Source code for species.util.data_util

Utility functions for data processing.

import os
import tarfile
import warnings

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from typeguard import typechecked

from species.core import constants

[docs] @typechecked def extract_tarfile( data_file: str, data_folder: str, member_list: Optional[List[tarfile.TarInfo]] = None, ) -> None: """ Function for safely unpacking a TAR file (`see details <>`_. Parameters ---------- data_file : str Path of the TAR file. data_folder : str Path of the data folder where the TAR file will be extracted. member_list : list(tarfile.TarInfo), None List with filenames that should be extracted from the TAR file. All files are extracted if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ with as tar: if member_list is None: member_list = tar.getmembers() @typechecked def is_within_directory(directory: str, target: str) -> bool: abs_directory = os.path.abspath(directory) abs_target = os.path.abspath(target) prefix = os.path.commonprefix([abs_directory, abs_target]) return prefix == abs_directory @typechecked def safe_extract( tar: tarfile.TarFile, path: str = ".", member_list: Optional[List] = None, numeric_owner: bool = False, ) -> None: for member in member_list: member_path = Path(path) / Path( if not is_within_directory(path, str(member_path)): raise Exception("Attempted path traversal in TAR file") tar.extractall(path, members=member_list, numeric_owner=numeric_owner) safe_extract(tar, data_folder, member_list=member_list)
[docs] @typechecked def update_sptype(sptypes: np.ndarray) -> List[str]: """ Function to update a list with spectral types to two characters (e.g., M8, L3, or T1). The spectral to is set to NaN in case the first character is not recognized or the second character is not a numerical value. Parameters ---------- sptypes : np.ndarray Input spectral types. Returns ------- list(str) Output spectral types. """ sptype_list = ["O", "B", "A", "F", "G", "K", "M", "L", "T", "Y"] sptypes_updated = [] for spt_item in sptypes: if spt_item == "None": sptypes_updated.append("None") elif spt_item == "null": sptypes_updated.append("None") else: if ( len(spt_item) > 1 and spt_item[0] in sptype_list and spt_item[1].isnumeric() ): sptypes_updated.append(spt_item[:2]) else: sptypes_updated.append("None") return sptypes_updated
[docs] def update_filter(filter_in): """ Function to update a filter ID from the Vizier Photometry viewer VOTable to the filter ID from the SVO Filter Profile Service. Parameters ---------- filter_in : str Filter ID in the format of the Vizier Photometry viewer. Returns ------- str Filter ID in the format of the SVO Filter Profile Service. """ if filter_in[0:5] == b"2MASS": filter_out = str(b"2MASS/2MASS." + filter_in[6:]) elif filter_in[0:4] == b"WISE": filter_out = str(b"WISE/WISE." + filter_in[5:]) elif filter_in[0:10] == b"GAIA/GAIA2": filter_out = str(filter_in[0:9] + b"0" + filter_in[10:]) else: filter_out = None return filter_out
[docs] @typechecked def sort_data( param_teff: np.ndarray, param_logg: Optional[np.ndarray], param_feh: Optional[np.ndarray], param_co: Optional[np.ndarray], param_fsed: Optional[np.ndarray], param_logkzz: Optional[np.ndarray], param_adindex: Optional[np.ndarray], wavelength: np.ndarray, flux: np.ndarray, ) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Parameters ---------- param_teff : np.ndarray Array with the effective temperature (K) of each spectrum. param_logg : np.ndarray, None Array with the log10 of the surface gravity (cm s-2) of each spectrum. param_feh : np.ndarray, None Array with the metallicity of each spectrum. Not used if set to ``None``. param_co : np.ndarray, None Array with the carbon-to-oxygen ratio of each spectrum. Not used if set to ``None``. param_fsed : np.ndarray, None Array with the sedimentation parameter of each spectrum. Not used if set to ``None``. param_logkzz : np.ndarray, None Array with the log10 of the eddy diffusion coefficient (cm2 s-1) of each spectrum. Not used if set to ``None``. param_adindex : np.ndarray, None Array with the effective adiabatic index. Not used if set to ``None``. wavelength : np.ndarray Array with the wavelengths (um). flux : np.ndarray Array with the spectra with dimensions ``(n_spectra, n_wavelengths)``. Returns ------- list(np.ndarray, ) List with the unique values of the atmosphere parameters (each in a separate array), an array with the wavelengths, and a multidimensional array with the sorted spectra. """ n_spectra = param_teff.shape[0] teff_unique = np.unique(param_teff) spec_shape = [teff_unique.shape[0]] print("\nGrid points stored in the database:") print(f" - Teff = {teff_unique}") if param_logg is not None: logg_unique = np.unique(param_logg) spec_shape.append(logg_unique.shape[0]) print(f" - log(g) = {logg_unique}") if param_feh is not None: feh_unique = np.unique(param_feh) spec_shape.append(feh_unique.shape[0]) print(f" - [Fe/H] = {feh_unique}") if param_co is not None: co_unique = np.unique(param_co) spec_shape.append(co_unique.shape[0]) print(f" - C/O = {co_unique}") if param_fsed is not None: fsed_unique = np.unique(param_fsed) spec_shape.append(fsed_unique.shape[0]) print(f" - f_sed = {fsed_unique}") if