Source code for species.util.data_util

Utility functions for data processing.

import warnings

import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import griddata

[docs]def update_sptype(sptypes): """ Function to update a list with spectral types to two characters (e.g., M8, L3, or T1). Parameters ---------- sptypes : np.ndarray Input spectral types. Returns ------- np.ndarray Updated spectral types. """ sptype_list = ['O', 'B', 'A', 'F', 'G', 'K', 'M', 'L', 'T', 'Y'] for i, spt_item in enumerate(sptypes): if spt_item == 'None': pass elif spt_item == 'null': sptypes[i] = 'None' else: for list_item in sptype_list: try: sp_index = spt_item.index(list_item) sptypes[i] = spt_item[sp_index:sp_index+2] except ValueError: pass return sptypes
[docs]def update_filter(filter_in): """ Function to update a filter ID from the Vizier Photometry viewer VOTable to the filter ID from the SVO Filter Profile Service. Parameters ---------- filter_in : str Filter ID in the format of the Vizier Photometry viewer. Returns ------- str Filter ID in the format of the SVO Filter Profile Service. """ if filter_in[0:5] == b'2MASS': filter_out = str(b'2MASS/2MASS.'+filter_in[6:]) elif filter_in[0:4] == b'WISE': filter_out = str(b'WISE/WISE.'+filter_in[5:]) elif filter_in[0:10] == b'GAIA/GAIA2': filter_out = str(filter_in[0:9]+b'0'+filter_in[10:]) else: filter_out = None return filter_out
[docs]def sort_data(param_teff, param_logg, param_feh, param_co, param_fsed, wavelength, flux): """ Parameters ---------- param_teff : np.ndarray Array with the effective temperature (K) of each spectrum. param_logg : np.ndarray Array with the log10 surface gravity (cgs) of each spectrum. param_feh : np.ndarray, None Array with the metallicity of each spectrum. Not used if set to None. param_co : np.ndarray, None Array with the carbon-to-oxygen ratio of each spectrum. Not used if set to None. param_fsed : np.ndarray, None Array with the sedimentation parameter of each spectrum. Not used if set to None. wavelength : np.ndarray Array with the wavelengths (um). flux : np.ndarray Array with the spectra (n_spectra, n_wavelengths). Returns ------- list(np.ndarray, ) List with the unique values of the atmosphere parameters (each in a separate array), an array with the wavelengths, and a multidimensional array with the sorted spectra. """ teff_unique = np.unique(param_teff) logg_unique = np.unique(param_logg) spec_shape = [teff_unique.shape[0], logg_unique.shape[0]] if param_feh is not None: feh_unique = np.unique(param_feh) spec_shape.append(feh_unique.shape[0]) if param_co is not None: co_unique = np.unique(param_co) spec_shape.append(co_unique.shape[0]) if param_fsed is not None: fsed_unique = np.unique(param_fsed) spec_shape.append(fsed_unique.shape[0]) spec_shape.append(wavelength.shape[0]) spectrum = np.zeros(spec_shape) for i in range(param_teff.shape[0]): # The parameter order: Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], C/O, f_sed # Not all parameters have to be included but the order matters index_teff = np.argwhere(teff_unique == param_teff[i])[0][0] index_logg = np.argwhere(logg_unique == param_logg[i])[0][0] spec_select = [index_teff, index_logg] if param_feh is not None: index_feh = np.argwhere(feh_unique == param_feh[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_feh) if param_co is not None: index_co = np.argwhere(co_unique == param_co[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_co) if param_fsed is not None: index_fsed = np.argwhere(fsed_unique == param_fsed[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_fsed) spec_select.append(...) spectrum[tuple(spec_select)] = flux[i] sorted_data = [teff_unique, logg_unique] if param_feh is not None: sorted_data.append(feh_unique) if param_co is not None: sorted_data.append(co_unique) if param_fsed is not None: sorted_data.append(fsed_unique) sorted_data.append(wavelength) sorted_data.append(spectrum) return sorted_data
