Source code for

Module with functionalities for reading and writing of data.

import os
import json
import warnings
import configparser

import h5py
import tqdm
import emcee
import numpy as np

from import fits

# from petitRADTRANS import Radtrans
# from petitRADTRANS_ck_test_speed import nat_cst as nc
# from petitRADTRANS_ck_test_speed import Radtrans as RadtransScatter

from species.analysis import photometry
from species.core import box, constants
from import drift_phoenix, btnextgen, vega, irtf, spex, vlm_plx, leggett, \
                         companions, filters, btsettl, ames_dusty, ames_cond, \
                         isochrones, petitcode, exo_rem
from import read_model, read_calibration, read_planck
from species.util import data_util
# from species.util import data_util, retrieval_util

[docs]class Database: """ Class for fitting atmospheric model spectra to photometric data. """ def __init__(self): """ Returns ------- NoneType None """ config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'species_config.ini') config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_file(open(config_file)) self.database = config['species']['database'] self.input_path = config['species']['data_folder']
[docs] def list_content(self): """ Returns ------- NoneType None """ print('Database content:') def descend(h5_object, seperator=''): """ Parameters ---------- h5_object : h5py._hl.files.File,, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset separator : str Returns ------- NoneType None """ if isinstance(h5_object, (h5py._hl.files.File, for key in h5_object.keys(): print(seperator+'- '+key+': '+str(h5_object[key])) descend(h5_object[key], seperator=seperator+'\t') elif isinstance(h5_object, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset): for key in h5_object.attrs.keys(): print(seperator+'- '+key+': '+str(h5_object.attrs[key])) with h5py.File(self.database, 'r') as hdf_file: descend(hdf_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def list_companions(): """ Returns ------- NoneType None """ for planet_name, planet_dict in companions.get_data().items(): distance = planet_dict['distance'] app_mag = planet_dict['app_mag'] print(f'Object name = {planet_name}') print(f'Distance (pc) = {distance[0]} +/- {distance[1]}') for mag_name, mag_dict in app_mag.items(): print(f'{mag_name} (mag) = {mag_dict[0]} +/- {mag_dict[1]}') print()
[docs] def delete_data(self, dataset): """ Function for deleting a dataset from the HDF5 database. Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset path in the HDF5 database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ with h5py.File(self.database, 'a') as hdf_file: if dataset in hdf_file: del hdf_file[dataset] else: warnings.warn(f'The dataset {dataset} is not found in {self.database}.')
[docs] def add_companion(self, name=None): """ Function for adding the magnitudes of directly imaged planets and brown dwarfs from :class:`` to the database. Parameters ---------- name : list(str, ), None List with names of the directly imaged planets and brown dwarfs (e.g. ``['HR 8799 b', '51 Eri b', 'PZ Tel B']``). All the available companion data are added if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if isinstance(name, str): name = list((name, )) data = companions.get_data() if name is None: name = data.keys() for item in name: self.add_object(object_name=item, distance=data[item]['distance'], app_mag=data[item]['app_mag'])
[docs] def add_filter(self, filter_name, filename=None): """ Function for adding a filter profile to the database, either from the SVO Filter profile Service or input file. Parameters ---------- filter_name : str Filter name from the SVO Filter Profile Service (e.g., 'Paranal/NACO.Lp'). filename : str Filename of the filter profile. The first column should contain the wavelength (um) and the second column the transmission. The profile is downloaded from the SVO Filter Profile Service if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print(f'Adding filter: {filter_name}...', end='', flush=True) filter_split = filter_name.split('/') h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if 'filters' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('filters') if f'filters/{filter_split[0]}' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group(f'filters/{filter_split[0]}') if f'filters/{filter_name}' in h5_file: del h5_file[f'filters/{filter_name}'] if filename is not None: data = np.loadtxt(filename) wavelength = data[:, 0] transmission = data[:, 1] else: wavelength, transmission = filters.download_filter(filter_name) if wavelength is not None and transmission is not None: h5_file.create_dataset(f'filters/{filter_name}', data=np.vstack((wavelength, transmission))) h5_file.close() print(' [DONE]')
[docs] def add_isochrones(self, filename, tag, model='baraffe'): """ Function for adding isochrones data to the database. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename with the isochrones data. tag : str Database tag name where the isochrone that will be stored. model : str Evolutionary model ('baraffe' or 'marleau'). For 'baraffe' models, the isochrone data can be downloaded from For 'marleau' models, the data can be requested from Gabriel Marleau. Returns ------- NoneType None """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if 'isochrones' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('isochrones') if 'isochrones/'+tag in h5_file: del h5_file[f'isochrones/{tag}'] if model[0:7] == 'baraffe': isochrones.add_baraffe(h5_file, tag, filename) elif model[0:7] == 'marleau': isochrones.add_marleau(h5_file, tag, filename) h5_file.close()
