Source code for species.analysis.photometry

Module with functionalities for calculating synthetic photometry.

import os
import math
import warnings
import configparser

import h5py
import numpy as np

from import database
from import read_filter, read_calibration
from species.util import phot_util

[docs]class SyntheticPhotometry: """ Class for calculating synthetic photometry from a spectrum. """ def __init__(self, filter_name): """ Parameters ---------- filter_name : str Filter ID as listed in the database. Filters from the SVO Filter Profile Service are downloaded and added to the database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.filter_name = filter_name self.filter_interp = None self.wavel_range = None self.vega_mag = 0.03 # [mag] config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'species_config.ini') config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_file(open(config_file)) self.database = config['species']['database']
[docs] def zero_point(self): """ Internal function for calculating the zero point of the provided ``filter_name``. Returns ------- float Zero-point flux (W m-2 um-1). """ if self.wavel_range is None: transmission = read_filter.ReadFilter(self.filter_name) self.wavel_range = transmission.wavelength_range() h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') try: h5_file['spectra/calibration/vega'] except KeyError: h5_file.close() species_db = database.Database() species_db.add_spectrum('vega') h5_file = h5py.File(self.database, 'r') readcalib = read_calibration.ReadCalibration('vega', None) calibbox = readcalib.get_spectrum() wavelength = calibbox.wavelength flux = calibbox.flux wavelength_crop = wavelength[(wavelength > self.wavel_range[0]) & (wavelength < self.wavel_range[1])] flux_crop = flux[(wavelength > self.wavel_range[0]) & (wavelength < self.wavel_range[1])] h5_file.close() return self.spectrum_to_flux(wavelength_crop, flux_crop)[0]
[docs] def spectrum_to_flux(self, wavelength, flux, error=None, threshold=0.05): """ Function for calculating the average flux from a spectrum and a filter profile. The error is propagated by sampling 200 random values from the error distributions. Parameters ---------- wavelength : numpy.ndarray Wavelength points (um). flux : numpy.ndarray Flux (W m-2 um-1). error : numpy.ndarray Uncertainty (W m-2 um-1). Not used if set to None. threshold : float, None Transmission threshold (value between 0 and 1). If the minimum transmission value is larger than the threshold, a NaN is returned. This will happen if the input spectrum does not cover the full wavelength range of the filter profile. Not used if set to None. Returns ------- float Average flux (W m-2 um-1). float, None Uncertainty (W m-2 um-1). """ if self.filter_interp is None: transmission = read_filter.ReadFilter(self.filter_name) self.filter_interp = transmission.interpolate_filter() if self.wavel_range is None: self.wavel_range = transmission.wavelength_range() if wavelength.size == 0: raise ValueError('Calculation of the mean flux is not possible because the ' 'wavelength array is empty.') indices = np.where((wavelength > self.wavel_range[0]) & (wavelength < self.wavel_range[1]))[0] if indices.size == 1: raise ValueError('Calculating synthetic photometry requires more than one ' 'wavelength point.') wavelength = wavelength[indices] flux = flux[indices] if error is not None: error = error[indices] indices = np.where((self.wavel_range[0] <= wavelength) & (wavelength <= self.wavel_range[1]))[0] if indices.size < 2: syn_flux = np.nan warnings.warn('Calculating a synthetic flux requires more than one wavelength ' 'point. Photometry is set to NaN.') else: if threshold is None and (wavelength[0] > self.wavel_range[0] or wavelength[-1] < self.wavel_range[1]): warnings.warn(f'The filter profile of {self.filter_name} ' f'({self.wavel_range[0]:.4f}-{self.wavel_range[1]:.4f}) extends ' f' beyond the wavelength range of the spectrum ({wavelength[0]:.4f} ' f'-{wavelength[-1]:.4f}). The flux is set to NaN. Setting the ' f'\'threshold\' parameter will loosen the wavelength constraints.') syn_flux = np.nan else: wavelength = wavelength[indices] flux = flux[indices] if error is not None: error = error[indices] transmission = self.filter_interp(wavelength) if threshold is not None and \ (transmission[0] > threshold or transmission[-1] > threshold) and \ (wavelength[0] < self.wavel_range[0] or wavelength[-1] > self.wavel_range[-1]): warnings.warn(f'The filter profile of {self.filter_name} ' f'({self.wavel_range[0]:.4f}-{self.wavel_range[1]:.4f}) ' f'extends beyond the wavelength range of the spectrum ' f'({wavelength[0]:.4f}-{wavelength[-1]:.4f}). The flux ' f'is set to NaN. Increasing the \'threshold\' parameter ' f'({threshold}) will loosen the wavelength constraint.') syn_flux = np.nan else: indices = np.isnan(transmission) indices = np.logical_not(indices) integrand1 = transmission[indices]*flux[indices] integrand2 = transmission[indices] integral1 = np.trapz(integrand1, wavelength[indices]) integral2 = np.trapz(integrand2, wavelength[indices]) syn_flux = integral1/integral2 if error is not None and not np.any(np.isnan(error)): error_flux = np.zeros(200) for i in range(200): spec_random = flux+np.random.normal(loc=0., scale=1., size=wavelength.shape[0])*error spec_tmp = self.spectrum_to_flux(wavelength, spec_random, error=None, threshold=threshold)[0] error_flux[i] = spec_tmp error_flux = np.std(error_flux) else: error_flux = None return syn_flux, error_flux