param_logkzz is not None: logkzz_unique = np.unique(param_logkzz) spec_shape.append(logkzz_unique.shape[0]) print(f" - log(Kzz) = {logkzz_unique}") if param_adindex is not None: adindex_unique = np.unique(param_adindex) spec_shape.append(adindex_unique.shape[0]) print(f" - gamma_ad = {adindex_unique}") spec_shape.append(wavelength.shape[0]) spectrum = np.zeros(spec_shape) for i in range(n_spectra): # The parameter order is: Teff, log(g), [Fe/H], C/O, # f_sed, log(Kzz), ad_index. Not all parameters have # to be included but the order matters index_teff = np.argwhere(teff_unique == param_teff[i])[0][0] spec_select = [index_teff] if param_logg is not None: index_logg = np.argwhere(logg_unique == param_logg[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_logg) if param_feh is not None: index_feh = np.argwhere(feh_unique == param_feh[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_feh) if param_co is not None: index_co = np.argwhere(co_unique == param_co[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_co) if param_fsed is not None: index_fsed = np.argwhere(fsed_unique == param_fsed[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_fsed) if param_logkzz is not None: index_logkzz = np.argwhere(logkzz_unique == param_logkzz[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_logkzz) if param_adindex is not None: index_adindex = np.argwhere(adindex_unique == param_adindex[i])[0][0] spec_select.append(index_adindex) spec_select.append(...) spectrum[tuple(spec_select)] = flux[i] sorted_data = [teff_unique] if param_logg is not None: sorted_data.append(logg_unique) if param_feh is not None: sorted_data.append(feh_unique) if param_co is not None: sorted_data.append(co_unique) if param_fsed is not None: sorted_data.append(fsed_unique) if param_logkzz is not None: sorted_data.append(logkzz_unique) if param_adindex is not None: sorted_data.append(adindex_unique) sorted_data.append(wavelength) sorted_data.append(spectrum) return sorted_data
[docs] @typechecked def write_data( model: str, parameters: List[str], wavel_sampling: float, database: h5py._hl.files.File, data_sorted: List[np.ndarray], ) -> None: """ Function for writing the model spectra and parameters to the database. Parameters ---------- model : str Atmosphere model. parameters : list(str) Model parameters. wavel_sampling : float Wavelength sampling :math:`\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda`. database: h5py._hl.files.File HDF5 database. data_sorted : list(np.ndarray) Sorted model data with the parameter values, wavelength points (um), and flux densities (W m-2 um-1). Returns ------- NoneType None """ n_param = len(parameters) if f"models/{model}" in database: del database[f"models/{model}"] dset = database.create_group(f"models/{model}") dset.attrs["n_param"] = n_param dset.attrs["lambda/d_lambda"] = wavel_sampling for i, item in enumerate(parameters): dset.attrs[f"parameter{i}"] = item database.create_dataset(f"models/{model}/{item}", data=data_sorted[i]) database.create_dataset(f"models/{model}/wavelength", data=data_sorted[n_param]) database.create_dataset(f"models/{model}/flux", data=data_sorted[n_param + 1])
[docs] @typechecked def add_missing( model: str, parameters: List[str], database: h5py._hl.files.File ) -> None: """ Function for adding missing grid points with a linear interpolation. Parameters ---------- model : str Atmosphere model. parameters : list(str) Model parameters. database : h5py._hl.files.File Database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print("\nNumber of grid points per parameter:") grid_shape = [] param_data = [] for i, item in enumerate(parameters): grid_shape.append(database[f"models/{model}/{item}"].shape[0]) param_data.append(np.asarray(database[f"models/{model}/{item}"])) print(f" - {item}: {grid_shape[i]}") flux = np.asarray(database[f"models/{model}/flux"]) # (W m-1 um-1) flux = np.log10(flux) count_total = 0 count_interp = 0 count_missing = 0 if np.isinf(np.sum(flux)): print("\nFix missing grid points with a linear interpolation:") if len(parameters) == 1: # Blackbody spectra pass elif len(parameters) == 2: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], []] new_points = [[], []] for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): if np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, ...])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {param_data[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {param_data[1][j]}") if 0 < i < grid_shape[0] - 1: check_low = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i - 1, j, ...])) check_up = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i + 1, j, ...])) # Linear scaling of the intermediate Teff point scaling = (param_data[0][i] - param_data[0][i - 1]) / ( param_data[0][i + 1] - param_data[0][i - 1] ) if not check_low and not check_up: flux_low = flux[i - 1, j, ...] flux_up = flux[i + 1, j, ...] flux[i, j, ...] = ( flux_low * (1.0 - scaling) + flux_up * scaling ) count_interp += 1 else: find_missing[i, j] = True else: find_missing[i, j] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) values.append(flux[i, j, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) if np.sum(find_missing) > 0: flux_int = griddata( points.T, values, new_points.T, method="linear", fill_value=np.nan ) count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[count, :])): count_missing += 1 elif np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, ...])): flux[i, j, :] = flux_int[count, :] count_interp += 1 count += 1 if count_missing > 0: warnings.warn( f"Could not interpolate {count_missing} grid " "points so storing zeros instead." ) print("\nThe following grid points are missing:") for i in range(flux_int.shape[0]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[i, :])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {new_points[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {new_points[1][i]}") elif len(parameters) == 3: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], [], []] new_points = [[], [], []] for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): if np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, k, ...])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {param_data[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {param_data[1][j]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[2]} = {param_data[2][k]}") if 0 < i < grid_shape[0] - 1: check_low = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i - 1, j, k, ...])) check_up = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i + 1, j, k, ...])) # Linear scaling of the intermediate Teff point scaling = (param_data[0][i] - param_data[0][i - 1]) / ( param_data[0][i + 1] - param_data[0][i - 1] ) if not check_low and not check_up: flux_low = flux[i - 1, j, k, ...] flux_up = flux[i + 1, j, k, ...] flux[i, j, k, ...] = ( flux_low * (1.0 - scaling) + flux_up * scaling ) count_interp += 1 else: find_missing[i, j, k] = True else: find_missing[i, j, k] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) values.append(flux[i, j, k, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) new_points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) if np.sum(find_missing) > 0: flux_int = griddata( points.T, values, new_points.T, method="linear", fill_value=np.nan ) count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[count, :])): count_missing += 1 elif np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, k, ...])): flux[i, j, k, :] = flux_int[count, :] count_interp += 1 count += 1 if count_missing > 0: warnings.warn( f"Could not interpolate {count_missing} grid " "points so storing zeros instead." ) print("\nThe following grid points are missing:") for i in range(flux_int.shape[0]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[i, :])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {new_points[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {new_points[1][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[2]} = {new_points[2][i]}") elif len(parameters) == 4: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], [], [], []] new_points = [[], [], [], []] for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): if np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, k, m, ...])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {param_data[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {param_data[1][j]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[2]} = {param_data[2][k]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[3]} = {param_data[3][m]}") if 0 < i < grid_shape[0] - 1: check_low = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i - 1, j, k, m, ...])) check_up = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i + 1, j, k, m, ...])) # Linear scaling of the intermediate Teff point scaling = (param_data[0][i] - param_data[0][i - 1]) / ( param_data[0][i + 1] - param_data[0][i - 1] ) if not check_low and not check_up: flux_low = flux[i - 1, j, k, m, ...] flux_up = flux[i + 1, j, k, m, ...] flux[i, j, k, m, ...] = ( flux_low * (1.0 - scaling) + flux_up * scaling ) count_interp += 1 else: find_missing[i, j, k, m] = True else: find_missing[i, j, k, m] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) values.append(flux[i, j, k, m, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) new_points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) new_points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) if np.sum(find_missing) > 0: flux_int = griddata( points.T, values, new_points.T, method="linear", fill_value=np.nan ) count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[count, :])): count_missing += 1 elif np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, k, m, ...])): flux[i, j, k, m, :] = flux_int[count, :] count_interp += 1 count += 1 if count_missing > 0: warnings.warn( f"Could not interpolate {count_missing} grid " "points so storing zeros instead." ) print("\nThe following grid points are missing:") for i in range(flux_int.shape[0]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[i, :])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {new_points[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {new_points[1][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[2]} = {new_points[2][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[3]} = {new_points[3][i]}") # ran_par_0 = np.random.randint(grid_shape[0], size=1000) # ran_par_1 = np.random.randint(grid_shape[1], size=1000) # ran_par_2 = np.random.randint(grid_shape[2], size=1000) # ran_par_3 = np.random.randint(grid_shape[3], size=1000) # # for z in range(ran_par_0.shape[0]): # i = ran_par_0[z] # j = ran_par_1[z] # k = ran_par_2[z] # m = ran_par_3[z] # # if 0 < i < grid_shape[0]-1: # check_low = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i-1, j, k, m, ...])) # check_up = np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i+1, j, k, m, ...])) # # # Linear scaling of the intermediate Teff point # scaling = (param_data[0][i] - param_data[0][i-1]) / \ # (param_data[0][i+1] - param_data[0][i-1]) # # if not check_low and not check_up: # flux_low = flux[i-1, j, k, m, ...] # flux_up = flux[i+1, j, k, m, ...] # flux[i, j, k, m, ...] = flux_low*(1.