[docs] def add_model(self, model, wavel_range=None, spec_res=None, teff_range=None, data_folder=None): """ Parameters ---------- model : str Model name ('ames-cond', 'ames-dusty', 'bt-settl', 'bt-nextgen', 'drift-phoenix', 'petitcode-cool-clear', 'petitcode-cool-cloudy', 'petitcode-hot-clear', 'petitcode-hot-cloudy', or 'exo-rem'). wavel_range : tuple(float, float), None Wavelength range (um). Optional for the DRIFT-PHOENIX and petitCODE models. For these models, the original wavelength points are used if set to None. which case the argument can be set to None. spec_res : float, None Spectral resolution. Optional for the DRIFT-PHOENIX and petitCODE models, in which case the argument is only used if ``wavel_range`` is not None. teff_range : tuple(float, float), None Effective temperature range (K). Setting the value to None for will add all available temperatures. data_folder : str, None Folder with input data. Only required for the petitCODE hot models which are not publicly available. Returns ------- NoneType None """ proprietary = ['petitcode-hot-clear', 'petitcode-hot-cloudy'] if model in proprietary and data_folder is None: raise ValueError(f'The {model} model is not publicly available and needs to ' f'be imported by setting the \'data_folder\' parameter.') if model in ['ames-cond', 'ames-dusty', 'bt-sett', 'bt-nextgen'] and wavel_range is None: raise ValueError('The \'wavel_range\' should be set for the \'{model}\' models to ' 'resample the original spectra on a fixed wavelength grid.') if model in ['ames-cond', 'ames-dusty', 'bt-sett', 'bt-nextgen'] and spec_res is None: raise ValueError('The \'spec_res\' should be set for the \'{model}\' models to ' 'resample the original spectra on a fixed wavelength grid.') if model in ['bt-settl', 'bt-nextgen'] and teff_range is None: warnings.warn('The temperature range is not restricted with the \'teff_range\' ' 'parameter. Therefore, adding the BT-Settl or BT-NextGen spectra ' 'will be very slow.') h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if 'models' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('models') if model == 'ames-cond': ames_cond.add_ames_cond(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg'], h5_file) elif model == 'ames-dusty': ames_dusty.add_ames_dusty(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg'], h5_file) elif model == 'bt-settl': btsettl.add_btsettl(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg'], h5_file) elif model == 'bt-nextgen': btnextgen.add_btnextgen(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg', 'feh'], h5_file) elif model == 'drift-phoenix': drift_phoenix.add_drift_phoenix(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg', 'feh'], h5_file) elif model == 'petitcode-cool-clear': petitcode.add_petitcode_cool_clear(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg', 'feh'], h5_file) elif model == 'petitcode-cool-cloudy': petitcode.add_petitcode_cool_cloudy(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg', 'feh', 'fsed'], h5_file) elif model == 'petitcode-hot-clear': petitcode.add_petitcode_hot_clear(self.input_path, h5_file, data_folder, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg', 'feh', 'co'], h5_file) elif model == 'petitcode-hot-cloudy': petitcode.add_petitcode_hot_cloudy(self.input_path, h5_file, data_folder, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg', 'feh', 'co', 'fsed'], h5_file) elif model == 'exo-rem': exo_rem.add_exo_rem(self.input_path, h5_file, wavel_range, teff_range, spec_res) data_util.add_missing(model, ['teff', 'logg', 'feh', 'co'], h5_file) else: raise ValueError(f'The {model} atmospheric model is not available. Please choose from ' f'\'ames-cond\', \'ames-dusty\', \'bt-settl\', \'bt-nextgen\', ' f'\'drift-phoexnix\', \'petitcode-cool-clear\', ' f'\'petitcode-cool-cloudy\', \'petitcode-hot-clear\', ' f'\'petitcode-hot-cloudy\', \'exo-rem\'.') h5_file.close()
[docs] def add_object(self, object_name, distance=None, app_mag=None, spectrum=None): """ Function for adding the photometric and/or spectroscopic data of an object to the database. Parameters ---------- object_name: str Object name that will be used as label in the database. distance : tuple(float, float), None Distance and uncertainty (pc). Not stored if set to None. app_mag : dict, None Dictionary with the filter names, apparent magnitudes, and uncertainties. For example, ``{'Paranal/NACO.Lp': (15., 0.2), 'Paranal/NACO.Mp': (13., 0.3)}``. Not stored if set to None. spectrum : dict, None Dictionary with the spectrum, optional covariance matrix, and spectral resolution for each instrument. The input data can either have a FITS or ASCII format. The spectra should have 3 columns with wavelength (um), flux (W m-2 um-1), and uncertainty (W m-2 um-1). The covariance matrix should be 2D with the same number of wavelength points as the spectrum. For example, ``{'SPHERE': ('spectrum.dat', 'covariance.fits', 50.)