Source code for species.analysis.fit_model

Module with functionalities for fitting atmospheric model spectra.

import os
import math
import warnings

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import emcee
import numpy as np

    import pymultinest
    warnings.warn('PyMultiNest could not be imported.')

from species.core import constants
from import database
from import read_model, read_object
from species.util import read_util

[docs]def lnprior(param, bounds, modelpar, prior=None): """ Internal function for the prior probability. Parameters ---------- param : numpy.ndarray Parameter values. bounds : dict Parameter boundaries. modelpar : list(str, ) Parameter names. prior : tuple(str, float, float), None Gaussian prior on one of the parameters. Currently only possible for the mass, e.g. ('mass', 13., 3.) for an expected mass of 13 Mjup with an uncertainty of 3 Mjup. Not used if set to None. Returns ------- float Log prior probability. """ if prior is not None: modeldict = {} for i, item in enumerate(modelpar): modeldict[item] = param[i] ln_prior = 0 for i, item in enumerate(modelpar): if bounds[item][0] <= param[i] <= bounds[item][1]: if prior is not None and prior[0] == 'mass' and item == 'logg': mass = read_util.get_mass(modeldict) ln_prior += -0.5*(mass-prior[1])**2/prior[2]**2 else: ln_prior += 0. else: ln_prior = -np.inf break return ln_prior
[docs]def lnlike(param, modelpar, objphot, distance, spectrum, modelphot, modelspec): """ Internal function for the likelihood function. Parameters ---------- param : numpy.ndarray Parameter values. modelpar : list(str, ) Parameter names. objphot : list(tuple(float, float), ) List with the fluxes and uncertainties of the object. distance : tuple(float, float) Distance and uncertainty (pc). spectrum : dict Dictionary with the spectrum stored as wavelength (um), flux (W m-2 um-1), and error (W m-2 um-1), and optionally the covariance matrix and the inverse of the covariance matrix. modelphot : list(, ) List with the interpolated synthetic photometry. modelspec : list(, ) List with the interpolated synthetic spectra. Returns ------- float Log likelihood probability. """ paramdict = {} spec_scaling = {} for i, item in enumerate(modelpar): if item == 'radius': radius = param[i] elif item[:8] == 'scaling_' and item[8:] in spectrum: spec_scaling[item[8:]] = param[i] else: paramdict[item] = param[i] scaling = (radius*constants.R_JUP)**2 / (distance[0]*constants.PARSEC)**2 chisq = 0. if objphot is not None: for i, item in enumerate(objphot): flux = scaling * modelphot[i].spectrum_interp(list(paramdict.values())) chisq += (item[0]-flux)**2 / item[1]**2 if spectrum is not None: for i, item in enumerate(spectrum.keys()): flux = scaling * modelspec[i].spectrum_interp(list(paramdict.values()))[0, :] if item in spec_scaling: flux_obs = spec_scaling[item]*spectrum[item][0][:, 1] else: flux_obs = spectrum[item][0][:, 1] if spectrum[item][2] is not None: spec_diff = flux_obs - flux chisq +=,[item][2], spec_diff)) else: chisq += np.nansum((flux_obs-flux)**2 / spectrum[item][0][:, 2]**2) return -0.5*chisq
[docs]def lnprob(param, bounds, modelpar, objphot, distance, prior, spectrum, modelphot, modelspec): """ Internal function for the posterior probability. Parameters ---------- param : numpy.ndarray Parameter values. bounds : dict Parameter boundaries. modelpar : list(str, ) Parameter names. objphot : list(tuple(float, float), ) List with the fluxes and uncertainties of the object. distance : tuple(float, float) Distance and uncertainty (pc). prior : tuple(str, float, float) Gaussian prior on one of the parameters. Currently only possible for the mass, e.g. ('mass', 13., 3.) for an expected mass of 13 Mjup with an uncertainty of 3 Mjup. Not used if set to None. spectrum : dict Wavelength (um), apparent flux (W m-2 um-1), and flux error (W m-2 um-1). modelphot : list(, ) List with the interpolated synthetic fluxes. modelspec : list(, ) List with the interpolated synthetic spectra. Returns ------- float Log posterior probability. """ ln_prior = lnprior(param, bounds, modelpar, prior) if math.isinf(ln_prior): ln_prob = -np.inf else: ln_prob = ln_prior + lnlike(param, modelpar, objphot, distance, spectrum, modelphot, modelspec) if np.isnan(ln_prob): ln_prob = -np.inf return ln_prob