-scaling) + flux_up*scaling elif len(parameters) == 5: find_missing = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=bool) values = [] points = [[], [], [], [], []] new_points = [[], [], [], [], []] for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): for n in range(grid_shape[4]): if np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, k, m, n, ...])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {param_data[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {param_data[1][j]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[2]} = {param_data[2][k]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[3]} = {param_data[3][m]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[4]} = {param_data[4][n]}") if 0 < i < grid_shape[0] - 1: check_low = np.isinf( np.sum(flux[i - 1, j, k, m, n, ...]) ) check_up = np.isinf( np.sum(flux[i + 1, j, k, m, n, ...]) ) # Linear scaling of the intermediate Teff point scaling = ( param_data[0][i] - param_data[0][i - 1] ) / (param_data[0][i + 1] - param_data[0][i - 1]) if not check_low and not check_up: flux_low = flux[i - 1, j, k, m, n, ...] flux_up = flux[i + 1, j, k, m, n, ...] flux[i, j, k, m, n, ...] = ( flux_low * (1.0 - scaling) + flux_up * scaling ) count_interp += 1 else: find_missing[i, j, k, m, n] = True else: find_missing[i, j, k, m, n] = True else: points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) points[4].append(param_data[4][n]) values.append(flux[i, j, k, m, n, ...]) new_points[0].append(param_data[0][i]) new_points[1].append(param_data[1][j]) new_points[2].append(param_data[2][k]) new_points[3].append(param_data[3][m]) new_points[4].append(param_data[4][n]) count_total += 1 values = np.asarray(values) points = np.asarray(points) new_points = np.asarray(new_points) if np.sum(find_missing) > 0: flux_int = griddata( points.T, values, new_points.T, method="linear", fill_value=np.nan ) count = 0 for i in range(grid_shape[0]): for j in range(grid_shape[1]): for k in range(grid_shape[2]): for m in range(grid_shape[3]): for n in range(grid_shape[4]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[count, :])): count_missing += 1 elif np.isinf(np.sum(flux[i, j, k, m, n, ...])): flux[i, j, k, m, n, :] = flux_int[count, :] count_interp += 1 count += 1 if count_missing > 0: warnings.warn( f"Could not interpolate {count_missing} grid " "points so storing zeros instead." ) print("\nThe following grid points are missing:") for i in range(flux_int.shape[0]): if np.isnan(np.sum(flux_int[i, :])): print(" - ", end="") print(f"{parameters[0]} = {new_points[0][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[1]} = {new_points[1][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[2]} = {new_points[2][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[3]} = {new_points[3][i]}, ", end="") print(f"{parameters[4]} = {new_points[4][i]}") else: raise ValueError( "The add_missing function is currently not compatible " "with more than 5 model parameters." ) print(f"\nNumber of stored grid points: {count_total}") print(f"Number of interpolated grid points: {count_interp}") print(f"Number of missing grid points: {count_missing}") del database[f"models/{model}/flux"] database.create_dataset(f"models/{model}/flux", data=10.0**flux)
[docs] @typechecked def correlation_to_covariance( cor_matrix: np.ndarray, spec_sigma: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """ Parameters ---------- cor_matrix : np.ndarray Correlation matrix of the spectrum. spec_sigma : np.ndarray Uncertainties (W m-2 um-1). Returns ------- np.ndarray Covariance matrix of the spectrum. """ cov_matrix = np.zeros(cor_matrix.shape) for i in range(cor_matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(cor_matrix.shape[1]): cov_matrix[i, j] = cor_matrix[i, j] * spec_sigma[i] * spec_sigma[j] if i == j: assert cor_matrix[i, j] == 1.0 return cov_matrix
