Source code for species.util.retrieval_util

Utility functions for atmospheric retrieval with ``petitRADTRANS``.
This module was put together many contributions by Paul Mollière

import copy
import sys
import warnings

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, PchipInterpolator
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from typeguard import typechecked

from species.core import constants

[docs] @typechecked def get_line_species() -> List[str]: """ Function to get the list of the molecular and atomic line species. This function is not used anywhere so could be removed. Returns ------- list(str) List with the line species. """ return [ "CH4", "CO", "CO_all_iso", "CO_all_iso_HITEMP", "CO_all_iso_Chubb", "CO2", "H2O", "H2O_HITEMP", "H2S", "HCN", "K", "K_lor_cut", "K_allard", "K_burrows", "NH3", "Na", "Na_lor_cut", "Na_allard", "Na_burrows", "OH", "PH3", "TiO", "TiO_all_Exomol", "TiO_all_Plez", "VO", "VO_Plez", "FeH", "H2O_main_iso", "CH4_main_iso", ]
[docs] @typechecked def pt_ret_model( temp_3: Optional[np.ndarray], delta: float, alpha: float, tint: float, press: np.ndarray, metallicity: float, c_o_ratio: float, conv: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[float], Optional[float]]: """ Pressure-temperature profile for a self-luminous atmosphere (see Mollière et al. 2020). Parameters ---------- temp_3 : np.ndarray, None Array with three temperature points that are added on top of the radiative Eddington structure (i.e. above tau = 0.1). The temperature nodes are connected with a spline interpolation and a prior is used such that t1 < t2 < t3 < t_connect. The three temperature points are not used if set to ``None``. delta : float Proportionality factor in tau = delta * press_cgs**alpha. alpha : float Power law index in :math:`\\tau = \\delta * P_\\mathrm{cgs}**\\alpha`. For the tau model: use the proximity to the :math:`\\kappa_\\mathrm{rosseland}` photosphere as prior. tint : float Internal temperature for the Eddington model. press : np.ndarray Pressure profile (bar). metallicity : float Metallicity [Fe/H]. Required for the ``nabla_ad`` interpolation. c_o_ratio : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. Required for the ``nabla_ad`` interpolation. conv : bool Enforce a convective adiabat. Returns ------- np.ndarray Temperature profile (K) for ``press``. float Pressure (bar) where the optical depth is 1. float, None Pressure (bar) at the radiative-convective boundary. """ # Convert pressures from bar to cgs units press_cgs = press * 1e6 # Calculate the optical depth tau = delta * press_cgs**alpha # Calculate the Eddington temperature tedd = (3.0 / 4.0 * tint**4.0 * (2.0 / 3.0 + tau)) ** 0.25 # Import interpol_abundances here because it slows down importing # species otherwise. Importing interpol_abundances is only slow # the first time, which occurs at the start of the run_multinest # method of AtmosphericRetrieval if "poor_mans_nonequ_chem" in sys.modules: from poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import interpol_abundances else: from petitRADTRANS.poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import ( interpol_abundances, ) ab = interpol_abundances( np.full(tedd.shape[0], c_o_ratio), np.full(tedd.shape[0], metallicity), tedd, press, ) nabla_ad = ab["nabla_ad"] # Enforce convective adiabat if conv: # Calculate the current, radiative temperature gradient nab_rad = np.diff(np.log(tedd)) / np.diff(np.log(press_cgs)) # Extend to array of same length as pressure structure nabla_rad = np.ones_like(tedd) nabla_rad[0] = nab_rad[0] nabla_rad[-1] = nab_rad[-1] nabla_rad[1:-1] = (nab_rad[1:] + nab_rad[:-1]) / 2.0 # Where is the atmosphere convectively unstable? conv_index = nabla_rad > nabla_ad if np.argwhere(conv_index).size == 0: conv_press = None else: conv_bound = np.amin(np.argwhere(conv_index)) conv_press = press[conv_bound] tfinal = None for i in range(10): if i == 0: t_take = copy.copy(tedd) else: t_take = copy.copy(tfinal) ab = interpol_abundances( np.full(t_take.shape[0], c_o_ratio), np.full(t_take.shape[0], metallicity), t_take, press, ) nabla_ad = ab["nabla_ad"] # Calculate the average nabla_ad between the layers nabla_ad_mean = nabla_ad nabla_ad_mean[1:] = (nabla_ad[1:] + nabla_ad[:-1]) / 2.0 # What are the increments in temperature due to convection tnew = nabla_ad_mean[conv_index] * np.mean(np.diff(np.log(press_cgs))) # What is the last radiative temperature? tstart = np.log(t_take[~conv_index][-1]) # Integrate and translate to temperature # from log(temperature) tnew = np.exp(np.cumsum(tnew) + tstart) # Add upper radiative and lower covective # part into one single array tfinal = copy.copy(t_take) tfinal[conv_index] = tnew if np.max(np.abs(t_take - tfinal) / t_take) < 0.01: # print('n_ad', 1./(1.-nabla_ad[conv_index])) break else: tfinal = tedd conv_press = None # Add the three temperature-point P-T description above tau = 0.1 @typechecked def press_tau(tau: float) -> float: """ Function to return the pressure in cgs units at a given optical depth. Parameters ---------- tau : float Optical depth. Returns ------- float Pressure (cgs) at optical depth ``tau``. """ return (tau / delta) ** (1.0 / alpha) # Where is the uppermost pressure of the # Eddington radiative structure? p_bot_spline = press_tau(0.1) if temp_3 is None: tret = tfinal else: for i_intp in range(2): if i_intp == 0: # Create the pressure coordinates for the spline # support nodes at low pressure support_points_low = np.logspace( np.log10(press_cgs[0]), np.log10(p_bot_spline), 4 ) # Create the pressure coordinates for the spline # support nodes at high pressure, the corresponding # temperatures for these nodes will be taken from # the radiative-convective solution support_points_high = 10.0 ** np.arange( np.log10(p_bot_spline), np.log10(press_cgs[-1]), np.diff(np.log10(support_points_low))[0], ) # Combine into one support node array, don't add # the p_bot_spline point twice. support_points = np.zeros( len(support_points_low) + len(support_points_high) - 1 ) support_points[:4] = support_points_low support_points[4:] = support_points_high[1:] else: # Create the pressure coordinates for the spline # support nodes at low pressure support_points_low = np.logspace( np.log10(press_cgs[0]), np.log10(p_bot_spline), 7 ) # Create the pressure coordinates for the spline # support nodes at high pressure, the corresponding # temperatures for these nodes will be taken from # the radiative-convective solution support_points_high = np.logspace( np.log10(p_bot_spline), np.log10(press_cgs[-1]), 7 ) # Combine into one support node array, don't add # the p_bot_spline point twice. support_points = np.zeros( len(support_points_low) + len(support_points_high) - 1 ) support_points[:7] = support_points_low support_points[7:] = support_points_high[1:] # Define the temperature values at the node points t_support = np.zeros_like(support_points) if i_intp == 0: tfintp = interp1d(press_cgs, tfinal) # The temperature at p_bot_spline (from the # radiative-convective solution) t_support[len(support_points_low) - 1] = tfintp(p_bot_spline) # if temp_3 is not None: # The temperature at pressures below # p_bot_spline (free parameters) t_support[: len(support_points_low) - 1] = temp_3 # else: # t_support[:3] = tfintp(support_points_low[:3]) # The temperature at pressures above p_bot_spline # (from the radiative-convective solution) t_support[len(support_points_low) :] = tfintp( support_points[len(support_points_low) :] ) else: tfintp1 = interp1d(press_cgs, tret) t_support[: len(support_points_low) - 1] = tfintp1( support_points[: len(support_points_low) - 1] ) tfintp = interp1d(press_cgs, tfinal) # The temperature at p_bot_spline (from # the radiative-convective solution) t_support[len(support_points_low) - 1] = tfintp(p_bot_spline) try: t_support[len(support_points_low) :] = tfintp( support_points[len(support_points_low) :] ) except ValueError: return None, None, None # Make the temperature spline interpolation to be returned # to the user tret = spline(np.log10(support_points), # t_support, np.log10(press_cgs), order = 3) cs = PchipInterpolator(np.log10(support_points), t_support) tret = cs(np.log10(press_cgs)) # Return the temperature, the pressure at tau = 1 # The temperature at the connection point: tfintp(p_bot_spline) # The last two are needed for the priors on the P-T profile. return tret, press_tau(1.0) / 1e6, conv_press