}``. No covariance data is stored if set to None, for example, ``{'SPHERE': ('spectrum.dat', None, 50.)}``. The ``spectrum`` parameter is ignored if set to None. For GRAVITY data, the same FITS file can be provided as spectrum and covariance matrix. Returns ------- NoneType None """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if app_mag is not None: if 'spectra/calibration/vega' not in h5_file: self.add_spectrum('vega') for item in app_mag: if f'filters/{item}' not in h5_file: self.add_filter(item) print(f'Adding object: {object_name}') if 'objects' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('objects') if f'objects/{object_name}' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group(f'objects/{object_name}') if distance is not None: print(f' - Distance (pc) = {distance[0]:.2f} +/- {distance[1]:.2f}') if f'objects/{object_name}/distance' in h5_file: del h5_file[f'objects/{object_name}/distance'] h5_file.create_dataset(f'objects/{object_name}/distance', data=distance) # (pc) flux = {} error = {} if app_mag is not None: for item in app_mag: try: synphot = photometry.SyntheticPhotometry(item) flux[item], error[item] = synphot.magnitude_to_flux(app_mag[item][0], app_mag[item][1]) except KeyError: warnings.warn(f'Filter \'{item}\' is not available on the SVO Filter Profile ' f'Service so a flux calibration can not be done. Please add the ' f'filter manually with the \'add_filter\' function. For now, ' f'only the \'{item}\' magnitude of \'{object_name}\' is stored.') # Write NaNs if the filter is not available flux[item], error[item] = np.nan, np.nan for item in app_mag: if f'objects/{object_name}/{item}' in h5_file: del h5_file[f'objects/{object_name}/{item}'] print(f' - {item}:') print(f' - Apparent magnitude = {app_mag[item][0]:.2f} +/- {app_mag[item][1]:.2f}') print(f' - Flux (W m-2 um-1) = {flux[item]:.2e} +/- {error[item]:.2e}') data = np.asarray([app_mag[item][0], app_mag[item][1], flux[item], error[item]]) # (mag), (mag), (W m-2 um-1), (W m-2 um-1) h5_file.create_dataset(f'objects/{object_name}/'+item, data=data) if spectrum is not None: read_spec = {} read_cov = {} if f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum' in h5_file: del h5_file[f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum'] # Read spectra for key, value in spectrum.items(): if value[0].endswith('.fits'): with[0]) as hdulist: if 'INSTRU' in hdulist[0].header and \ hdulist[0].header['INSTRU'] == 'GRAVITY': # Read data from a FITS file with the GRAVITY format print(' - GRAVITY spectrum:') gravity_object = hdulist[0].header['OBJECT'] print(f' - Object: {gravity_object}') wavelength = hdulist[1].data['WAVELENGTH'] # (um) flux = hdulist[1].data['FLUX'] # (W m-2 um-1) covariance = hdulist[1].data['COVARIANCE'] # (W m-2 um-1)^2 error = np.sqrt(np.diag(covariance)) # (W m-2 um-1) read_spec[key] = np.column_stack([wavelength, flux, error]) else: # Otherwise try to read a 2D dataset with 3 columns print(' - Spectrum:') for i, hdu_item in enumerate(hdulist): data = np.asarray( if data.ndim == 2 and 3 in data.shape and key not in read_spec: read_spec[key] = data if key not in read_spec: raise ValueError(f'The spectrum data from {value[0]} can not be ' f'read. The data format should be 2D with 3 ' f'columns.') else: try: data = np.loadtxt(value[0]) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValueError(f'The spectrum data from {value[0]} can not be read. ' f'Please provide a FITS or ASCII file.') if data.ndim != 2 or 3 not in data.shape: raise ValueError(f'The spectrum data from {value[0]} can not be read. The ' f'data format should be 2D with 3 columns.') print(' - Spectrum:') read_spec[key] = data wavelength = read_spec[key][:, 0] flux = read_spec[key][:, 1] error = read_spec[key][:, 2] print(f' - Database tag: {key}') print(f' - Filename: {value[0]}') print(f' - Data shape: {read_spec[key].shape}') print(f' - Wavelength range (um): {wavelength[0]:.2f} - {wavelength[-1]:.2f}') print(f' - Mean flux (W m-2 um-1): {np.mean(flux):.2e}') print(f' - Mean error (W m-2 um-1): {np.mean(error):.2e}') # Read covariance matrix for key, value in spectrum.items(): if value[1] is None: read_cov[key] = None elif value[1].endswith('.fits'): with[1]) as hdulist: if 'INSTRU' in hdulist[0].header and \ hdulist[0].header['INSTRU'] == 'GRAVITY': # Read data from a FITS file with the GRAVITY format print(' - GRAVITY covariance matrix:') gravity_object = hdulist[0].header['OBJECT'] print(f' - Object: {gravity_object}') read_cov[key] = hdulist[1].data['COVARIANCE'] # (W m-2 um-1)^2 else: # Otherwise try to read a square, 2D dataset print(' - Covariance matrix:') for i, hdu_item in enumerate(hdulist): data = np.asarray( corr_warn = f'The covariance matrix from {value[1]} contains ' \ f'ones along the diagonal. Converting this ' \ f'correlation matrix into a covariance matrix.' if data.ndim == 2 and data.shape[0] == data.shape[1]: if key not in read_cov: if data.shape[0] == read_spec[key].shape[0]: if np.all(np.diag(data) == 1.): warnings.warn(corr_warn) read_cov[key] = data_util.correlation_to_covariance( data, read_spec[key][:, 2]) else: read_cov[key] = data if key not in read_cov: raise ValueError(f'The covariance matrix from {value[1]} can not ' f'be read. The data format should be 2D with the ' f'same number of wavelength points as the ' f'spectrum.') else: try: data = np.loadtxt(value[1]) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValueError(f'The covariance matrix from {value[1]} can not be read. ' f'Please provide a FITS or ASCII file.') if data.ndim != 2 or 3 not in data.shape: raise ValueError(f'The covariance matrix from {value[1]} can not be read. ' f'The data format should be 2D with the same number of ' f'wavelength points as the spectrum.') print(' - Covariance matrix:') if np.all(np.diag(data) == 1.): warnings.warn(f'The covariance matrix from {value[1]} contains ones on ' f'the diagonal. Converting this correlation matrix into a ' f'covariance matrix.') read_cov[key] = data_util.correlation_to_covariance( data, read_spec[key][:, 2]) else: read_cov[key] = data if read_cov[key] is not None: print(f' - Database tag: {key}') print(f' - Filename: {value[1]}') print(f' - Data shape: {read_cov[key].shape}') print(' - Spectral resolution:') for key, value in spectrum.items(): h5_file.create_dataset(f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum/{key}/spectrum', data=read_spec[key]) if read_cov[key] is not None: h5_file.create_dataset(f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum/{key}/covariance', data=read_cov[key]) h5_file.create_dataset(f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum/{key}/inv_covariance', data=np.linalg.inv(read_cov[key])) dset = h5_file[f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum/{key}'] if value[2] is None: print(f' - {key}: None') dset.attrs['specres'] = 0. else: print(f' - {key}: {value[2]:.2f}') dset.attrs['specres'] = value[2] h5_file.close()
[docs] def add_photometry(self, phot_library): """ Parameters ---------- phot_library : str Photometric library ('vlm-plx' or 'leggett'). Returns ------- NoneType None """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if 'photometry' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('photometry') if 'photometry/'+phot_library in h5_file: del h5_file['photometry/'+phot_library] if phot_library[0:7] == 'vlm-plx': vlm_plx.add_vlm_plx(self.input_path, h5_file) elif phot_library[0:7] == 'leggett': leggett.add_leggett(self.input_path, h5_file) h5_file.close()
[docs] def add_calibration(self, tag, filename=None, data=None, units=None, scaling=None): """ Function for adding a calibration spectrum to the database. Parameters ---------- tag : str Tag name in the database. filename : str, None Filename with the calibration spectrum. The first column should contain the wavelength (um), the second column the flux density (W m-2 um-1), and the third column the error (W m-2 um-1). The `data` argument is used if set to None. data : numpy.ndarray, None Spectrum stored as 3D array with shape (n_wavelength, 3). The first column should contain the wavelength (um), the second column the flux density (W m-2 um-1), and the third column the error (W m-2 um-1). units : dict, None Dictionary with the wavelength and flux units. Default (um and W m-2 um-1) is used if set to None. scaling : tuple(float, float) Scaling for the wavelength and flux as (scaling_wavelength, scaling_flux). Not used if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if filename is None and data is None: raise ValueError('Either the \'filename\' or \'data\' argument should be provided.') if scaling is None: scaling = (1., 1.) h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if 'spectra/calibration' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('spectra/calibration') if 'spectra/calibration/'+tag in h5_file: del h5_file['spectra/calibration/'+tag] if filename is not None: data = np.loadtxt(filename) if units is None: wavelength = scaling[0]*data[:, 0] # (um) flux = scaling[1]*data[:, 1] # (W m-2 um-1) else: if units['wavelength'] == 'um': wavelength = scaling[0]*data[:, 0] # (um) if units['flux'] == 'w m-2 um-1': flux = scaling[1]*data[:, 1] # (W m-2 um-1) elif units['flux'] == 'w m-2': if units['wavelength'] == 'um': flux = scaling[1]*data[:, 1]/wavelength # (W m-2 um-1) if data.shape[1] == 3: if units is None: error = scaling[1]*data[:, 2] # (W m-2 um-1) else: if units['flux'] == 'w m-2 um-1': error = scaling[1]*data[:, 2] # (W m-2 um-1) elif units['flux'] == 'w m-2': if units['wavelength'] == 'um': error = scaling[1]*data[:, 2]/wavelength # (W m-2 um-1) else: error = np.repeat(0., wavelength.size) print(f'Adding calibration spectrum: {tag}...', end='', flush=True) h5_file.create_dataset(f'spectra/calibration/{tag}', data=np.vstack((wavelength, flux, error))) h5_file.close() print(' [DONE]')
[docs] def add_spectrum(self, spec_library, sptypes=None): """ Parameters ---------- spec_library : str Spectral library ('irtf' or 'spex'). sptypes : list(str, ) Spectral types ('F', 'G', 'K', 'M', 'L', 'T'). Currently only implemented for 'irtf'. Returns ------- NoneType None """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if 'spectra' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('spectra') if 'spectra/'+spec_library in h5_file: del h5_file['spectra/'+spec_library] if spec_library[0:5] == 'vega': vega.add_vega(self.input_path, h5_file) elif spec_library[0:5] == 'irtf': irtf.add_irtf(self.input_path, h5_file, sptypes) elif spec_library[0:5] == 'spex': spex.add_spex(self.input_path, h5_file) h5_file.close()