[docs]def write_data(model, parameters, database, data_sorted): """ Function for writing the model spectra and parameters to the database. Parameters ---------- model : str Atmosphere model. parameters : list(str, ) Model parameters. database: h5py._hl.files.File Database. data_sorted : list(np.ndarray, ) Sorted model data with the parameter values, wavelength points (um), and flux densities (W m-2 um-1). Returns ------- NoneType None """ if f'models/{model}' in database: del database[f'models/{model}'] dset = database.create_group(f'models/{model}') dset.attrs['n_param'] = len(parameters) for i, item in enumerate(parameters): dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}'] = item database.create_dataset(f'models/{model}/{item}', data=data_sorted[i]) database.create_dataset(f'models/{model}/wavelength', data=data_sorted[len(parameters)]) database.create_dataset(f'models/{model}/flux', data=data_sorted[len(parameters)+1])
[docs]def add_missing(model, parameters, database): """ Function for adding missing grid points by linearly interpolating the available grid points. Parameters ---------- model : str Atmosphere model. parameters : list(str, ) Model parameters. database : h5py._hl.files.File Database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print(f'Number of grid points per parameter:') grid_shape = [] param_data = [] for i, item in enumerate(parameters): grid_shape.append(database[f'models/{model}/{item}'].shape[0]) param_data.append(np.asarray(database[f'models/{model}/{item}'])) print(f' - {item}: {grid_shape[i]}') teff = np.asarray(database[f'models/{model}/teff']) wavelength = np.asarray(database[f'models/{model}/wavelength']) flux = np.asarray(database[f'models/{model}/flux']) count_total = 0 count_missing = 0 print('Fixing missing grid points:') if len(parameters) == 2: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], []] new_points = [[], []] new_flux = np.zeros((grid_shape[0], grid_shape[1], wavelength.shape[0])) for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): if np.count_nonzero(flux[i, j, ...]) == 0: find_missing[i, j] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) values.append(flux[i, j, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) test = griddata(points.T, values, new_points.T, method='linear') for item in test: if np.isnan(item[0]): count_missing += 1 count_interp = np.sum(find_missing) - count_missing count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): new_flux[i, j, :] = test[count, :] count += 1 elif len(parameters) == 3: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], [], []] new_points = [[], [], []] new_flux = np.zeros((grid_shape[0], grid_shape[1], grid_shape[2], wavelength.shape[0])) for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): if np.count_nonzero(flux[i, j, k, ...]) == 0: find_missing[i, j, k] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) values.append(flux[i, j, k, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) new_points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) test = griddata(points.T, values, new_points.T, method='linear') for item in test: if np.isnan(item[0]): count_missing += 1 count_interp = np.sum(find_missing) - count_missing count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): new_flux[i, j, k, :] = test[count, :] count += 1 elif len(parameters) == 4: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], [], [], []] new_points = [[], [], [], []] new_flux = np.zeros((grid_shape[0], grid_shape[1], grid_shape[2], grid_shape[3], wavelength.shape[0])) for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): if np.count_nonzero(flux[i, j, k, m, ...]) == 0: find_missing[i, j, k, m] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) values.append(flux[i, j, k, m, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) new_points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) new_points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) test = griddata(points.T, values, new_points.T, method='linear') for item in test: if np.isnan(item[0]): count_missing += 1 count_interp = np.sum(find_missing) - count_missing count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): new_flux[i, j, k, m, :] = test[count, :] count += 1 elif len(parameters) == 5: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], [], [], [], []] new_points = [[], [], [], [], []] new_flux = np.zeros((grid_shape[0], grid_shape[1], grid_shape[2], grid_shape[3], grid_shape[4], wavelength.shape[0])) for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): for n in range(grid_shape[4]): if np.count_nonzero(flux[i, j, k, m, n, ...]) == 0: find_missing[i, j, k, m, n] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) points[4].append(param_data[4][n]) values.append(flux[i, j, k, m, n, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) new_points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) new_points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) new_points[4].append(param_data[4][n]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) test = griddata(points.T, values, new_points.T, method='linear') for item in test: if np.isnan(item[0]): count_missing += 1 count_interp = np.sum(find_missing) - count_missing count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): for n in range(grid_shape[4]): new_flux[i, j, k, m, n, :] = test[count, :] count += 1 else: raise ValueError('The add_missing function is currently not compatible with more than 5 ' 'parameters.') # if len(parameters) == 4: # check_constant = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) # # for z in range(5): # for i in range(grid_shape[0]): # for j in range(grid_shape[1]): # for k in range(grid_shape[2]): # for m in range(grid_shape[3]): # if z == 0: # count_total += 1 # # index = (i, j, k, m, ...) # # if np.count_nonzero(flux[index]) == 0: # for dim_index in range(len(grid_shape)): # # if index[dim_index] > 0 and index[dim_index] < grid_shape[dim_index]-1: # index_low = [i, j, k, m, ...] # index_up = [i, j, k, m, ...] # # index_low[dim_index] = index_low[dim_index] - 1 # index_up[dim_index] = index_up[dim_index] + 1 # # index_low = tuple(index_low) # index_up = tuple(index_up) # # if np.count_nonzero(flux[index_low]) != 0 and np.count_nonzero(flux[index_up]) != 0: # scaling = (param_data[dim_index][index[dim_index]] - param_data[dim_index][index_low[dim_index]]) / (param_data[dim_index][index_up[dim_index]] - param_data[dim_index][index_low[dim_index]]) # flux[index] = flux[index_low]*(1.-scaling) + flux[index_up]*scaling # count_interp += 1 # break # # for z in range(2): # for i in range(grid_shape[0]): # for j in range(grid_shape[1]): # for k in range(grid_shape[2]): # for m in range(grid_shape[3]): # index = (i, j, k, m, ...) # # if np.count_nonzero(flux[index]) == 0: # for dim_index in range(len(grid_shape)): # # if index[dim_index] > 0: # index_low = [i, j, k, m, ...] # index_low[dim_index] = index_low[dim_index] - 1 # index_low = tuple(index_low) # # if np.count_nonzero(flux[index_low]) != 0: # if z == 0 and check_constant[index_low[:-1]]: # continue # # flux[index] = flux[index_low] # count_same += 1 # check_constant[index] = True # print(param_data[0][i], param_data[1][j], param_data[2][k], param_data[3][m]) # break # # elif index[dim_index] < grid_shape[dim_index]-1: # index_up = [i, j, k, m, ...] # index_up[dim_index] = index_up[dim_index] + 1 # index_up = tuple(index_up) # # if np.count_nonzero(flux[index_up]) != 0: # if z == 0 and check_constant[index_up[:-1]]: # continue # # flux[index] = flux[index_up] # count_same += 1 # check_constant[index] = True # print(param_data[0][i], param_data[1][j], param_data[2][k], param_data[3][m]) # break # # if np.count_nonzero(flux[index]) == 0: # print(z) # if z == 1: # count_missing += 1 # # warnings.warn(f'It is not possible to add the missing grid position ' # f'at ({param_data[0][i]}, {param_data[1][j]}, ' # f'{param_data[2][k]}, {param_data[3][m]}). ' # f'Storing a spectrum with only zeros instead.') # # else: # raise ValueError(f'Interpolation of missing grid points is not implemented for ' # f'{len(parameters)} parameters.') print(f' - Number of stored grid points: {count_total}') print(f' - Number of interpolated grid points: {count_interp}') print(f' - Number of missing grid points: {count_missing}') del database[f'models/{model}/flux'] database.create_dataset(f'models/{model}/flux', data=flux)
[docs]def correlation_to_covariance(cor_matrix, spec_sigma): """ Parameters ---------- cor_matrix : np.ndarray Correlation matrix of the spectrum. spec_sigma : np.ndarray Uncertainties (W m-2 um-1). Returns ------- np.ndarrays Covariance matrix of the spectrum. """ cov_matrix = np.zeros(cor_matrix.shape) for i in range(cor_matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(cor_matrix.shape[1]): cov_matrix[i, j] = cor_matrix[i, j]*spec_sigma[i]*spec_sigma[j] if i == j: assert cor_matrix[i, j] == 1. return cov_matrix