[docs] @typechecked def pt_spline_interp( knot_press: np.ndarray, knot_temp: np.ndarray, pressure: np.ndarray, pt_smooth: Optional[float] = 0.3, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function for interpolating the P-T nodes with a PCHIP 1-D monotonic cubic interpolation. The interpolated temperature is smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of width 0.3 dex in pressure (see Piette & Madhusudhan 2020). Parameters ---------- knot_press : np.ndarray Pressure knots (bar). knot_temp : np.ndarray Temperature knots (K). pressure : np.ndarray Pressure points (bar) at which the temperatures is interpolated. pt_smooth : float, dict, None Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel that is used for smoothing the P-T profile, after the temperature nodes have been interpolated to a higher pressure resolution. The argument should be given as :math:`\\log10{P/\\mathrm{bar}}`, with the default value set to 0.3 dex. No smoothing is applied if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- np.ndarray Interpolated, smoothed temperature points (K). """ pt_interp = PchipInterpolator(np.log10(knot_press), knot_temp) temp_interp = pt_interp(np.log10(pressure)) log_press = np.log10(pressure) log_diff = np.mean(np.diff(log_press)) if np.std(np.diff(log_press)) / log_diff > 1e-6: raise ValueError("Expecting equally spaced pressures in log space.") if pt_smooth is not None: temp_interp = gaussian_filter( temp_interp, sigma=pt_smooth / log_diff, mode="nearest" ) return temp_interp
[docs] @typechecked def create_pt_profile( cube, cube_index: Dict[str, float], pt_profile: str, pressure: np.ndarray, knot_press: Optional[np.ndarray], metallicity: float, c_o_ratio: float, pt_smooth: Optional[Union[float, Dict[str, float]]] = 0.3, ) -> Tuple[ Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[float], Optional[float] ]: """ Function for creating a pressure-temperature profile. Parameters ---------- cube : LP_c_double Unit cube. cube_index : dict Dictionary with the index of each parameter in the ``cube``. pt_profile : str The parametrization for the pressure-temperature profile ('molliere', 'free', 'monotonic', 'eddington', 'gradient'). pressure : np.ndarray Pressure points (bar) at which the temperatures is interpolated. knot_press : np.ndarray, None Pressure knots (bar), which are required when the argument of ``pt_profile`` is either 'free' or 'monotonic'. metallicity : float Metallicity [Fe/H]. c_o_ratio : float, None Carbon-to-oxgen ratio. pt_smooth : float, dict, None Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel that is used for smoothing the P-T profile, after the temperature nodes have been interpolated to a higher pressure resolution. The argument should be given as :math:`\\log10{P/\\mathrm{bar}}`, with the default value set to 0.3 dex. No smoothing is applied if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- np.ndarray Temperatures (K). np.ndarray, None Temperature at the knots (K). A ``None`` is returned if ``pt_profile`` is set to 'molliere' or 'eddington'. float, None Pressure (bar) where the optical depth is 1. float, None Pressure (bar) at the radiative-convective boundary. """ knot_temp = None if pt_profile == "molliere": temp, phot_press, conv_press = pt_ret_model( np.array( [cube[cube_index["t1"]], cube[cube_index["t2"]], cube[cube_index["t3"]]] ), 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_delta"]], cube[cube_index["alpha"]], cube[cube_index["tint"]], pressure, metallicity, c_o_ratio, ) elif pt_profile == "mod-molliere": temp, phot_press, conv_press = pt_ret_model( None, 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_delta"]], cube[cube_index["alpha"]], cube[cube_index["tint"]], pressure, metallicity, c_o_ratio, ) elif pt_profile == "gradient": num_layer = 6 # could make a variable in the future layer_pt_slopes = np.ones(num_layer) * np.nan for index in range(num_layer): layer_pt_slopes[index] = cube[cube_index[f"PTslope_{num_layer - index}"]] try: from petitRADTRANS.physics import dTdP_temperature_profile except ImportError as import_error: raise ImportError( "Can't import the dTdP profile function from " "petitRADTRANS, check that the version of pRT " "includes this function in petitRADTRANS.physics", import_error, ) temp = dTdP_temperature_profile( pressure, num_layer, # could change in the future layer_pt_slopes, cube[cube_index["T_bottom"]], ) phot_press = None conv_press = None elif pt_profile in ["free", "monotonic"]: knot_temp = [] for i in range(knot_press.shape[0]): knot_temp.append(cube[cube_index[f"t{i}"]]) knot_temp = np.asarray(knot_temp) nan_count = np.sum(np.isnan(knot_temp)) if nan_count > 0: # TODO Not clear why this can happen warnings.warn(f"Found {nan_count} NaN values in sampled temperature nodes.") return None, None, None, None temp = pt_spline_interp(knot_press, knot_temp, pressure, pt_smooth) phot_press = None conv_press = None elif pt_profile == "eddington": # Eddington approximation # delta = kappa_ir/gravity tau = pressure * 1e6 * 10.0 ** cube[cube_index["log_delta"]] temp = (0.75 * cube[cube_index["tint"]] ** 4.0 * (2.0 / 3.0 + tau)) ** 0.25 phot_press = None conv_press = None return temp, knot_temp, phot_press, conv_press
[docs] @typechecked def make_half_pressure_better( p_base: Dict[str, float], pressure: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for reducing the number of pressure layers from 1440 to ~100 (depending on the number of cloud species) with a refinement around the cloud decks. Parameters ---------- p_base : dict Dictionary with the base of the cloud deck for all cloud species. The keys in the dictionary are included for example as MgSiO3(c). pressure : np.ndarray Pressures (bar) at high resolution (1440 points). Returns ------- np.ndarray Pressures (bar) at lower resolution (60 points) but with a refinement around the position of the cloud decks. np.ndarray, None The indices of the pressures that have been selected from the input array ``pressure``. """ press_plus_index = np.zeros(len(pressure) * 2).reshape(len(pressure), 2) press_plus_index[:, 0] = pressure press_plus_index[:, 1] = range(len(pressure)) press_small = press_plus_index[::24, :] press_plus_index = press_plus_index[::2, :] indexes_small = press_small[:, 0] > 0.0 indexes = press_plus_index[:, 0] > 0.0 for key, P_cloud in p_base.items(): indexes_small = indexes_small & ( (np.log10(press_small[:, 0] / P_cloud) > 0.05) | (np.log10(press_small[:, 0] / P_cloud) < -0.3) ) indexes = indexes & ( (np.log10(press_plus_index[:, 0] / P_cloud) > 0.05) | (np.log10(press_plus_index[:, 0] / P_cloud) < -0.3) ) press_cut = press_plus_index[~indexes, :] press_small_cut = press_small[indexes_small, :] press_out = np.zeros((len(press_cut) + len(press_small_cut)) * 2).reshape( (len(press_cut) + len(press_small_cut)), 2 ) press_out[: len(press_small_cut), :] = press_small_cut press_out[len(press_small_cut) :, :] = press_cut press_out = np.sort(press_out, axis=0) return press_out[:, 0], press_out[:, 1].astype("int")
[docs] @typechecked def create_abund_dict( abund_in: Dict[str, np.ndarray], line_species: List[str], chemistry: str, pressure_grid: str = "smaller", indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Function to update the names in the abundance dictionary. Parameters ---------- abund_in : dict Dictionary with the mass fractions. line_species : list List with the line species. chemistry : str Chemistry type ('equilibrium' or 'free'). pressure_grid : str The type of pressure grid that is used for the radiative transfer. Either 'standard', to use 180 layers both for the atmospheric structure (e.g. when interpolating the abundances) and 180 layers with the radiative transfer, or 'smaller' to use 60 (instead of 180) with the radiative transfer, or 'clouds' to start with 1440 layers but resample to ~100 layers (depending on the number of cloud species) with a refinement around the cloud decks. For cloudless atmospheres it is recommended to use 'smaller', which runs faster than 'standard' and provides sufficient accuracy. For cloudy atmosphere, one can test with 'smaller' but it is recommended to use 'clouds' for improved accuracy fluxes. indices : np.ndarray, None Pressure indices from the adaptive refinement in a cloudy atmosphere. Only required with ``pressure_grid='clouds'``. Otherwise, the argument can be set to ``None``. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the updated names of the abundances. """ # Create a dictionary with the updated abundance names abund_out = {} if indices is not None: for item in line_species: if chemistry == "equilibrium": item_replace = item.replace("_R_10", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_R_30", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso_HITEMP", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso_Chubb", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_HITEMP", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_main_iso", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_lor_cut", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_allard", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_burrows", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_Plez", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_Exomol", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_Plez", "") abund_out[item] = abund_in[item_replace][indices] elif chemistry == "free": abund_out[item] = abund_in[item][indices] if "Fe(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Fe(c)"] = abund_in["Fe(c)"][indices] if "MgSiO3(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["MgSiO3(c)"] = abund_in["MgSiO3(c)"][indices] if "Mg2SiO4(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Mg2SiO4(c)"] = abund_in["Mg2SiO4(c)"][indices] if "Al2O3(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Al2O3(c)"] = abund_in["Al2O3(c)"][indices] if "Na2S(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Na2S(c)"] = abund_in["Na2S(c)"][indices] if "KCL(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["KCL(c)"] = abund_in["KCL(c)"][indices] abund_out["H2"] = abund_in["H2"][indices] abund_out["He"] = abund_in["He"][indices] elif pressure_grid == "smaller": for item in line_species: if chemistry == "equilibrium": item_replace = item.replace("_R_10", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_R_30", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso_HITEMP", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso_Chubb", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_HITEMP", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_main_iso", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_lor_cut", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_allard", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_burrows", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_Plez", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_Exomol", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_Plez", "") abund_out[item] = abund_in[item_replace][::3] elif chemistry == "free": abund_out[item] = abund_in[item][::3] if "Fe(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Fe(c)"] = abund_in["Fe(c)"][::3] if "MgSiO3(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["MgSiO3(c)"] = abund_in["MgSiO3(c)"][::3] if "Mg2SiO4(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Mg2SiO4(c)"] = abund_in["Mg2SiO4(c)"][::3] if "Al2O3(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Al2O3(c)"] = abund_in["Al2O3(c)"][::3] if "Na2S(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Na2S(c)"] = abund_in["Na2S(c)"][::3] if "KCL(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["KCL(c)"] = abund_in["KCL(c)"][::3] abund_out["H2"] = abund_in["H2"][::3] abund_out["He"] = abund_in["He"][::3] else: for item in line_species: if chemistry == "equilibrium": item_replace = item.replace("_R_10", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_R_30", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso_HITEMP", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso_Chubb", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_iso", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_HITEMP", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_main_iso", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_lor_cut", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_allard", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_burrows", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_Plez", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_all_Exomol", "") item_replace = item_replace.replace("_Plez", "") abund_out[item] = abund_in[item_replace] elif chemistry == "free": abund_out[item] = abund_in[item] if "Fe(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Fe(c)"] = abund_in["Fe(c)"] if "MgSiO3(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["MgSiO3(c)"] = abund_in["MgSiO3(c)"] if "Mg2SiO4(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Mg2SiO4(c)"] = abund_in["Mg2SiO4(c)"] if "Al2O3(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Al2O3(c)"] = abund_in["Al2O3(c)"] if "Na2S(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["Na2S(c)"] = abund_in["Na2S(c)"] if "KCL(c)" in abund_in: abund_out["KCL(c)"] = abund_in["KCL(c)"] abund_out["H2"] = abund_in["H2"] abund_out["He"] = abund_in["He"] # Correction for the nuclear spin degeneracy that was not included # in the partition function. See Charnay et al. (2018) if "FeH" in abund_out: abund_out["FeH"] = abund_out["FeH"] / 2.0 return abund_out
[docs] @typechecked def calc_spectrum_clear( rt_object, pressure: np.ndarray, temperature: np.ndarray, log_g: float, c_o_ratio: Optional[float], metallicity: Optional[float], p_quench: Optional[float], log_x_abund: Optional[dict], chemistry: str, knot_press_abund: Optional[np.ndarray], abund_smooth: Optional[float], pressure_grid: str = "smaller", contribution: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ Function to simulate an emission spectrum of a clear atmosphere. The function supports both equilibrium chemistry (``chemistry='equilibrium'``) and free abundances (``chemistry='free'``). rt_object : petitRADTRANS.radtrans.Radtrans Instance of ``Radtrans``. pressure : np.ndarray Array with the pressure points (bar). temperature : np.ndarray Array with the temperature points (K) corresponding to ``pressure``. log_g : float Log10 of the surface gravity (cm s-2). c_o_ratio : float, None Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. metallicity : float, None Metallicity. p_quench : float, None Quenching pressure (bar). log_x_abund : dict, None Dictionary with the log10 of the abundances. Only required when ``chemistry='free'``. chemistry : str Chemistry type ('equilibrium' or 'free'). knot_press_abund : np.ndarray, None Pressure nodes at which the abundances are sampled. Only required when ``chemistry='free'``. abund_smooth : float, None Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel that is used for smoothing the abundance profiles, after the abundance nodes have been interpolated to a higher pressure resolution. Only required with ```chemistry='free'``` and ``knot_press_abund`` is not set to ``None``. The argument should be given as :math:`\\log10{P/\\mathrm{bar}}`. No smoothing is applied if the argument if set to 0 or ``None``. pressure_grid : str The type of pressure grid that is used for the radiative transfer. Either 'standard', to use 180 layers both for the atmospheric structure (e.g. when interpolating the abundances) and 180 layers with the radiative transfer, or 'smaller' to use 60 (instead of 180) with the radiative transfer, or 'clouds' to start with 1440 layers but resample to ~100 layers (depending on the number of cloud species) with a refinement around the cloud decks. For cloudless atmospheres it is recommended to use 'smaller', which runs faster than 'standard' and provides sufficient accuracy. For cloudy atmosphere, one can test with 'smaller' but it is recommended to use 'clouds' for improved accuracy fluxes. contribution : bool Calculate the emission contribution. Returns ------- np.ndarray Wavelength (um). np.ndarray Flux (W m-2 um-1). np.ndarray, None Emission contribution. """ if knot_press_abund is None: abund_nodes = None else: abund_nodes = knot_press_abund.size if chemistry == "equilibrium": # Import interpol_abundances here because it slows down # importing species otherwise. Importing interpol_abundances # is only slow the first time, which occurs at the start of # the run_multinest method of AtmosphericRetrieval if "poor_mans_nonequ_chem" in sys.modules: from poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import interpol_abundances else: from petitRADTRANS.poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import ( interpol_abundances, ) # Chemical equilibrium abund_in = interpol_abundances( np.full(pressure.shape, c_o_ratio), np.full(pressure.shape, metallicity), temperature, pressure, Pquench_carbon=p_quench, ) elif chemistry == "free": # Free abundances # Create a dictionary with all mass fractions abund_in = mass_fractions(log_x_abund, rt_object.line_species, abund_nodes) # Create list of all species abund_species = rt_object.line_species.copy() abund_species.append("H2") abund_species.append("He") if abund_nodes is None: # Mean molecular weight mmw_float = mean_molecular_weight(abund_in) mmw = np.full(pressure.size, mmw_float) # Create arrays of constant abundances with pressure for abund_item in abund_species: abund_in[abund_item] = np.full(pressure.size, abund_in[abund_item]) else: # Create arrays of pressure-dependent abundances for abund_item in abund_species: knot_abund = np.zeros(knot_press_abund.shape) for node_idx in range(abund_nodes): knot_abund[node_idx] = abund_in[f"{abund_item}_{node_idx}"] del abund_in[f"{abund_item}_{node_idx}"] nan_count = np.sum(np.isnan(knot_abund)) if nan_count > 0: warnings.warn( f"Found {nan_count} NaN values in sampled abundance nodes." ) return None, None, None abund_in[abund_item] = pt_spline_interp( knot_press_abund, knot_abund, pressure, pt_smooth=abund_smooth ) # Mean molecular weight mmw = np.zeros(pressure.size) for press_idx in range(pressure.size): abund_dict = {} for abund_item, abund_value in abund_in.items(): abund_dict[abund_item] = abund_value[press_idx] mmw[press_idx] = mean_molecular_weight(abund_dict) # Extract every three levels when pressure_grid is set to 'smaller' if pressure_grid == "smaller": temperature = temperature[::3] pressure = pressure[::3] mmw = mmw[::3] abundances = create_abund_dict( abund_in, rt_object.line_species, chemistry, pressure_grid=pressure_grid, indices=None, ) # calculate the emission spectrum rt_object.calc_flux( temperature, abundances, 10.0**log_g, mmw, contribution=contribution ) # convert frequency (Hz) to wavelength (cm) wavel = constants.LIGHT * 1e2 / rt_object.freq # optionally return the emission contribution if contribution: contr_em = rt_object.contr_em else: contr_em = None # return wavelength (micron), flux (W m-2 um-1), # and emission contribution return ( 1e4 * wavel, 1e-7 * rt_object.flux * constants.LIGHT * 1e2 / wavel**2.0, contr_em, )
[docs] @typechecked def calc_spectrum_clouds( rt_object, pressure: np.ndarray, temperature: np.ndarray, c_o_ratio: float, metallicity: float, p_quench: Optional[float], log_x_abund: Optional[dict], log_x_base: Optional[dict], cloud_dict: Dict[str, Optional[float]], log_g: float, chemistry: str, knot_press_abund: Optional[np.ndarray], abund_smooth: Optional[float], pressure_grid: str = "smaller", plotting: bool = False, contribution: bool = False, tau_cloud: Optional[float] = None, cloud_wavel: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ) -> Tuple[ Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray], np.ndarray ]: """ Function to simulate an emission spectrum of a cloudy atmosphere. Parameters ---------- rt_object : petitRADTRANS.radtrans.Radtrans Instance of ``Radtrans``. pressure : np.ndarray Array with the pressure points (bar). temperature : np.ndarray Array with the temperature points (K) corresponding to ``pressure``. c_o_ratio : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. metallicity : float Metallicity. p_quench : float, None Quenching pressure (bar). log_x_abund : dict, None Dictionary with the log10 of the abundances. Only required when ``chemistry='free'``. log_x_base : dict, None Dictionary with the log10 of the mass fractions at the cloud base. Only required when the ``cloud_dict`` contains ``fsed``, ``log_kzz``, and ``sigma_lnorm``. cloud_dict : dict Dictionary with the cloud parameters. log_g : float Log10 of the surface gravity (cm s-2). chemistry : str Chemistry type ('equilibrium' or 'free'). knot_press_abund : np.ndarray, None Pressure nodes at which the abundances are sampled. Only required when ``chemistry='free'``. abund_smooth : float, None Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel that is used for smoothing the abundance profiles, after the abundance nodes have been interpolated to a higher pressure resolution. Only required with ```chemistry='free'``` and ``knot_press_abund`` is not set to ``None``. The argument should be given as :math:`\\log10{P/\\mathrm{bar}}`. No smoothing is applied if the argument if set to 0 or ``None``. pressure_grid : str The type of pressure grid that is used for the radiative transfer. Either 'standard', to use 180 layers both for the atmospheric structure (e.g. when interpolating the abundances) and 180 layers with the radiative transfer, or 'smaller' to use 60 (instead of 180) with the radiative transfer, or 'clouds' to start with 1440 layers but resample to ~100 layers (depending on the number of cloud species) with a refinement around the cloud decks. For cloudless atmospheres it is recommended to use 'smaller', which runs faster than 'standard' and provides sufficient accuracy. For cloudy atmosphere, one can test with 'smaller' but it is recommended to use 'clouds' for improved accuracy fluxes. plotting : bool Create plots. contribution : bool Calculate the emission contribution. tau_cloud : float, None Total cloud optical that will be used for scaling the cloud mass fractions. The mass fractions will not be scaled if the parameter is set to ``None``. cloud_wavel : tuple(float, float), None Tuple with the wavelength range (um) that is used for calculating the median optical depth of the clouds at the gas-only photosphere and then scaling the cloud optical depth to the value of ``log_tau_cloud``. The range of ``cloud_wavel`` should be encompassed by the range of ``wavel_range``. The full wavelength range (i.e. ``wavel_range``) is used if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- np.ndarray, None Wavelength (um). np.ndarray, None Flux (W m-2 um-1). np.ndarray, None Emission contribution. np.ndarray Array with mean molecular weight. """ if knot_press_abund is None: abund_nodes = None else: abund_nodes = knot_press_abund.size if chemistry == "equilibrium": # Import interpol_abundances here because it slows down # importing species otherwise. Importing interpol_abundances # is only slow the first time, which occurs at the start # of the run_multinest method of AtmosphericRetrieval if "poor_mans_nonequ_chem" in sys.modules: from poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import interpol_abundances else: from petitRADTRANS.poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import ( interpol_abundances, ) # Interpolate the abundances, following chemical equilibrium abund_in = interpol_abundances( np.full(pressure.shape, c_o_ratio), np.full(pressure.shape, metallicity), temperature, pressure, Pquench_carbon=p_quench, ) # Extract the mean molecular weight mmw = abund_in["MMW"] elif chemistry == "free": # Free abundances # Create a dictionary with all mass fractions abund_in = mass_fractions(log_x_abund, rt_object.line_species, abund_nodes) # Create list of all species abund_species = rt_object.line_species.copy() abund_species.append("H2") abund_species.append("He") if abund_nodes is None: # Mean molecular weight mmw_float = mean_molecular_weight(abund_in) mmw = np.full(pressure.size, mmw_float) # Create arrays of constant abundances with pressure for abund_item in abund_species: abund_in[abund_item] = np.full(pressure.size, abund_in[abund_item]) else: # Create arrays of pressure-dependent abundances for abund_item in abund_species: knot_abund = np.zeros(knot_press_abund.shape) for node_idx in range(abund_nodes): knot_abund[node_idx] = abund_in[f"{abund_item}_{node_idx}"] del abund_in[f"{abund_item}_{node_idx}"] nan_count = np.sum(np.isnan(knot_abund)) if nan_count > 0: warnings.warn( f"Found {nan_count} NaN values in sampled abundance nodes." ) return None, None, None, np.zeros(1) abund_in[abund_item] = pt_spline_interp( knot_press_abund, knot_abund, pressure, pt_smooth=abund_smooth ) # Mean molecular weight mmw = np.zeros(pressure.size) for press_idx in range(pressure.size): abund_dict = {} for abund_item, abund_value in abund_in.items(): abund_dict[abund_item] = abund_value[press_idx] mmw[press_idx] = mean_molecular_weight(abund_dict) if log_x_base is not None: p_base = {} for cloud_item in log_x_base: if f"log_p_base_{cloud_item}(c)" in cloud_dict: p_base_item = 10.0 ** cloud_dict[f"log_p_base_{cloud_item}(c)"] else: p_base_item = find_cloud_deck( cloud_item, pressure, temperature, metallicity, c_o_ratio, mmw=np.mean(mmw), plotting=plotting, ) p_base[f"{cloud_item}(c)"] = p_base_item abund_in[f"{cloud_item}(c)"] = np.zeros_like(temperature) if "fsed" in cloud_dict: f_sed = cloud_dict["fsed"] else: f_sed = cloud_dict[f"fsed_{cloud_item}(c)"] abund_in[f"{cloud_item}(c)"][pressure < p_base_item] = ( 10.0 ** log_x_base[cloud_item] * (pressure[pressure <= p_base_item] / p_base_item) ** f_sed ) # Adaptive pressure refinement around the cloud base if pressure_grid == "clouds": _, indices = make_half_pressure_better(p_base, pressure) else: indices = None # Update the abundance dictionary abundances = create_abund_dict( abund_in, rt_object.line_species, chemistry, pressure_grid=pressure_grid, indices=indices, ) # Create dictionary with sedimentation parameters # Use the same value for all cloud species fseds = {} for cloud_item in rt_object.cloud_species: # The cloud_item has the form of e.g. MgSiO3(c). For # parametrized cloud opacities, then the number of # cloud_species is zero so the fseds dictionary is empty if "fsed" in cloud_dict: fseds[cloud_item] = cloud_dict["fsed"] else: fseds[cloud_item] = cloud_dict[f"fsed_{cloud_item}"] # Create an array with a constant