[docs] def add_samples(self, sampler, samples, ln_prob, mean_accept, spectrum, tag, modelpar, distance=None, spec_labels=None): """ Parameters ---------- sampler : emcee.ensemble.EnsembleSampler Ensemble sampler. spectrum : tuple(str, str) Tuple with the spectrum type ('model' or 'calibration') and spectrum name (e.g. 'drift-phoenix'). tag : str Database tag. modelpar : list(str, ) List with the model parameter names. distance : float Distance to the object (pc). Not used if set to None. spec_labels : list(str, ) List with the spectrum labels that are used for fitting an additional scaling parameter. Returns ------- NoneType None """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'a') if 'results' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('results') if 'results/fit' not in h5_file: h5_file.create_group('results/fit') if f'results/fit/{tag}' in h5_file: del h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}'] dset = h5_file.create_dataset(f'results/fit/{tag}/samples', data=samples) h5_file.create_dataset(f'results/fit/{tag}/ln_prob', data=ln_prob) dset.attrs['type'] = str(spectrum[0]) dset.attrs['spectrum'] = str(spectrum[1]) dset.attrs['n_param'] = int(len(modelpar)) dset.attrs['sampler'] = str(sampler) if mean_accept is not None: dset.attrs['mean_accept'] = float(mean_accept) print(f'Mean acceptance fraction: {mean_accept:.3f}') if distance: dset.attrs['distance'] = float(distance) count_scaling = 0 for i, item in enumerate(modelpar): dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}'] = str(item) if spec_labels is not None and item in spec_labels: dset.attrs[f'scaling{count_scaling}'] = str(item) count_scaling += 1 dset.attrs['n_scaling'] = int(count_scaling) try: int_auto = emcee.autocorr.integrated_time(samples) print(f'Integrated autocorrelation time = {int_auto}') except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError: int_auto = None print('The chain is shorter than 50 times the integrated autocorrelation time. ' '[WARNING]') if int_auto is not None: for i, item in enumerate(int_auto): dset.attrs[f'autocorrelation{i}'] = float(item) h5_file.close()
[docs] def get_probable_sample(self, tag, burnin): """ Function for extracting the sample parameters with the highest posterior probability. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag with the MCMC results. burnin : int Number of burnin steps. Returns ------- dict Parameters and values for the sample with the maximum posterior probability. """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') dset = h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}/samples'] samples = np.asarray(dset) ln_prob = np.asarray(h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}/ln_prob']) if 'n_param' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['n_param'] elif 'nparam' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['nparam'] if samples.ndim == 3: if burnin > samples.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f'The \'burnin\' value is larger than the number of steps ' f'({samples.shape[1]}) that are made by the walkers.') samples = samples[:, burnin:, :] ln_prob = ln_prob[:, burnin:] samples = np.reshape(samples, (-1, n_param)) ln_prob = np.reshape(ln_prob, -1) index_max = np.unravel_index(ln_prob.argmax(), ln_prob.shape) # max_prob = ln_prob[index_max] max_sample = samples[index_max] prob_sample = {} for i in range(n_param): par_key = dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}'] par_value = max_sample[i] prob_sample[par_key] = par_value if dset.attrs.__contains__('distance'): prob_sample['distance'] = dset.attrs['distance'] h5_file.close() return prob_sample
[docs] def get_median_sample(self, tag, burnin=None): """ Function for extracting the median parameter values from the MCMC samples. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag with the MCMC results. burnin : int, None Number of burnin steps. No burnin is removed if set to None. Returns ------- dict Parameters and values for the sample with the maximum posterior probability. """ with h5py.File(self.database, 'r') as h5_file: dset = h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}/samples'] if 'n_param' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['n_param'] elif 'nparam' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['nparam'] samples = np.asarray(dset) if samples.ndim == 3: if burnin > samples.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f'The \'burnin\' value is larger than the number of steps ' f'({samples.shape[1]}) that are made by the walkers.') if burnin is not None: samples = samples[:, burnin:, :] samples = np.reshape(samples, (-1, n_param)) median_sample = {} for i in range(n_param): par_key = dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}'] par_value = np.percentile(samples[:, i], 50.) median_sample[par_key] = par_value if dset.attrs.__contains__('distance'): median_sample['distance'] = dset.attrs['distance'] return median_sample