[docs]class FitModel: """ Class for fitting atmospheric model spectra to photometric and/or spectroscopic data. """ def __init__(self, object_name, filters, model, bounds=None, inc_phot=True, inc_spec=True): """ For each photometric point and spectrum, the model grid is linearly interpolated at the required synthetic photometry and wavelength sampling before running the MCMC. Therefore, the computation time of this initial interpolation depends on the wavelength range and spectral resolution of the spectra that are stored in the database, and the prior boundaries that are chosen with ``bounds``. Parameters ---------- object_name : str Object name in the database as created with :func:`` or :func:``. filters : tuple(str, ) Filter names for which the photometry is selected. All available photometry of the object is selected if set to None. model : str Atmospheric model (e.g. 'drift-phoenix', 'petitcode-cool-cloudy', or 'bt-settl'). bounds : dict, None Parameter boundaries. The full range is used for each parameter if set to None. In that case, the radius range is set to 0.8-1.5 Rjup. It is also possible to specify the bounds for a subset of the parameters, for example, ``{'radius': (0.5, 10.)}``. Restricting the boundaries will decrease the computation time with the interpolation prior to the MCMC sampling. An additional scaling parameter can be fitted for each spectrum in which case, the boundaries have to be provided with the database tag of the spectrum. For example, ``{'sphere_ifs': (0.5, 2.)}`` if the spectrum is stored as ``sphere_ifs`` with :func:``. inc_phot : bool Include photometric data in the fit. inc_spec : bool Include spectroscopic data in the fit. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.object = read_object.ReadObject(object_name) self.distance = self.object.get_distance() self.model = model self.bounds = bounds if not inc_phot and not inc_spec: raise ValueError('No photometric or spectral data has been selected.') if self.bounds is not None: readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(self.model) bounds_grid = readmodel.get_bounds() for item in bounds_grid: if item not in self.bounds: self.bounds[item] = bounds_grid[item] else: readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(self.model, None, None) self.bounds = readmodel.get_bounds() if 'radius' not in self.bounds: self.bounds['radius'] = (0.8, 1.5) print('Prior and interpolation boundaries:') for key, value in self.bounds.items(): print(f' - {key} = {value}') if inc_phot: self.objphot = [] self.modelphot = [] if filters is None: species_db = database.Database() objectbox = species_db.get_object(object_name, None) filters = objectbox.filters for item in filters: print(f'Interpolating {item}...', end='', flush=True) readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(self.model, filter_name=item) readmodel.interpolate_grid(self.bounds) self.modelphot.append(readmodel) print(f' [DONE]') obj_phot = self.object.get_photometry(item) self.objphot.append((obj_phot[2], obj_phot[3])) else: self.objphot = None self.modelphot = None if inc_spec: self.spectrum = self.object.get_spectrum() self.modelspec = [] for key, value in self.spectrum.items(): print(f'\rInterpolating {key}...', end='', flush=True) wavel_range = (0.9*value[0][0, 0], 1.1*value[0][-1, 0]) readmodel = read_model.ReadModel(self.model, wavel_range=wavel_range) readmodel.interpolate_grid(self.bounds, wavel_resample=self.spectrum[key][0][:, 0], smooth=True, spec_res=self.spectrum[key][3]) self.modelspec.append(readmodel) print(f' [DONE]') else: self.spectrum = None self.modelspec = None self.modelpar = readmodel.get_parameters() self.modelpar.append('radius') if self.spectrum is not None: for item in self.spectrum: if item in bounds: self.modelpar.append(f'scaling_{item}') self.bounds[f'scaling_{item}'] = (bounds[item][0], bounds[item][1]) del self.bounds[item]
[docs] def run_mcmc(self, tag, guess, nwalkers=200, nsteps=1000, prior=None): """ Function to run the MCMC sampler of ``emcee``. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag where the samples will be stored. guess : dict, None Guess for the parameter values. Random values between the boundary values are used if set to None. nwalkers : int Number of walkers. nsteps : int Number of steps per walker. prior : tuple(str, float, float), None Gaussian prior on one of the parameters. Currently only possible for the mass, e.g. ('mass', 13., 3.) for an expected mass of 13 Mjup with an uncertainty of 3 Mjup. Not used if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ sigma = {'teff': 5., 'logg': 0.01, 'feh': 0.01, 'fsed': 0.01, 'co': 0.01, 'radius': 0.01} if self.spectrum is not None: for item in self.spectrum: if f'scaling_{item}' in self.bounds: sigma[f'scaling_{item}'] = 0.01 guess[f'scaling_{item}'] = guess[item] del guess[item] print('Running MCMC...') ndim = len(self.bounds) initial = np.zeros((nwalkers, ndim)) for i, item in enumerate(self.modelpar): if guess[item] is not None: initial[:, i] = guess[item] + np.random.normal(0, sigma[item], nwalkers) else: initial[:, i] = np.random.uniform(low=self.bounds[item][0], high=self.bounds[item][1], size=nwalkers) with Pool(processes=cpu_count()): ens_sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob, args=([self.bounds, self.modelpar, self.objphot, self.distance, prior, self.spectrum, self.modelphot, self.modelspec])) ens_sampler.run_mcmc(initial, nsteps, progress=True) species_db = database.Database() spec_labels = [] if self.spectrum is not None: for item in self.spectrum: if f'scaling_{item}' in self.bounds: spec_labels.append(f'scaling_{item}') else: spec_labels = None species_db.add_samples(sampler='emcee', samples=ens_sampler.chain, ln_prob=ens_sampler.lnprobability, mean_accept=np.mean(ens_sampler.acceptance_fraction), spectrum=('model', self.model), tag=tag, modelpar=self.modelpar, distance=self.distance[0], spec_labels=spec_labels)