eddy diffusion coefficient (cm2 s-1) if "log_kzz" in cloud_dict: Kzz_use = np.full(pressure.shape, 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_kzz"]) else: Kzz_use = None # Adjust number of atmospheric levels if pressure_grid == "smaller": temperature = temperature[::3] pressure = pressure[::3] mmw = mmw[::3] if "log_kzz" in cloud_dict: Kzz_use = Kzz_use[::3] elif pressure_grid == "clouds": temperature = temperature[indices] pressure = pressure[indices] mmw = mmw[indices] if "log_kzz" in cloud_dict: Kzz_use = Kzz_use[indices] # Optionally plot the cloud properties if ( plotting and Kzz_use is not None and ( rt_object.wlen_bords_micron[0] != 0.5 and rt_object.wlen_bords_micron[1] != 30.0 ) ): if "CO_all_iso" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["CO_all_iso"], pressure, label="CO") if "CO_all_iso_HITEMP" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["CO_all_iso_HITEMP"], pressure, label="CO") if "CO_all_iso_Chubb" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["CO_all_iso_Chubb"], pressure, label="CO") if "CH4" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["CH4"], pressure, label="CH4") if "H2O" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["H2O"], pressure, label="H2O") if "H2O_HITEMP" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["H2O_HITEMP"], pressure, label="H2O") if "Na" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["Na"], pressure, label="Na") if "K" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["K"], pressure, label="K") if "Na_allard" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["Na_allard"], pressure, label="Na") if "K_allard" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["K_allard"], pressure, label="K") if "Na_burrows" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["Na_burrows"], pressure, label="Na") if "K_burrows" in abundances: plt.plot(abundances["K_burrows"], pressure, label="K") plt.xlim(1e-10, 1.0) plt.ylim(pressure[-1], pressure[0]) plt.yscale("log") plt.xscale("log") plt.xlabel("Mass fraction") plt.ylabel("Pressure (bar)") if p_quench is not None: plt.axhline(p_quench, ls="--", color="black") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.savefig("abundances.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() plt.plot(temperature, pressure, "o", ls="none", ms=2.0) for item in log_x_base: plt.axhline( p_base[f"{item}(c)"], label=f"Cloud deck {item}", ls="--", color="black" ) plt.yscale("log") plt.ylim(1e3, 1e-6) plt.xlim(0.0, 4000.0) plt.savefig("pt_cloud_deck.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() for item in log_x_base: plt.plot(abundances[f"{item}(c)"], pressure) plt.axhline(p_base[f"{item}(c)"]) plt.yscale("log") if np.count_nonzero(abundances[f"{item}(c)"]) > 0: plt.xscale("log") plt.ylim(1e3, 1e-6) plt.xlim(1e-10, 1.0) log_x_base_item = log_x_base[item] if "fsed" in cloud_dict: fsed = cloud_dict["fsed"] else: fsed = cloud_dict[f"fsed_{item}(c)"] log_kzz = cloud_dict["log_kzz"] plt.title( f"fsed = {fsed:.2f}, log(Kzz) = {log_kzz:.2f}, " + f"X_b = {log_x_base_item:.2f}" ) plt.savefig(f"{item.lower()}_clouds.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() # Turn clouds off # abundances['MgSiO3(c)'] = np.zeros_like(pressure) # abundances['Fe(c)'] = np.zeros_like(pressure) # Reinitiate the pressure layers after make_half_pressure_better if pressure_grid == "clouds": rt_object.setup_opa_structure(pressure) # Width of cloud particle distribution if "sigma_lnorm" in cloud_dict: sigma_lnorm = cloud_dict["sigma_lnorm"] else: sigma_lnorm = None if "log_kappa_0" in cloud_dict: # Cloud model 2 @typechecked def kappa_abs(wavel_micron: np.ndarray, press_bar: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: p_base = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_p_base"] # (bar) kappa_0 = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_kappa_0"] # (cm2 g-1) # Opacity at 1 um (cm2 g-1) as function of pressure (bar) # See Eq. 5 in Mollière et al. 2020 kappa_p = kappa_0 * (press_bar / p_base) ** cloud_dict["fsed"] # Opacity (cm2 g-1) as function of wavelength (um) # See Eq. 4 in Mollière et al. 2020 kappa_grid, wavel_grid = np.meshgrid(kappa_p, wavel_micron, sparse=True) kappa_tot = kappa_grid * wavel_grid ** cloud_dict["opa_index"] kappa_tot[:, press_bar > p_base] = 0.0 # if ( # cloud_dict["opa_knee"] > wavel_micron[0] # and cloud_dict["opa_knee"] < wavel_micron[-1] # ): # indices = np.where(wavel_micron > cloud_dict["opa_knee"])[0] # for i in range(press_bar.size): # kappa_tot[indices, i] = ( # kappa_tot[indices[0], i] # * (wavel_micron[indices] / wavel_micron[indices[0]]) ** -4.0 # ) return (1.0 - cloud_dict["albedo"]) * kappa_tot @typechecked def kappa_scat(wavel_micron: np.ndarray, press_bar: np.ndarray): p_base = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_p_base"] # (bar) kappa_0 = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_kappa_0"] # (cm2 g-1) # Opacity at 1 um (cm2 g-1) as function of pressure (bar) # See Eq. 5 in Mollière et al. 2020 kappa_p = kappa_0 * (press_bar / p_base) ** cloud_dict["fsed"] # Opacity (cm2 g-1) as function of wavelength (um) # See Eq. 4 in Mollière et al. 2020 kappa_grid, wavel_grid = np.meshgrid(kappa_p, wavel_micron, sparse=True) kappa_tot = kappa_grid * wavel_grid ** cloud_dict["opa_index"] kappa_tot[:, press_bar > p_base] = 0.0 # if ( # cloud_dict["opa_knee"] > wavel_micron[0] # and cloud_dict["opa_knee"] < wavel_micron[-1] # ): # indices = np.where(wavel_micron > cloud_dict["opa_knee"])[0] # for i in range(press_bar.size): # kappa_tot[indices, i] = ( # kappa_tot[indices[0], i] # * (wavel_micron[indices] / wavel_micron[indices[0]]) ** -4.0 # ) return cloud_dict["albedo"] * kappa_tot elif "log_kappa_abs" in cloud_dict: # Powerlaw absorption and scattering opacities @typechecked def kappa_abs(wavel_micron: np.ndarray, press_bar: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: p_base = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_p_base"] # (bar) kappa_0 = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_kappa_abs"] # (cm2 g-1) # Opacity at 1 um (cm2 g-1) as function of pressure (bar) kappa_p = kappa_0 * (press_bar / p_base) ** cloud_dict["fsed"] # Opacity (cm2 g-1) as function of wavelength (um) kappa_grid, wavel_grid = np.meshgrid(kappa_p, wavel_micron, sparse=True) kappa_abs = kappa_grid * wavel_grid ** cloud_dict["opa_abs_index"] kappa_abs[:, press_bar > p_base] = 0.0 return kappa_abs if "log_kappa_sca" in cloud_dict: @typechecked def kappa_scat(wavel_micron: np.ndarray, press_bar: np.ndarray): p_base = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_p_base"] # (bar) kappa_0 = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_kappa_sca"] # (cm2 g-1) # Opacity at 1 um (cm2 g-1) as function of pressure (bar) kappa_p = kappa_0 * (press_bar / p_base) ** cloud_dict["fsed"] # Opacity (cm2 g-1) as function of wavelength (um) kappa_grid, wavel_grid = np.meshgrid(kappa_p, wavel_micron, sparse=True) kappa_sca = kappa_grid * wavel_grid ** cloud_dict["opa_sca_index"] kappa_sca[:, press_bar > p_base] = 0.0 if ( cloud_dict["lambda_ray"] > wavel_micron[0] and cloud_dict["lambda_ray"] < wavel_micron[-1] ): indices = np.where(wavel_micron > cloud_dict["lambda_ray"])[0] for i in range(press_bar.size): kappa_sca[indices, i] = ( kappa_sca[indices[0], i] * (wavel_micron[indices] / wavel_micron[indices[0]]) ** -4.0 ) return kappa_sca else: kappa_scat = None elif "log_kappa_gray" in cloud_dict: # Gray clouds with cloud top @typechecked def kappa_abs(wavel_micron: np.ndarray, press_bar: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: p_top = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_cloud_top"] # (bar) kappa_gray = 10.0 ** cloud_dict["log_kappa_gray"] # (cm2 g-1) opa_abs = np.full((wavel_micron.size, press_bar.size), kappa_gray) opa_abs[:, press_bar < p_top] = 0.0 return opa_abs # Add optional scattering opacity if "albedo" in cloud_dict: @typechecked def kappa_scat( wavel_micron: np.ndarray, press_bar: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: # Absorption opacity (cm2 g-1) opa_abs = kappa_abs(wavel_micron, press_bar) # Scattering opacity (cm2 g-1) opa_scat = cloud_dict["albedo"] * opa_abs / (1.0 - cloud_dict["albedo"]) return opa_scat else: kappa_scat = None else: kappa_abs = None kappa_scat = None # Calculate the emission spectrum rt_object.calc_flux( temperature, abundances, 10.0**log_g, mmw, sigma_lnorm=sigma_lnorm, Kzz=Kzz_use, fsed=fseds, radius=None, contribution=contribution, gray_opacity=None, Pcloud=None, kappa_zero=None, gamma_scat=None, add_cloud_scat_as_abs=False, hack_cloud_photospheric_tau=tau_cloud, give_absorption_opacity=kappa_abs, give_scattering_opacity=kappa_scat, cloud_wlen=cloud_wavel, ) # if ( # hasattr(rt_object, "scaling_physicality") # and rt_object.scaling_physicality > 1.0 # ): # # cloud_scaling_factor > 2 * (fsed + 1) # # Set to None such that -inf will be returned as ln_like # wavel = None # f_lambda = None # contr_em = None # # else: # wavel = 1e6 * constants.LIGHT / rt_object.freq # (um) # # # (erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1) -> (erg s-1 m-2 Hz-1) # f_lambda = 1e4 * rt_object.flux # # # (erg s-1 m-2 Hz-1) -> (erg s-1 m-2 m-1) # f_lambda *= constants.LIGHT / (1e-6 * wavel) ** 2.0 # # # (erg s-1 m-2 m-1) -> (erg s-1 m-2 um-1) # f_lambda *= 1e-6 # # # (erg s-1 m-2 um-1) -> (W m-2 um-1) # f_lambda *= 1e-7 # # # Optionally return the emission contribution # if contribution: # contr_em = rt_object.contr_em # else: # contr_em = None if rt_object.flux is None: wavel = None f_lambda = None contr_em = None else: wavel = 1e6 * constants.LIGHT / rt_object.freq # (um) # (erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1) -> (erg s-1 m-2 Hz-1) f_lambda = 1e4 * rt_object.flux # (erg s-1 m-2 Hz-1) -> (erg s-1 m-2 m-1) f_lambda *= constants.LIGHT / (1e-6 * wavel) ** 2.0 # (erg s-1 m-2 m-1) -> (erg s-1 m-2 um-1) f_lambda *= 1e-6 # (erg s-1 m-2 um-1) -> (W m-2 um-1) f_lambda *= 1e-7 # Optionally return the emission contribution if contribution: contr_em = rt_object.contr_em else: contr_em = None # if plotting and Kzz_use is None and hasattr(rt_object, "continuum_opa"): # plt.plot(wavel, rt_object.continuum_opa[:, 0], label="Total continuum opacity") # plt.plot( # wavel, # rt_object.continuum_opa[:, 0] - rt_object.continuum_opa_scat[:, 0], # label="Absorption continuum opacity", # ) # plt.plot( # wavel, # rt_object.continuum_opa_scat[:, 0], # label="Scattering continuum opacity", # ) # plt.xlabel(r"Wavelength ($\mu$m)") # plt.ylabel("Opacity at smallest pressure") # plt.yscale("log") # plt.legend(loc="best") # plt.savefig("continuum_opacity.png", bbox_inches="tight") # plt.clf() return wavel, f_lambda, contr_em, mmw
[docs] @typechecked def mass_fractions( log_x_abund: Dict[str, float], line_species: List[str], abund_nodes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Function to return a dictionary with the mass fractions of all species, including molecular hydrogen and helium. Parameters ---------- log_x_abund : dict Dictionary with the log10 of the mass fractions of metals. line_species : list(str) List with the line species. abund_nodes : int, None Number of abundance nodes. The argument can be set to ``None`` if abundances are constant with pressure. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the mass fractions of all species. """ if abund_nodes is None: # Initiate abundance dictionary abund = {} # Initiate the total mass fraction of the metals metal_sum = 0.0 for line_item in line_species: if line_item in log_x_abund: # Add the mass fraction to the dictionary abund[line_item] = 10.0 ** log_x_abund[line_item] # Update the total mass fraction of the metals metal_sum += abund[line_item] # Mass fraction of H2 and He ab_h2_he = 1.0 - metal_sum # Add H2 and He mass fraction to the dictionary abund["H2"] = ab_h2_he * 0.75 abund["He"] = ab_h2_he * 0.25 else: # Initiate abundance dictionary abund = {} for node_idx in range(abund_nodes): # Initiate the total mass fraction of the metals metal_sum = 0.0 for line_item in line_species: if f"{line_item}_{node_idx}" in log_x_abund: # Add the mass fraction to the dictionary abund[f"{line_item}_{node_idx}"] = ( 10.0 ** log_x_abund[f"{line_item}_{node_idx}"] ) # Update the total mass fraction of the metals metal_sum += abund[f"{line_item}_{node_idx}"] # Mass fraction of H2 and He ab_h2_he = 1.0 - metal_sum # Add H2 and He mass fraction to the dictionary abund[f"H2_{node_idx}"] = ab_h2_he * 0.75 abund[f"He_{node_idx}"] = ab_h2_he * 0.25 return abund
[docs] @typechecked def calc_metal_ratio( log_x_abund: Dict[str, float], line_species: List[str], ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Function for calculating [C/H], [O/H], and C/O for a given set of abundances. Parameters ---------- log_x_abund : dict Dictionary with the log10 mass fractions. line_species : list(str) List with the line species. Returns ------- float Carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, relative to solar. float Oxygen-to-hydrogen ratio, relative to solar. float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. """ # Solar C/H from Asplund et al. (2009) c_h_solar = 10.0 ** (8.43 - 12.0) # Solar O/H from Asplund et al. (2009) o_h_solar = 10.0 ** (8.69 - 12.0) # Get the atomic masses masses = atomic_masses() # Create a dictionary with all mass fractions abund = mass_fractions(log_x_abund, line_species, abund_nodes=None) # Calculate the mean molecular weight from the input mass fractions mmw = mean_molecular_weight(abund) # Initiate the C, H, and O abundance c_abund = 0.0 o_abund = 0.0 h_abund = 0.0 for abund_item in abund: abund_split = abund_item.split("_")[0] # Calculate the total C abundance if abund_split == "CO": c_abund += abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["CO"] elif abund_split == "CO2": c_abund += abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["CO2"] elif abund_split == "CH4": c_abund += abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["CH4"] # Calculate the total O abundance if abund_split == "CO": o_abund += abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["CO"] elif abund_split == "CO2": o_abund += 2.0 * abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["CO2"] elif abund_split == "H2O": o_abund += abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["H2O"] # Calculate the total H abundance if abund_split == "H2": h_abund += 2.0 * abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["H2"] elif abund_split == "CH4": h_abund += 4.0 * abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["CH4"] elif abund_split == "H2O": h_abund += 2.0 * abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["H2O"] elif abund_split == "NH3": h_abund += 3.0 * abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["NH3"] elif abund_split == "H2S": h_abund += 2.0 * abund[abund_item] * mmw / masses["H2S"] return ( np.log10(c_abund / h_abund / c_h_solar), np.log10(o_abund / h_abund / o_h_solar), c_abund / o_abund, )
[docs] @typechecked def mean_molecular_weight(mass_frac: Dict[str, float]) -> float: """ Function to calculate the mean molecular weight from a dictionary with mass fractions. Parameters ---------- mass_frac : dict Dictionary with the mass fraction of each species. Returns ------- float Mean molecular weight in atomic mass units. """ masses = atomic_masses() mmw_sum = 0.0 for abund_item in mass_frac: if "_" in abund_item: mmw_sum += mass_frac[abund_item] / masses[abund_item.split("_")[0]] else: mmw_sum += mass_frac[abund_item] / masses[abund_item] return 1.0 / mmw_sum
[docs] @typechecked def potassium_abundance( log_x_abund: Dict[str, float], line_species: List[str], abund_nodes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Union[float, List[float]]: """ Function to calculate the mass fraction of potassium at a solar ratio of the sodium and potassium abundances. Parameters ---------- log_x_abund : dict Dictionary with the log10 of the mass fractions. line_species : list(str) List with the line species. abund_nodes : int, None Number of abundance nodes. The argument can be set to ``None`` if abundances are constant with pressure. Returns ------- float, list(float) Log10 of the mass fraction of potassium or a list with the log10 mass fraction of potassium in case ``abund_nodes`` is not ``None``. The length of the list is equal to the argument of ``abund_nodes`` in that case. """ # Solar volume mixing ratios of Na and K (Asplund et al. 2009) n_na_solar = 1.60008694353205e-06 n_k_solar = 9.86605611925677e-08 # Get the atomic masses masses = atomic_masses() # Create a dictionary with all mass fractions x_abund = mass_fractions(log_x_abund, line_species, abund_nodes) if abund_nodes is None: # Calculate mean molecular weight from the mass fractions mmw = mean_molecular_weight(x_abund) # Volume mixing ratio of sodium if "Na" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund["Na"] * mmw / masses["Na"] elif "Na_lor_cut" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund["Na_lor_cut"] * mmw / masses["Na"] elif "Na_allard" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund["Na_allard"] * mmw / masses["Na"] elif "Na_burrows" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund["Na_burrows"] * mmw / masses["Na"] # Volume mixing ratio of potassium n_k_abund = n_na_abund * n_k_solar / n_na_solar # Mass fraction of potassium log_x_k = np.log10(n_k_abund * masses["K"] / mmw) else: log_x_k = [] for node_idx in range(abund_nodes): # Calculate mean molecular weight from the mass fractions abund_dict = {} for abund_item in line_species: abund_dict[abund_item] = x_abund[f"{abund_item}_{node_idx}"] mmw = mean_molecular_weight(abund_dict) # Volume mixing ratio of sodium if f"Na_{node_idx}" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund[f"Na_{node_idx}"] * mmw / masses["Na"] elif f"Na_lor_cut_{node_idx}" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund[f"Na_lor_cut_{node_idx}"] * mmw / masses["Na"] elif f"Na_allard_{node_idx}" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund[f"Na_allard_{node_idx}"] * mmw / masses["Na"] elif f"Na_burrows_{node_idx}" in log_x_abund: n_na_abund = x_abund[f"Na_burrows_{node_idx}"] * mmw / masses["Na"] # Volume mixing ratio of potassium n_k_abund = n_na_abund * n_k_solar / n_na_solar # Mass fraction of potassium log_x_k.append(np.log10(n_k_abund * masses["K"] / mmw)) return log_x_k