[docs] def get_mcmc_spectra(self, tag, burnin, random, wavel_range, spec_res=None): """ Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag with the MCMC samples. burnin : int Number of burnin steps. random : int Number of random samples. wavel_range : tuple(float, float), str, None Wavelength range (um) or filter name. Full spectrum if set to None. spec_res : float Spectral resolution that is used for the smoothing with a Gaussian kernel. No smoothing is applied if set to None. Returns ------- list(, ) Boxes with the randomly sampled spectra. """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') dset = h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}/samples'] spectrum_type = dset.attrs['type'] spectrum_name = dset.attrs['spectrum'] if 'n_param' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['n_param'] elif 'nparam' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['nparam'] if 'n_scaling' in dset.attrs: n_scaling = dset.attrs['n_scaling'] elif 'nscaling' in dset.attrs: n_scaling = dset.attrs['nscaling'] else: n_scaling = 0 if 'n_error' in dset.attrs: n_error = dset.attrs['n_error'] else: n_error = 0 scaling = [] for i in range(n_scaling): scaling.append(dset.attrs[f'scaling{i}']) error = [] for i in range(n_error): error.append(dset.attrs[f'error{i}']) if spec_res is not None and spectrum_type == 'calibration': warnings.warn('Smoothing of the spectral resolution is not implemented for calibration ' 'spectra.') if dset.attrs.__contains__('distance'): distance = dset.attrs['distance'] else: distance = None samples = np.asarray(dset) if samples.ndim == 2: ran_index = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) samples = samples[ran_index, ] elif samples.ndim == 3: if burnin > samples.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f'The \'burnin\' value is larger than the number of steps ' f'({samples.shape[1]}) that are made by the walkers.') samples = samples[:, burnin:, :] ran_walker = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) ran_step = np.random.randint(samples.shape[1], size=random) samples = samples[ran_walker, ran_step, :] param = [] for i in range(n_param): param.append(dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}']) if spectrum_type == 'model': if spectrum_name == 'planck': readmodel = read_planck.ReadPlanck(wavel_range) else: readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(spectrum_name, wavel_range=wavel_range) elif spectrum_type == 'calibration': readcalib = read_calibration.ReadCalibration(spectrum_name, filter_name=None) boxes = [] for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(samples.shape[0]), desc='Getting MCMC spectra'): model_param = {} for j in range(samples.shape[1]): if param[j] not in scaling and param[j] not in error: model_param[param[j]] = samples[i, j] if distance: model_param['distance'] = distance if spectrum_type == 'model': if spectrum_name == 'planck': specbox = readmodel.get_spectrum(model_param, spec_res) else: specbox = readmodel.get_model(model_param, spec_res=spec_res, smooth=True) elif spectrum_type == 'calibration': specbox = readcalib.get_spectrum(model_param) box.type = 'mcmc' boxes.append(specbox) h5_file.close() return boxes
[docs] def get_mcmc_photometry(self, tag, burnin, filter_name): """ Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag with the MCMC samples. burnin : int Number of burnin steps. filter_name : str Filter name for which the photometry is calculated. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Synthetic photometry (mag). """ h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') dset = h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}/samples'] if 'n_param' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['n_param'] elif 'nparam' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['nparam'] spectrum_type = dset.attrs['type'].decode('utf-8') spectrum_name = dset.attrs['spectrum'].decode('utf-8') if dset.attrs.__contains__('distance'): distance = dset.attrs['distance'] else: distance = None samples = np.asarray(dset) samples = samples[:, burnin:, :] samples = samples.reshape((samples.shape[0]*samples.shape[1], n_param)) param = [] for i in range(n_param): param.append(dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}']) h5_file.close() if spectrum_type == 'model': readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(spectrum_name, filter_name=filter_name) # elif spectrum_type == 'calibration': # readcalib = read_calibration.ReadCalibration(spectrum_name, None) mcmc_phot = np.zeros((samples.shape[0], 1)) for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(samples.shape[0]), desc='Getting MCMC photometry'): model_param = {} for j in range(n_param): model_param[param[j]] = samples[i, j] if distance is not None: model_param['distance'] = distance if spectrum_type == 'model': mcmc_phot[i, 0], _ = readmodel.get_magnitude(model_param) # elif spectrum_type == 'calibration': # specbox = readcalib.get_spectrum(model_param) return mcmc_phot
