:i+(size-1)//2+1]) except ValueError: flux_smooth[i] = np.nan return flux_smooth