[docs] @typechecked def log_x_cloud_base( c_o_ratio: float, metallicity: float, cloud_fractions: Dict[str, float] ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Function for returning a dictionary with the log10 mass fractions at the cloud base. Parameters ---------- c_o_ratio : float C/O ratio. metallicity : float Metallicity, [Fe/H]. cloud_fractions : dict Dictionary with the log10 mass fractions at the cloud base, relative to the maximum values allowed from elemental abundances. The dictionary keys are the cloud species without the structure and shape index (e.g. Na2S(c) instead of Na2S(c)_cd). Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the log10 mass fractions at the cloud base. Compared to the keys of ``cloud_fractions``, the keys in the returned dictionary are provided without ``(c)`` (e.g. Na2S instead of Na2S(c)). """ log_x_base = {} for item in cloud_fractions: # Mass fraction x_cloud = cloud_mass_fraction(f"{item[:-3]}", metallicity, c_o_ratio) # Log10 of the mass fraction at the cloud base log_x_base[f"{item[:-3]}"] = np.log10(10.0 ** cloud_fractions[item] * x_cloud) return log_x_base
[docs] @typechecked def solar_mixing_ratios() -> dict: """ Function which returns the volume mixing ratios for solar elemental abundances (i.e. [Fe/H] = 0); adopted from Asplund et al. (2009). Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the solar number fractions (i.e. volume mixing ratios). """ n_fracs = {} n_fracs["H"] = 0.9207539305 n_fracs["He"] = 0.0783688694 n_fracs["C"] = 0.0002478241 n_fracs["N"] = 6.22506056949881e-05 n_fracs["O"] = 0.0004509658 n_fracs["Na"] = 1.60008694353205e-06 n_fracs["Mg"] = 3.66558742055362e-05 n_fracs["Al"] = 2.595e-06 n_fracs["Si"] = 2.9795e-05 n_fracs["P"] = 2.36670201997668e-07 n_fracs["S"] = 1.2137900734604e-05 n_fracs["Cl"] = 2.91167958499589e-07 n_fracs["K"] = 9.86605611925677e-08 n_fracs["Ca"] = 2.01439011429255e-06 n_fracs["Ti"] = 8.20622804366359e-08 n_fracs["V"] = 7.83688694089992e-09 n_fracs["Fe"] = 2.91167958499589e-05 n_fracs["Ni"] = 1.52807116806281e-06 return n_fracs
[docs] @typechecked def atomic_masses() -> dict: """ Function which returns the atomic and molecular masses. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the atomic and molecular masses. """ masses = {} # Atoms masses["H"] = 1.0 masses["He"] = 4.0 masses["C"] = 12.0 masses["N"] = 14.0 masses["O"] = 16.0 masses["Na"] = 23.0 masses["Na_lor_cur"] = 23.0 masses["Na_allard"] = 23.0 masses["Na_burrows"] = 23.0 masses["Mg"] = 24.3 masses["Al"] = 27.0 masses["Si"] = 28.0 masses["P"] = 31.0 masses["S"] = 32.0 masses["Cl"] = 35.45 masses["K"] = 39.1 masses["K_lor_cut"] = 39.1 masses["K_allard"] = 39.1 masses["K_burrows"] = 39.1 masses["Ca"] = 40.0 masses["Ti"] = 47.9 masses["V"] = 51.0 masses["Fe"] = 55.8 masses["Ni"] = 58.7 # Molecules masses["H2"] = 2.0 masses["H2O"] = 18.0 masses["H2O_HITEMP"] = 18.0 masses["H2O_main_iso"] = 18.0 masses["CH4"] = 16.0 masses["CH4_main_iso"] = 16.0 masses["CO2"] = 44.0 masses["CO2_main_iso"] = 44.0 masses["CO"] = 28.0 masses["CO_all_iso"] = 28.0 masses["CO_all_iso_Chubb"] = 28.0 masses["CO_all_iso_HITEMP"] = 28.0 masses["NH3"] = 17.0 masses["NH3_main_iso"] = 17.0 masses["HCN"] = 27.0 masses["C2H2,acetylene"] = 26.0 masses["PH3"] = 34.0 masses["PH3_main_iso"] = 34.0 masses["H2S"] = 34.0 masses["H2S_main_iso"] = 34.0 masses["VO"] = 67.0 masses["VO_Plez"] = 67.0 masses["TiO"] = 64.0 masses["TiO_all_Exomol"] = 64.0 masses["TiO_all_Plez"] = 64.0 masses["FeH"] = 57.0 masses["FeH_main_iso"] = 57.0 masses["OH"] = 17.0 return masses
[docs] @typechecked def cloud_mass_fraction( composition: str, metallicity: float, c_o_ratio: float ) -> float: """ Function to calculate the mass fraction for a cloud species. Parameters ---------- composition : str Cloud composition ('Fe', 'MgSiO3', 'Mg2SiO4', 'Al2O3', 'Na2S', or 'KCL'). metallicity : float Metallicity [Fe/H]. c_o_ratio : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. Returns ------- float Mass fraction. """ # Solar fractional number densities (i.e. volume mixing ratios; VMR) nfracs = solar_mixing_ratios() # Atomic masses masses = atomic_masses() # Make a copy of the dictionary with the solar number densities nfracs_use = copy.copy(nfracs) # Scale the solar number densities by the [Fe/H], except H and He for item in nfracs: if item != "H" and item != "He": nfracs_use[item] = nfracs[item] * 10.0**metallicity # Adjust the VMR of O with the C/O ratio nfracs_use["O"] = nfracs_use["C"] / c_o_ratio if composition == "Fe": nfrac_cloud = nfracs_use["Fe"] mass_cloud = masses["Fe"] elif composition == "MgSiO3": nfrac_cloud = np.min( [nfracs_use["Mg"], nfracs_use["Si"], nfracs_use["O"] / 3.0] ) mass_cloud = masses["Mg"] + masses["Si"] + 3.0 * masses["O"] elif composition == "Mg2SiO4": nfrac_cloud = np.min( [nfracs_use["Mg"] / 2.0, nfracs_use["Si"], nfracs_use["O"] / 4.0] ) mass_cloud = 2.0 * masses["Mg"] + masses["Si"] + 4.0 * masses["O"] elif composition == "Al2O3": nfrac_cloud = np.min([nfracs_use["Al"] / 2.0, nfracs_use["O"] / 3.0]) mass_cloud = 2.0 * masses["Al"] + 3.0 * masses["O"] elif composition == "Na2S": nfrac_cloud = np.min([nfracs_use["Na"] / 2.0, nfracs_use["S"]]) mass_cloud = 2.0 * masses["Na"] + masses["S"] elif composition == "KCL": nfrac_cloud = np.min([nfracs_use["K"], nfracs_use["Cl"]]) mass_cloud = masses["K"] + masses["Cl"] # Cloud mass fraction x_cloud = mass_cloud * nfrac_cloud mass_norm = 0.0 for item in nfracs_use: # Sum up the mass fractions of all species mass_norm += masses[item] * nfracs_use[item] # Normalize the cloud mass fraction by the total mass fraction return x_cloud / mass_norm
[docs] @typechecked def get_condensation_curve( composition: str, press: np.ndarray, metallicity: float, c_o_ratio: float, mmw: float = 2.33, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to find the base of the cloud deck by intersecting the P-T profile with the saturation vapor pressure. Parameters ---------- composition : str Cloud composition ('Fe', 'MgSiO3', 'Mg2SiO4', 'Al2O3', 'Na2S', or 'KCL'). press : np.ndarray Pressures (bar). metallicity : float Metallicity [Fe/H]. c_o_ratio : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. mmw : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.array Condensation temperatures (K) for the provided input pressures. """ if composition == "Fe": Pc, Tc = return_T_cond_Fe_comb(metallicity, c_o_ratio, mmw) elif composition == "MgSiO3": Pc, Tc = return_T_cond_MgSiO3(metallicity, c_o_ratio, mmw) elif composition == "Mg2SiO4": Pc, Tc = return_T_cond_Mg2SiO4(metallicity) elif composition == "Al2O3": Pc, Tc = return_T_cond_Al2O3(metallicity) elif composition == "Na2S": Pc, Tc = return_T_cond_Na2S(metallicity, c_o_ratio, mmw) elif composition == "KCL": Pc, Tc = return_T_cond_KCl(metallicity, c_o_ratio, mmw) else: raise ValueError( f"The '{composition}' composition is not " "supported by get_condensation_curve." ) index = (Pc > 1e-8) & (Pc < 1e5) Pc, Tc = Pc[index], Tc[index] tcond_p = interp1d(Pc, Tc) return tcond_p(press)
[docs] @typechecked def find_cloud_deck( composition: str, press: np.ndarray, temp: np.ndarray, metallicity: float, c_o_ratio: float, mmw: float = 2.33, plotting: bool = False, ) -> float: """ Function to find the base of the cloud deck by intersecting the P-T profile with the saturation vapor pressure. Parameters ---------- composition : str Cloud composition ('Fe', 'MgSiO3', 'Mg2SiO4', 'Al2O3', 'Na2S', or 'KCL'). press : np.ndarray Pressures (bar). temp : np.ndarray Temperatures (K). metallicity : float Metallicity [Fe/H]. c_o_ratio : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. mmw : float Mean molecular weight. plotting : bool Create a plot. Returns ------- float Pressure (bar) at the base of the cloud deck. """ Tcond_on_input_grid = get_condensation_curve( composition=composition, press=press, metallicity=metallicity, c_o_ratio=c_o_ratio, mmw=mmw, ) Tdiff = Tcond_on_input_grid - temp diff_vec = Tdiff[1:] * Tdiff[:-1] ind_cdf = diff_vec < 0.0 if len(diff_vec[ind_cdf]) > 0: P_clouds = (press[1:] + press[:-1])[ind_cdf] / 2.0 P_cloud = float(P_clouds[-1]) else: P_cloud = 1e-8 if plotting: plt.plot(temp, press) plt.plot(Tcond_on_input_grid, press) plt.axhline(P_cloud, color="red", linestyle="--") plt.yscale("log") plt.xlim(0.0, 3000.0) plt.ylim(1e2, 1e-6) plt.savefig(f"{composition.lower()}_clouds_cdf.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() return P_cloud