[docs] def get_object(self, object_name, filters=None, inc_phot=True, inc_spec=True): """ Function for extracting the photometric and/or spectroscopic data of an object from the database. The spectroscopic data contains optionally the covariance matrix and its inverse. Parameters ---------- object_name : str Object name in the database. filters : list(str, ) Filter names for which the photometry is selected. All available photometry of the object is selected if set to None. inc_phot : bool Include photometry in the box. inc_spec : bool Include spectrum in the box. Returns ------- Box with the object's data. """ print(f'Getting object: {object_name}...', end='', flush=True) h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') dset = h5_file[f'objects/{object_name}'] distance = np.asarray(dset['distance']) if inc_phot: magnitude = {} flux = {} if filters: for item in filters: data = dset[item] magnitude[item] = np.asarray(data[0:2]) flux[item] = np.asarray(data[2:4]) else: for key in dset.keys(): if key not in ['distance', 'spectrum']: for item in dset[key]: name = key+'/'+item magnitude[name] = np.asarray(dset[name][0:2]) flux[name] = np.asarray(dset[name][2:4]) filters = list(magnitude.keys()) else: magnitude = None flux = None filters = None if inc_spec and f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum' in h5_file: spectrum = {} for item in h5_file[f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum']: data_group = f'objects/{object_name}/spectrum/{item}' if f'{data_group}/covariance' not in h5_file: spectrum[item] = (np.asarray(h5_file[f'{data_group}/spectrum']), None, None, h5_file[f'{data_group}'].attrs['specres']) else: spectrum[item] = (np.asarray(h5_file[f'{data_group}/spectrum']), np.asarray(h5_file[f'{data_group}/covariance']), np.asarray(h5_file[f'{data_group}/inv_covariance']), h5_file[f'{data_group}'].attrs['specres']) else: spectrum = None h5_file.close() print(' [DONE]') return box.create_box('object', name=object_name, filters=filters, magnitude=magnitude, flux=flux, distance=distance, spectrum=spectrum)
[docs] def get_samples(self, tag, burnin=None, random=None): """ Parameters ---------- tag: str Database tag with the samples. burnin : int, None Number of burnin samples to exclude. All samples are selected if set to None. random : int, None Number of random samples to select. All samples (with the burnin excluded) are selected if set to None. Returns ------- Box with the MCMC samples. """ if burnin is None: burnin = 0 h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') dset = h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}/samples'] spectrum = dset.attrs['spectrum'] if 'n_param' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['n_param'] elif 'nparam' in dset.attrs: n_param = dset.attrs['nparam'] samples = np.asarray(dset) if samples.ndim == 3: if burnin > samples.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f'The \'burnin\' value is larger than the number of steps ' f'({samples.shape[1]}) that are made by the walkers.') samples = samples[:, burnin:, :] if random: ran_walker = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) ran_step = np.random.randint(samples.shape[1], size=random) samples = samples[ran_walker, ran_step, :] param = [] for i in range(n_param): param.append(dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}']) h5_file.close() if samples.ndim == 3: prob_sample = self.get_probable_sample(tag, burnin) else: prob_sample = None median_sample = self.get_median_sample(tag, burnin) return box.create_box('samples', spectrum=spectrum, parameters=param, samples=samples, prob_sample=prob_sample, median_sample=median_sample)
# def add_retrieval(self, # tag, # output_name): # """ # Parameters # ---------- # tag : str # Database tag. # output_name : str # Output name that was used for the output files by MultiNest. # # Returns # ------- # NoneType # None # """ # # print('Storing samples in the database...', end='', flush=True) # # with open(f'{output_name}_params.json') as json_file: # parameters = json.load(json_file) # # with open(f'{output_name}_radtrans.json') as json_file: # radtrans = json.load(json_file) # # samples = np.loadtxt(f'{output_name}_post_equal_weights.dat') # # with h5py.File(self.database, 'a') as h5_file: # # if 'results' not in h5_file: # h5_file.create_group('results') # # if 'results/fit' not in h5_file: # h5_file.create_group('results/fit') # # if f'results/fit/{tag}' in h5_file: # del h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}'] # # # remove the column with the log-likelihood value # samples = samples[:, :-1] # # if samples.shape[1] != len(parameters): # raise ValueError('The number of parameters is not equal to the parameter size ' # 'of the samples array.') # # dset = h5_file.create_dataset(f'results/fit/{tag}/samples', data=samples) # # dset.attrs['type'] = 'model' # dset.attrs['spectrum'] = 'petitradtrans' # dset.attrs['n_param'] = len(parameters) # dset.attrs['distance'] = radtrans['distance'] # # count_scale = 0 # count_error = 0 # # for i, item in enumerate(parameters): # dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}'] = item # # for i, item in enumerate(parameters): # if item[0:6] == 'scaling_': # dset.attrs[f'scaling{count_scale}'] = item # count_scale += 1 # # for i, item in enumerate(parameters): # if item[0:6] == 'error_': # dset.attrs[f'error{count_error}'] = item # count_error += 1 # # dset.attrs['n_scaling'] = count_scale # dset.attrs['n_error'] = count_error # # for i, item in enumerate(radtrans['line_species']): # dset.attrs[f'line_species{i}'] = item # # for i, item in enumerate(radtrans['cloud_species']): # dset.attrs[f'cloud_species{i}'] = item # # dset.attrs['n_line_species'] = len(radtrans['line_species']) # dset.attrs['n_cloud_species'] = len(radtrans['cloud_species']) # # dset.attrs['scattering'] = radtrans['scattering'] # dset.attrs['quenching'] = radtrans['quenching'] # dset.attrs['pt_profile'] = radtrans['pt_profile'] # # print(' [DONE]') # # def