[docs] def spectrum_to_magnitude(self, wavelength, flux, error=None, distance=None, threshold=0.05): """ Function for calculating the apparent and absolute magnitude from a spectrum and a filter profile. The error is propagated by sampling 200 random values from the error distributions. Parameters ---------- wavelength : numpy.ndarray Wavelength points (um). flux : numpy.ndarray Flux (W m-2 um-1). error : numpy.ndarray, list(numpy.ndarray), None Uncertainty (W m-2 um-1). distance : tuple(float, float), None Distance and uncertainty (pc). No absolute magnitude is calculated if set to None. No error on the absolute magnitude is calculated if the uncertainty is set to None. threshold : float, None Transmission threshold (value between 0 and 1). If the minimum transmission value is larger than the threshold, a NaN is returned. This will happen if the input spectrum does not cover the full wavelength range of the filter profile. Not used if set to None. Returns ------- tuple(float, float) Apparent magnitude and uncertainty (mag). tuple(float, float) Absolute magnitude and uncertainty (mag). """ zp_flux = self.zero_point() syn_flux = self.spectrum_to_flux(wavelength, flux, error=error, threshold=threshold) app_mag = self.vega_mag - 2.5*math.log10(syn_flux[0]/zp_flux) if error is not None and not np.any(np.isnan(error)): error_app_mag = np.zeros(200) for i in range(200): spec_random = flux+np.random.normal(loc=0., scale=1., size=wavelength.shape[0])*error flux_random = self.spectrum_to_flux(wavelength, spec_random, error=None, threshold=threshold) error_app_mag[i] = self.vega_mag - 2.5*np.log10(flux_random[0]/zp_flux) error_app_mag = np.std(error_app_mag) else: error_app_mag = None if distance is None: abs_mag = None error_abs_mag = None else: abs_mag = app_mag - 5.*np.log10(distance[0]) + 5. if error_app_mag is not None and distance[1] is not None: error_dist = distance[1] * (5./(distance[0]*math.log(10.))) error_abs_mag = math.sqrt(error_app_mag**2 + error_dist**2) else: error_abs_mag = None return (app_mag, error_app_mag), (abs_mag, error_abs_mag)
[docs] def magnitude_to_flux(self, magnitude, error=None, zp_flux=None): """ Function for converting a magnitude to a flux. Parameters ---------- magnitude : float Magnitude (mag). error : float, None Error (mag). Not used if set to None. zp_flux : float Zero-point flux (W m-2 um-1). The value is calculated if set to None. Returns ------- float Flux (W m-2 um-1). float Error (W m-2 um-1). """ if zp_flux is None: zp_flux = self.zero_point() flux = 10.**(-0.4*(magnitude-self.vega_mag))*zp_flux if error is None: error_flux = None else: error_upper = flux * (10.**(0.4*error) - 1.) error_lower = flux * (1. - 10.**(-0.4*error)) error_flux = (error_lower+error_upper)/2. return flux, error_flux
[docs] def flux_to_magnitude(self, flux, error=None, distance=None): """ Function for converting a flux into a magnitude. Parameters ---------- flux : float, numpy.ndarray Flux (W m-2 um-1). error : float, numpy.ndarray, None Uncertainty (W m-2 um-1). Not used if set to None. distance : tuple(float, float), tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Distance and uncertainty (pc). The returned absolute magnitude is set to None in case ``distance`` is set to None. The error is not propagated into the error on the absolute magnitude in case the distance uncertainty is set to None, for example ``distance=(20., None)`` Returns ------- tuple(float, float), tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Apparent magnitude and uncertainty (mag). tuple(float, float), tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Absolute magnitude and uncertainty (mag). """ zp_flux = self.zero_point() app_mag = self.vega_mag - 2.5*np.log10(flux/zp_flux) if error is None: error_app_mag = None error_abs_mag = None else: error_app_lower = app_mag - (self.vega_mag - 2.5*np.log10((flux+error)/zp_flux)) error_app_upper = (self.vega_mag - 2.5*np.log10((flux-error)/zp_flux)) - app_mag error_app_mag = (error_app_lower+error_app_upper)/2. if distance is None: abs_mag = None error_abs_mag = None else: abs_mag, error_abs_mag = phot_util.apparent_to_absolute( (app_mag, error_app_mag), distance) return (app_mag, error_app_mag), (abs_mag, error_abs_mag)