Source code for

Module with reading functionalities for calibration spectra.

import os
import configparser

import h5py
import spectres
import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from species.analysis import photometry
from species.core import box
from import read_filter

[docs]class ReadCalibration: """ Class for reading a calibration spectrum from the database. """ def __init__(self, tag, filter_name=None): """ Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag of the calibration spectrum. filter_name : str, None Filter ID that is used for the wavelength range. Full spectrum is used if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.tag = tag self.filter_name = filter_name if filter_name is None: self.wavel_range = None else: transmission = read_filter.ReadFilter(filter_name) self.wavel_range = transmission.wavelength_range() config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'species_config.ini') config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_file(open(config_file)) self.database = config['species']['database']
[docs] def resample_spectrum(self, wavel_points, model_param=None, apply_mask=False): """ Function for resampling of a spectrum and uncertainties onto a new wavelength grid. Parameters ---------- wavel_points : numpy.ndarray Wavelength points (um). model_param : dict, None Model parameters. Should contain the 'scaling' value. Not used if set to None. apply_mask : bool Exclude negative values and NaN values. Returns ------- Box with the resampled spectrum. """ calibbox = self.get_spectrum() if apply_mask: indices = np.where(calibbox.flux > 0.)[0] calibbox.wavelength = calibbox.wavelength[indices] calibbox.flux = calibbox.flux[indices] calibbox.error = calibbox.error[indices] flux_new, error_new = spectres.spectres(wavel_points, calibbox.wavelength, calibbox.flux, spec_errs=calibbox.error, fill=0., verbose=False) if model_param is not None: flux_new = model_param['scaling']*flux_new error_new = model_param['scaling']*error_new return box.create_box(boxtype='spectrum', spectrum='calibration', wavelength=wavel_points, flux=flux_new, error=error_new, name=self.tag, simbad=None, sptype=None, distance=None)
[docs] def get_spectrum(self, model_param=None, apply_mask=False, spec_res=None, extrapolate=False, min_wavelength=None): """ Function for selecting the calibration spectrum. Parameters ---------- model_param : dict, None Model parameters. Should contain the 'scaling' value. Not used if set to None. apply_mask : bool Exclude negative values and NaN values. spec_res : float, None Spectral resolution. Original wavelength points are used if set to None. extrapolate : bool Extrapolate to 6 um by fitting a power law function. min_wavelength : float, None Minimum wavelength used for fitting the power law function. All data is used if set to None. Returns ------- Box with the spectrum. """ with h5py.File(self.database, 'r') as h5_file: data = np.asarray(h5_file['spectra/calibration/'+self.tag]) wavelength = np.asarray(data[0, ]) flux = np.asarray(data[1, ]) error = np.asarray(data[2, ]) if apply_mask: indices = np.where(flux > 0.)[0] wavelength = wavelength[indices] flux = flux[indices] error = error[indices] if model_param is not None: flux = model_param['scaling']*flux error = model_param['scaling']*error if self.wavel_range is None: wl_index = np.ones(wavelength.size, dtype=bool) else: wl_index = (flux > 0.) & (wavelength > self.wavel_range[0]) & \ (wavelength < self.wavel_range[1]) count = np.count_nonzero(wl_index) if count > 0: index = np.where(wl_index)[0] if index[0] > 0: wl_index[index[0] - 1] = True if index[-1] < len(wl_index)-1: wl_index[index[-1] + 1] = True wavelength = wavelength[wl_index] flux = flux[wl_index] error = error[wl_index] if extrapolate: def _power_law(wavelength, offset, scaling, power_index): return offset + scaling*wavelength**power_index if min_wavelength: indices = np.where(wavelength > min_wavelength)[0] else: indices = np.arange(0, wavelength.size, 1) popt, pcov = curve_fit(f=_power_law, xdata=wavelength[indices], ydata=flux[indices], p0=(0., np.mean(flux[indices]), -1.), sigma=error[indices]) sigma = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) print(f'Fit result for f(x) = a + b*x^c:') print(f'a = {popt[0]} +/- {sigma[0]}') print(f'b = {popt[1]} +/- {sigma[1]}') print(f'c = {popt[2]} +/- {sigma[2]}') while wavelength[-1] <= 6.: wl_add = wavelength[-1] + wavelength[-1]/1000. wavelength = np.append(wavelength, wl_add) flux = np.append(flux, _power_law(wl_add, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2])) error = np.append(error, 0.) if spec_res is not None: wavelength_new = [wavelength[0]] while wavelength_new[-1] < wavelength[-1]: wavelength_new.append(wavelength_new[-1] + wavelength_new[-1]/(2.*spec_res)) wavelength_new = np.asarray(wavelength_new[:-1]) value_error = True while value_error: try: flux_new, error_new = spectres.spectres(wavelength_new, wavelength, flux, spec_errs=error, fill=0., verbose=False) value_error = False except ValueError: wavelength_new = wavelength_new[1:-1] value_error = True wavelength = wavelength_new flux = flux_new error = error_new return box.create_box(boxtype='spectrum', spectrum='calibration', wavelength=wavelength, flux=flux, error=error, name=self.tag, simbad=None, sptype=None, distance=None)
[docs] def get_flux(self, model_param=None): """ Function for calculating the average flux density for the ``filter_name``. Parameters ---------- model_param : dict, None Model parameters. Should contain the 'scaling' value. Not used if set to None. Returns ------- float Average flux density (W m-2 um-1). """ specbox = self.get_spectrum(model_param=model_param) synphot = photometry.SyntheticPhotometry(self.filter_name) return synphot.spectrum_to_flux(specbox.wavelength, specbox.flux)
[docs] def get_magnitude(self, model_param=None, distance=None): """ Function for calculating the apparent magnitude for the ``filter_name``. Parameters ---------- model_param : dict, None Model parameters. Should contain the 'scaling' value. Not used if set to None. distance : float, None Distance to the calibration objects (pc). Returns ------- float Apparent magnitude (mag). float, None Absolute magnitude (mag). """ specbox = self.get_spectrum(model_param=model_param) synphot = photometry.SyntheticPhotometry(self.filter_name) return synphot.spectrum_to_magnitude(specbox.wavelength, specbox.flux, error=specbox.error, distance=distance)