get_retrieval_spectra(self, # tag, # random, # wavel_range, # spec_res=None): # """ # Parameters # ---------- # tag : str # Database tag with the MCMC samples. # random : int # Number of randomly selected samples. # wavel_range : tuple(float, float) or str # Wavelength range (um) or filter name. # spec_res : float # Spectral resolution that is used for the smoothing with a Gaussian kernel. No smoothing # is applied if set to None. # # Returns # ------- # list(, ) # Boxes with the randomly sampled spectra. # """ # # config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'species_config.ini') # # config = configparser.ConfigParser() # config.read_file(open(config_file)) # # database_path = config['species']['database'] # # h5_file = h5py.File(database_path, 'r') # dset = h5_file[f'results/fit/{tag}/samples'] # # spectrum_type = dset.attrs['type'] # spectrum_name = dset.attrs['spectrum'] # # if 'n_param' in dset.attrs: # n_param = dset.attrs['n_param'] # elif 'nparam' in dset.attrs: # n_param = dset.attrs['nparam'] # # n_line_species = dset.attrs['n_line_species'] # n_cloud_species = dset.attrs['n_cloud_species'] # # scattering = dset.attrs['scattering'] # quenching = dset.attrs['quenching'] # pt_profile = dset.attrs['pt_profile'] # # if dset.attrs.__contains__('distance'): # distance = dset.attrs['distance'] # else: # distance = None # # samples = np.asarray(dset) # # random_indices = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) # samples = samples[random_indices, :] # # parameters = [] # for i in range(n_param): # parameters.append(dset.attrs[f'parameter{i}']) # # parameters = np.asarray(parameters) # # line_species = [] # for i in range(n_line_species): # line_species.append(dset.attrs[f'line_species{i}']) # # line_species = np.asarray(line_species) # # cloud_species = [] # for i in range(n_cloud_species): # cloud_species.append(dset.attrs[f'cloud_species{i}']) # # cloud_species = np.asarray(cloud_species) # # # create mock p-t profile # # temp_params = {} # temp_params['log_delta'] = -6. # temp_params['log_gamma'] = 1. # temp_params['t_int'] = 750. # temp_params['t_equ'] = 0. # temp_params['log_p_trans'] = -3. # temp_params['alpha'] = 0. # # pressure, _ = nc.make_press_temp(temp_params) # # logg_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'logg')[0] # radius_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'radius')[0] # feh_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'feh')[0] # co_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'co')[0] # # if quenching: # log_p_quench_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'log_p_quench')[0] # # if pt_profile == 'molliere': # tint_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'tint')[0] # t1_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 't1')[0] # t2_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 't2')[0] # t3_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 't3')[0] # alpha_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'alpha')[0] # log_delta_index = np.argwhere(parameters == 'log_delta')[0] # # elif pt_profile == 'line': # temp_index = [] # for i in range(15): # temp_index.append(np.argwhere(parameters == f't{i}')[0]) # # knot_press = np.logspace(np.log10(pressure[0]), np.log10(pressure[-1]), 15) # # if scattering: # rt_object = RadtransScatter(line_species=line_species, # rayleigh_species=['H2', 'He'], # cloud_species=cloud_species, # continuum_opacities=['H2-H2', 'H2-He'], # wlen_bords_micron=wavel_range, # mode='c-k', # test_ck_shuffle_comp=scattering, # do_scat_emis=scattering) # # else: # rt_object = Radtrans(line_species=line_species, # rayleigh_species=['H2', 'He'], # cloud_species=cloud_species, # continuum_opacities=['H2-H2', 'H2-He'], # wlen_bords_micron=wavel_range, # mode='c-k') # # # create RT arrays of appropriate lengths by using every three pressure points # rt_object.setup_opa_structure(pressure[::3]) # # boxes = [] # # for i, item in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(samples), desc='Getting MCMC spectra'): # # if pt_profile == 'molliere': # temp, _, _ = retrieval_util.pt_ret_model( # np.array([item[t1_index][0], item[t2_index][0], item[t3_index][0]]), # 10.**item[log_delta_index][0], item[alpha_index][0], item[tint_index][0], pressure, # item[feh_index][0], item[co_index][0]) # # elif pt_profile == 'line': # knot_temp = [] # for i in range(15): # knot_temp.append(item[temp_index[i]][0]) # # temp = retrieval_util.pt_spline_interp(knot_press, knot_temp, pressure) # # if quenching: # log_p_quench = item[log_p_quench_index][0] # else: # log_p_quench = -10. # # wavelength, flux = retrieval_util.calc_spectrum_clear( # rt_object, pressure, temp, item[logg_index][0], item[co_index][0], # item[feh_index][0], log_p_quench, half=True) # # flux *= (item[radius_index]*constants.R_JUP/(distance*constants.PARSEC))**2. # # if spec_res is not None: # # convolve with a Gaussian line spread function # flux = retrieval_util.convolve(wavelength, flux, spec_res) # # model_box = box.create_box(boxtype='model', # model='petitradtrans', # wavelength=wavelength, # flux=flux, # parameters=None, # quantity='flux') # # model_box.type = 'mcmc' # # boxes.append(model_box) # # h5_file.close() # # return boxes