[docs] def run_multinest(self, tag, n_live_points=4000, output='multinest/'): """ Function to run the ``PyMultiNest`` wrapper of the ``MultiNest`` sampler. While ``PyMultiNest`` can be installed with ``pip`` from the PyPI repository, ``MultiNest`` has to to be build manually. See the ``PyMultiNest`` documentation for details: Note that the library path of ``MultiNest`` should be set to the environmental variable ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on a Linux machine and ``DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on a Mac. Alternatively, the variable can be set before importing the ``species`` package, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> import os >>> os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/path/to/MultiNest/lib' >>> import species Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag where the samples will be stored. n_live_points : int Number of live points. output : str Path that is used for the output files from MultiNest. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print('Running nested sampling...') # create the output folder if required if not os.path.exists(output): os.mkdir(output) # create a dictionary with the cube indices of the parameters cube_index = {} for i, item in enumerate(self.modelpar): cube_index[item] = i def lnprior_multinest(cube, n_dim, n_param): """ Function to transform the unit cube into the parameter cube. It is not clear how to pass additional arguments to the function, therefore it is placed here. Parameters ---------- cube : Unit cube. Returns ------- NoneType None """ # Effective temperature (K) cube[cube_index['teff']] = self.bounds['teff'][0] + \ (self.bounds['teff'][1]-self.bounds['teff'][0])*cube[cube_index['teff']] # Surface gravity (dex) cube[cube_index['logg']] = self.bounds['logg'][0] + \ (self.bounds['logg'][1]-self.bounds['logg'][0])*cube[cube_index['logg']] # Radius (Rjup) cube[cube_index['radius']] = self.bounds['radius'][0] + \ (self.bounds['radius'][1]-self.bounds['radius'][0])*cube[cube_index['radius']] # Metallicity [Fe/H] if 'feh' in self.bounds: cube[cube_index['feh']] = self.bounds['feh'][0] + \ (self.bounds['feh'][1]-self.bounds['feh'][0])*cube[cube_index['feh']] # C/O ratio if 'co' in self.bounds: cube[cube_index['co']] = self.bounds['co'][0] + \ (self.bounds['co'][1]-self.bounds['co'][0])*cube[cube_index['co']] # Sedimentation parameter if 'fsed' in self.bounds: cube[cube_index['fsed']] = self.bounds['fsed'][0] + \ (self.bounds['fsed'][1]-self.bounds['fsed'][0])*cube[cube_index['fsed']] # Spectrum scaling if self.spectrum is not None: for item in self.spectrum: if f'scaling_{item}' in self.bounds: cube[cube_index[f'scaling_{item}']] = self.bounds[f'scaling_{item}'][0] + \ (self.bounds[f'scaling_{item}'][1]-self.bounds[f'scaling_{item}'][0]) \ * cube[cube_index[f'scaling_{item}']] def lnlike_multinest(cube, n_dim, n_param): """ Function for the logarithm of the likelihood, computed from the parameter cube. Parameters ---------- cube : Unit cube. Returns ------- float The logarithm of the likelihood. """ paramdict = {} spec_scaling = {} for i, item in enumerate(self.modelpar): if item == 'radius': radius = cube[cube_index['radius']] elif item[:8] == 'scaling_' and item[8:] in self.spectrum: spec_scaling[item[8:]] = cube[cube_index[item]] else: paramdict[item] = cube[cube_index[item]] scaling = (radius*constants.R_JUP)**2 / (self.distance[0]*constants.PARSEC)**2 chisq = 0. if self.objphot is not None: for i, item in enumerate(self.objphot): flux = scaling * self.modelphot[i].spectrum_interp(list(paramdict.values())) chisq += (item[0]-flux)**2 / item[1]**2 if self.spectrum is not None: for i, item in enumerate(self.spectrum.keys()): flux = scaling * self.modelspec[i].spectrum_interp(list(paramdict.values()))[0, :] if item in spec_scaling: flux_obs = spec_scaling[item]*self.spectrum[item][0][:, 1] else: flux_obs = self.spectrum[item][0][:, 1] if self.spectrum[item][2] is not None: spec_diff = flux_obs - flux chisq +=,[item][2], spec_diff)) else: chisq += np.nansum((flux_obs-flux)**2 / self.spectrum[item][0][:, 2]**2) return -0.5*chisq, lnprior_multinest, len(self.modelpar), outputfiles_basename=output, resume=False, n_live_points=n_live_points) samples = np.loadtxt(f'{output}/post_equal_weights.dat') species_db = database.Database() spec_labels = [] if self.spectrum is not None: for item in self.spectrum: if f'scaling_{item}' in self.bounds: spec_labels.append(f'scaling_{item}') else: spec_labels = None species_db.add_samples(sampler='multinest', samples=samples[:, :-1], ln_prob=samples[:, -1], mean_accept=None, spectrum=('model', self.model), tag=tag, modelpar=self.modelpar, distance=self.distance[0], spec_labels=spec_labels)