Source code for species.util.phot_util

Utility functions for photometry.

import math
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import spectres
import numpy as np

from species.core import box
from import read_model, read_calibration, read_filter, read_planck
# from import read_model, read_calibration, read_filter, read_planck, read_radtrans

[docs]def multi_photometry(datatype, spectrum, filters, parameters): """ Parameters ---------- datatype : str Data type ('model' or 'calibration'). spectrum : str Spectrum name (e.g., 'drift-phoenix'). filters : tuple(str, ) Filter IDs. parameters : dict Parameters and values for the spectrum Returns ------- Box with synthetic photometry. """ print('Calculating synthetic photometry...', end='', flush=True) flux = {} if datatype == 'model': for item in filters: if spectrum == 'planck': readmodel = read_planck.ReadPlanck(filter_name=item) else: readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(spectrum, filter_name=item) try: flux[item] = readmodel.get_flux(parameters)[0] except IndexError: flux[item] = np.nan warnings.warn(f'The wavelength range of the {item} filter does not match with ' f'the wavelength coverage of {spectrum}. The flux is set to NaN.') elif datatype == 'calibration': for item in filters: readcalib = read_calibration.ReadCalibration(spectrum, filter_name=item) flux[item] = readcalib.get_flux(parameters)[0] print(' [DONE]') return box.create_box('synphot', name='synphot', flux=flux)
[docs]def apparent_to_absolute(app_mag, distance): """ Function for converting an apparent magnitude into an absolute magnitude. The uncertainty on the distance is propagated into the uncertainty on the absolute magnitude. Parameters ---------- app_mag : tuple(float, float), tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Apparent magnitude and uncertainty (mag). The returned error on the absolute magnitude is set to None if the error on the apparent magnitude is set to None, for example ``app_mag=(15., None)``. distance : tuple(float, float), tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Distance and uncertainty (pc). The error is not propagated into the error on the absolute magnitude if set to None, for example ``distance=(20., None)``. Returns ------- float, numpy.ndarray Absolute magnitude (mag). float, numpy.ndarray, None Uncertainty (mag). """ abs_mag = app_mag[0] - 5.*np.log10(distance[0]) + 5. if app_mag[1] is not None and distance[1] is not None: dist_err = distance[1] * (5./(distance[0]*math.log(10.))) abs_err = math.sqrt(app_mag[1]**2 + dist_err**2) elif app_mag[1] is not None and distance[1] is None: abs_err = app_mag[1] else: abs_err = None return abs_mag, abs_err
[docs]def absolute_to_apparent(abs_mag, distance): """ Function for converting an absolute magnitude into an apparent magnitude. Parameters ---------- abs_mag : tuple(float, float), tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Absolute magnitude and uncertainty (mag). The same uncertainty is used for the apparent magnitude. distance : tuple(float, float), tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Distance and uncertainty (pc). Returns ------- float, numpy.ndarray Apparent magnitude (mag). float, numpy.ndarray, None Uncertainty (mag). """ app_mag = abs_mag[0] + 5.*np.log10(distance[0]) - 5. return app_mag, abs_mag[1]
[docs]def get_residuals(datatype, spectrum, parameters, filters, objectbox, inc_phot=True, inc_spec=False, **kwargs_radtrans): """ Parameters ---------- datatype : str Data type ('model' or 'calibration'). spectrum : str Name of the atmospheric model or calibration spectrum. parameters : dict Parameters and values for the spectrum filters : tuple(str, ) Filter IDs. All available photometry of the object is used if set to None. objectbox : Box with the photometry and/or spectra of an object. A scaling and/or error inflation of the spectra should be applied with :func:`~species.util.read_util.update_spectra` beforehand. inc_phot : bool Include photometry. inc_spec : bool Include spectrum. Keyword arguments ----------------- kwargs_radtrans : dict Dictionary with the keyword arguments for the ``ReadRadtrans`` object, containing ``line_species``, ``cloud_species``, and ``scattering``. Returns ------- Box with the photometry and/or spectrum residuals. """ if filters is None: filters = objectbox.filters if inc_phot: model_phot = multi_photometry(datatype=datatype, spectrum=spectrum, filters=filters, parameters=parameters) res_phot = np.zeros((2, len(objectbox.flux))) for i, item in enumerate(filters): transmission = read_filter.ReadFilter(item) res_phot[0, i] = transmission.mean_wavelength() res_phot[1, i] = (objectbox.flux[item][0]-model_phot.flux[item])/objectbox.flux[item][1] else: res_phot = None if inc_spec: res_spec = {} readmodel = None for key in objectbox.spectrum: wavel_range = (0.9*objectbox.spectrum[key][0][0, 0], 1.1*objectbox.spectrum[key][0][-1, 0]) wl_new = objectbox.spectrum[key][0][:, 0] spec_res = objectbox.spectrum[key][3] if spectrum == 'planck': readmodel = read_planck.ReadPlanck(wavel_range=wavel_range) model = readmodel.get_spectrum(model_param=parameters, spec_res=1000.) flux_new = spectres.spectres(wl_new, model.wavelength, model.flux) else: if spectrum == 'petitradtrans': # TODO change back pass # radtrans = read_radtrans.ReadRadtrans(line_species=kwargs_radtrans['line_species'], # cloud_species=kwargs_radtrans['cloud_species'], # scattering=kwargs_radtrans['scattering'], # wavel_range=wavel_range) # # model = radtrans.get_model(parameters, spec_res=None) # # # separate resampling to the new wavelength points # # flux_new = spectres.spectres(wl_new, model.wavelength, model.flux) else: readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(spectrum, wavel_range=wavel_range) # resampling to the new wavelength points is done in teh get_model function model = readmodel.get_model(parameters, spec_res=spec_res, wavel_resample=wl_new, smooth=True) flux_new = model.flux res_tmp = (objectbox.spectrum[key][0][:, 1]-flux_new)/objectbox.spectrum[key][0][:, 2] res_spec[key] = np.column_stack([wl_new, res_tmp]) else: res_spec = None print('Calculating residuals... [DONE]') print('Residuals (sigma):') if res_phot is not None: for i, item in enumerate(filters): print(f' - {item}: {res_phot[1, i]:.2f}') if res_spec is not None: for key in objectbox.spectrum: print(f' - {key}: min: {np.amin(res_spec[key]):.2f}, ' f'max: {np.amax(res_spec[key]):.2f}') return box.create_box(boxtype='residuals',, photometry=res_phot, spectrum=res_spec)