Source code for

Module with reading functionalities for spectral libraries.

import os
import configparser

import h5py
import numpy as np

from species.analysis import photometry
from species.core import box
from import database
from import read_filter

[docs]class ReadSpectrum: """ Class for reading spectral library data from the database. """ def __init__(self, spec_library, filter_name=None): """ Parameters ---------- spec_library : str Name of the spectral library ('irtf', 'spex') or other type of spectrum ('vega'). filter_name : str, None Filter ID for the wavelength range. Full spectra are read if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.spec_library = spec_library self.filter_name = filter_name if filter_name is None: self.wavel_range = None else: transmission = read_filter.ReadFilter(filter_name) self.wavel_range = transmission.wavelength_range() config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'species_config.ini') config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_file(open(config_file)) self.database = config['species']['database']
[docs] def get_spectrum(self, sptypes=None, exclude_nan=True): """ Function for selecting spectra from the database. Parameters ---------- sptypes : list('str', ) Spectral types to select from a library. The spectral types should be indicated with two characters (e.g. 'M5', 'L2', 'T3'). All spectra are selected if set to None. exclude_nan : bool Exclude wavelength points for which the flux is NaN. Returns ------- Box with the spectra. """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') try: h5_file[f'spectra/{self.spec_library}'] except KeyError: h5_file.close() species_db = database.Database() species_db.add_spectrum(self.spec_library, sptypes) h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') list_wavelength = [] list_flux = [] list_error = [] list_name = [] list_simbad = [] list_sptype = [] list_distance = [] for item in h5_file[f'spectra/{self.spec_library}']: data = h5_file[f'spectra/{self.spec_library}/{item}'] wavelength = data[0, :] # (um) flux = data[1, :] # (W m-2 um-1) error = data[2, :] # (W m-2 um-1) if exclude_nan: indices = np.isnan(flux) indices = np.logical_not(indices) indices = np.where(indices)[0] wavelength = wavelength[indices] flux = flux[indices] error = error[indices] if self.wavel_range is None: wl_index = np.arange(0, len(wavelength), 1) else: wl_index = (flux > 0.) & (wavelength > self.wavel_range[0]) & \ (wavelength < self.wavel_range[1]) count = np.count_nonzero(wl_index) if count > 0: index = np.where(wl_index)[0] if index[0] > 0: wl_index[index[0] - 1] = True if index[-1] < len(wl_index)-1: wl_index[index[-1] + 1] = True list_wavelength.append(wavelength[wl_index]) list_flux.append(flux[wl_index]) list_error.append(error[wl_index]) attrs = data.attrs if 'name' in attrs: list_name.append(data.attrs['name'].decode('utf-8')) else: list_name.append('') if 'simbad' in attrs: list_simbad.append(data.attrs['simbad'].decode('utf-8')) else: list_simbad.append('') if 'sptype' in attrs: list_sptype.append(data.attrs['sptype'].decode('utf-8')) else: list_sptype.append('None') if 'distance' in attrs: list_distance.append((data.attrs['distance'], data.attrs['distance_error'])) else: list_distance.append((np.nan, np.nan)) else: list_wavelength.append(np.array([])) list_flux.append(np.array([])) list_error.append(np.array([])) list_name.append('') list_simbad.append('') list_sptype.append('None') list_distance.append((np.nan, np.nan)) specbox = box.SpectrumBox() specbox.spec_library = self.spec_library specbox.wavelength = np.asarray(list_wavelength) specbox.flux = np.asarray(list_flux) specbox.error = np.asarray(list_error) = np.asarray(list_name) specbox.simbad = np.asarray(list_simbad) specbox.sptype = np.asarray(list_sptype) specbox.distance = np.asarray(list_distance) if sptypes is not None: indices = None for item in sptypes: if indices is None: indices = np.where(np.chararray.startswith(specbox.sptype, item))[0] else: ind_tmp = np.where(np.chararray.startswith(specbox.sptype, item))[0] indices = np.append(indices, ind_tmp) specbox.wavelength = specbox.wavelength[indices] specbox.flux = specbox.flux[indices] specbox.error = specbox.error[indices] =[indices] specbox.simbad = specbox.simbad[indices] specbox.sptype = specbox.sptype[indices] specbox.distance = specbox.distance[indices] return specbox
[docs] def get_flux(self, sptypes=None): """ Function for calculating the average flux density for the ``filter_name``. Parameters ---------- sptypes : list('str', ) Spectral types to select from a library. The spectral types should be indicated with two characters (e.g. 'M5', 'L2', 'T3'). All spectra are selected if set to None. Returns ------- Box with the synthetic photometry. """ specbox = self.get_spectrum(sptypes=sptypes, exclude_nan=True) n_spectra = specbox.wavelength.shape[0] filter_profile = read_filter.ReadFilter(filter_name=self.filter_name) mean_wavel = filter_profile.mean_wavelength() wavelengths = np.full(specbox.wavelength.shape[0], mean_wavel) filters = np.full(specbox.wavelength.shape[0], self.filter_name) synphot = photometry.SyntheticPhotometry(filter_name=self.filter_name) phot_flux = [] for i in range(n_spectra): flux = synphot.spectrum_to_flux(wavelength=specbox.wavelength[i], flux=specbox.flux[i], error=specbox.error[i]) phot_flux.append(flux) phot_flux = np.asarray(phot_flux) return box.create_box(boxtype='photometry',, sptype=specbox.sptype, wavelength=wavelengths, flux=phot_flux, app_mag=None, abs_mag=None, filter_name=filters)
[docs] def get_magnitude(self, sptypes=None): """ Function for calculating the apparent magnitude for the ``filter_name``. Parameters ---------- sptypes : list('str', ) Spectral types to select from a library. The spectral types should be indicated with two characters (e.g. 'M5', 'L2', 'T3'). All spectra are selected if set to None. Returns ------- Box with the synthetic photometry. """ specbox = self.get_spectrum(sptypes=sptypes, exclude_nan=True) n_spectra = specbox.wavelength.shape[0] filter_profile = read_filter.ReadFilter(filter_name=self.filter_name) mean_wavel = filter_profile.mean_wavelength() wavelengths = np.full(specbox.wavelength.shape[0], mean_wavel) filters = np.full(specbox.wavelength.shape[0], self.filter_name) synphot = photometry.SyntheticPhotometry(filter_name=self.filter_name) app_mag = [] abs_mag = [] for i in range(n_spectra): if np.isnan(specbox.distance[i][0]): app_tmp = (np.nan, np.nan) abs_tmp = (np.nan, np.nan) else: app_tmp, abs_tmp = synphot.spectrum_to_magnitude(wavelength=specbox.wavelength[i], flux=specbox.flux[i], error=specbox.error[i], distance=specbox.distance[i]) app_mag.append(app_tmp) abs_mag.append(abs_tmp) return box.create_box(boxtype='photometry',, sptype=specbox.sptype, wavelength=wavelengths, flux=None, app_mag=np.asarray(app_mag), abs_mag=np.asarray(abs_mag), filter_name=filters)