[docs] @typechecked def convert_units( flux_in: np.ndarray, units_in: Tuple[str, str], convert_from: bool = True ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function for converting the wavelength units to or from :math:`\\mu\\text{m}^{-1}` and the flux units to or from :math:`\\text{W} \\text{m}^{-2} \\mu\\text{m}^{-1}`. Parameters ---------- flux_in : np.ndarray Array with the input wavelengths and fluxes. The shape of the array should be (n_wavelengths, 3) or (n_wavelengths, 2) with the columns being the wavelengths, flux densities, and optionally the uncertainties. For photometric fluxes, the array should also be 2D but with a single row/wavelength. units_in : tuple(str, str) Tuple with the units of the wavelength ("um", "angstrom", "nm", "mm", "cm", "m", "Hz", "GHz") and the units of the flux density ("W m-2 um-1", "W m-2 m-1", "W m-2 Hz-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 angstrom-1" "erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1", "mJy", "Jy", "MJy"). One can use "um" or "µm" interchangeably, and similarly "AA", "Å", "A", or "angstrom". convert_from : bool Convert from ``units_in`` to :math:`\\mu\\text{m}^{-1}` and :math:`\\text{W} \\text{m}^{-2} \\mu\\text{m}^{-1}` when set to ``True``. Or, convert to ``units_in`` when set to ``False``. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array with the output in the same shape as ``flux_in``. """ speed_light = constants.LIGHT * 1e6 # (um s-1) flux_out = np.zeros(flux_in.shape) # Convert wavelengths to micrometer (um) wavel_units = ["um", "angstrom", "nm", "mm", "cm", "m", "Hz", "GHz"] if units_in[0] in ["um", "µm"]: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0].copy() elif units_in[0] in ["angstrom", "A", "AA", "Å"]: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e-4 else: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e4 elif units_in[0] == "nm": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e-3 else: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e3 elif units_in[0] == "mm": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e3 else: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e-3 elif units_in[0] == "cm": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e4 else: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e-4 elif units_in[0] == "m": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e6 else: flux_out[:, 0] = flux_in[:, 0] * 1e-6 elif units_in[0] == "Hz": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 0] = speed_light / flux_in[:, 0] else: flux_out[:, 0] = speed_light / flux_in[:, 0] elif units_in[0] == "GHz": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 0] = speed_light / (1e9 * flux_in[:, 0]) else: flux_out[:, 0] = 1e-9 * speed_light / flux_in[:, 0] else: raise ValueError( f"The wavelength units '{units_in[0]}' are not supported. " f"Please choose from the following units: {wavel_units}" ) # Set wavelengths in micrometer if convert_from: wavel_micron = flux_out[:, 0].copy() else: wavel_micron = flux_in[:, 0].copy() # Convert flux density to W m-2 um-1 flux_units = [ "W m-2 um-1", "W m-2 m-1", "W m-2 Hz-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 angstrom-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1", "mJy", "Jy", "MJy", ] if units_in[1] in ["W m-2 um-1", "W m-2 µm-1"]: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1].copy() if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2].copy() elif units_in[1] == "W m-2 m-1": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e-6 else: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e6 if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e-6 else: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e6 elif units_in[1] == "W m-2 Hz-1": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light elif units_in[1] == "erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e-3 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e3 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e-3 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e3 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light elif units_in[1] in [ "erg s-1 cm-2 angstrom-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 A-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 AA-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 Å-1", ]: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e-1 else: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e1 if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e-1 else: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e1 elif units_in[1] == "mJy": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e-29 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e29 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e-29 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e29 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light elif units_in[1] == "Jy": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e-26 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e26 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e-26 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e26 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light elif units_in[1] == "MJy": if convert_from: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e-20 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 1] = flux_in[:, 1] * 1e20 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light if flux_out.shape[1] == 3: if convert_from: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e-20 * speed_light / wavel_micron**2 else: flux_out[:, 2] = flux_in[:, 2] * 1e20 * wavel_micron**2 / speed_light else: raise ValueError( f"The flux units '{units_in[1]}' are not supported. " f"Please choose from the following units: {flux_units}" ) return flux_out