[docs] @typechecked def scale_cloud_abund( params: Dict[str, float], rt_object, pressure: np.ndarray, temperature: np.ndarray, mmw: np.ndarray, chemistry: str, abund_in: Dict[str, np.ndarray], composition: str, tau_cloud: float, pressure_grid: str, ) -> float: """ Function to scale the mass fraction of a cloud species to the requested optical depth. Parameters ---------- params : dict Dictionary with the model parameters. rt_object : petitRADTRANS.radtrans.Radtrans Instance of ``Radtrans``. pressure : np.ndarray Array with the pressure points (bar). temperature : np.ndarray Array with the temperature points (K) corresponding to ``pressure``. mmw : np.ndarray Array with the mean molecular weights corresponding to ``pressure``. chemistry : str Chemistry type (only ``'equilibrium'`` is supported). abund_in : dict Dictionary with arrays that contain the pressure-dependent, equilibrium mass fractions of the line species. composition : sr Cloud composition ('Fe(c)', 'MgSiO3(c)', 'Mg2SiO4(c)', 'Al2O3(c)', 'Na2S(c)', 'KCl(c)'). tau_cloud : float Optical depth of the clouds. The returned mass fraction is scaled such that the optical depth at the shortest wavelength is equal to ``tau_cloud``. pressure_grid : str The type of pressure grid that is used for the radiative transfer. Either 'standard', to use 180 layers both for the atmospheric structure (e.g. when interpolating the abundances) and 180 layers with the radiative transfer, or 'smaller' to use 60 (instead of 180) with the radiative transfer, or 'clouds' to start with 1440 layers but resample to ~100 layers (depending on the number of cloud species) with a refinement around the cloud decks. For cloudless atmospheres it is recommended to use 'smaller', which runs faster than 'standard' and provides sufficient accuracy. For cloudy atmosphere, one can test with 'smaller' but it is recommended to use 'clouds' for improved accuracy fluxes. Returns ------- float Mass fraction relative to the maximum value allowed from elemental abundances. The value has been scaled to the requested optical depth ``tau_cloud`` (at the shortest wavelength). """ # Dictionary with the requested cloud composition and setting the # log10 of the mass fraction (relative to the maximum value # allowed from elemental abundances) equal to zero cloud_fractions = {composition: 0.0} # Create a dictionary with the log10 of # the mass fraction at the cloud base log_x_base = log_x_cloud_base( params["c_o_ratio"], params["metallicity"], cloud_fractions ) # Get the pressure (bar) of the cloud base p_base = find_cloud_deck( composition[:-3], pressure, temperature, params["metallicity"], params["c_o_ratio"], mmw=np.mean(mmw), plotting=False, ) # Initialize the cloud abundance in # the dictionary with mass fractions abund_in[composition] = np.zeros_like(temperature) # Set the cloud abundances by scaling # from the base with the f_sed parameter abund_in[composition][pressure < p_base] = ( 10.0 ** log_x_base[composition[:-3]] * (pressure[pressure <= p_base] / p_base) ** params["fsed"] ) # Adaptive pressure refinement around the cloud base if pressure_grid == "clouds": _, indices = make_half_pressure_better({composition: p_base}, pressure) else: indices = None # Update the abundance dictionary abundances = create_abund_dict( abund_in, rt_object.line_species, chemistry, pressure_grid=pressure_grid, indices=indices, ) # Interpolate the line opacities to the temperature structure if pressure_grid == "standard": rt_object.interpolate_species_opa(temperature) mmw_select = mmw.copy() if "log_kzz" in params: kzz_select = np.full(pressure.size, 10.0 ** params["log_kzz"]) else: # Backward compatibility kzz_select = np.full(pressure.size, 10.0 ** params["kzz"]) elif pressure_grid == "smaller": rt_object.interpolate_species_opa(temperature[::3]) mmw_select = mmw[::3] if "log_kzz" in params: kzz_select = np.full(pressure[::3].size, 10.0 ** params["log_kzz"]) else: # Backward compatibility kzz_select = np.full(pressure[::3].size, 10.0 ** params["kzz"]) elif pressure_grid == "clouds": # Reinitiate the pressure structure # after make_half_pressure_better rt_object.setup_opa_structure(pressure[indices]) rt_object.interpolate_species_opa(temperature[indices]) mmw_select = mmw[indices] if "log_kzz" in params: kzz_select = np.full(pressure[indices].size, 10.0 ** params["log_kzz"]) else: # Backward compatibility kzz_select = np.full(pressure[indices].size, 10.0 ** params["kzz"]) # Set the continuum opacities to zero because # calc_cloud_opacity adds to existing opacities rt_object.continuum_opa = np.zeros_like(rt_object.continuum_opa) rt_object.continuum_opa_scat = np.zeros_like(rt_object.continuum_opa_scat) rt_object.continuum_opa_scat_emis = np.zeros_like(rt_object.continuum_opa_scat_emis) # Calculate the cloud opacities for # the defined atmospheric structure rt_object.calc_cloud_opacity( abundances, mmw_select, 10.0 ** params["logg"], params["sigma_lnorm"], fsed=params["fsed"], Kzz=kzz_select, radius=None, add_cloud_scat_as_abs=False, ) # Calculate the cloud optical depth and set the tau_cloud attribute rt_object.calc_tau_cloud(10.0 ** params["logg"]) # Extract the wavelength-averaged optical # depth at the largest pressure tau_current = np.mean(rt_object.tau_cloud[0, :, 0, -1]) # Set the continuum opacities again to zero rt_object.continuum_opa = np.zeros_like(rt_object.continuum_opa) rt_object.continuum_opa_scat = np.zeros_like(rt_object.continuum_opa_scat) rt_object.continuum_opa_scat_emis = np.zeros_like(rt_object.continuum_opa_scat_emis) if tau_current > 0.0: # Scale the mass fraction log_x_scaled = np.log10(tau_cloud / tau_current) else: log_x_scaled = 100.0 return log_x_scaled
[docs] @typechecked def cube_to_dict(cube, cube_index: Dict[str, float]) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Function to convert the parameter cube into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- cube : LP_c_double Cube with the parameters. cube_index : dict Dictionary with the index of each parameter in the ``cube``. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the parameters. """ params = {} for key, value in cube_index.items(): params[key] = cube[value] return params
[docs] @typechecked def list_to_dict(param_list: List[str], sample_val: np.ndarray) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Function to convert the parameter cube into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- param_list : list(str) List with the parameter labels. sample_val : np.ndarray Array with the parameter values, in the same order as ``param_list``. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the parameters. """ sample_dict = {} for item in param_list: sample_dict[item] = sample_val[param_list.index(item)] return sample_dict
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_Fe( FeH: float, CO: float, MMW: float = 2.33 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the saturation pressure for solid Fe. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. CO : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. MMW : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ masses = atomic_masses() T = np.linspace(100.0, 10000.0, 1000) # Taken from Ackerman & Marley (2001) # including erratum (P_vap is in bar, not cgs!) P_vap = lambda x: np.exp(15.71 - 47664.0 / x) x_cloud = cloud_mass_fraction("Fe", FeH, CO) return P_vap(T) / (x_cloud * MMW / masses["Fe"]), T
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_Fe_l( FeH: float, CO: float, MMW: float = 2.33 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the saturation pressure for liquid Fe. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. CO : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. MMW : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ masses = atomic_masses() T = np.linspace(100.0, 10000.0, 1000) # Taken from Ackerman & Marley (2001) # including erratum (P_vap is in bar, not cgs!) P_vap = lambda x: np.exp(9.86 - 37120.0 / x) x_cloud = cloud_mass_fraction("Fe", FeH, CO) return P_vap(T) / (x_cloud * MMW / masses["Fe"]), T
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_Fe_comb( FeH: float, CO: float, MMW: float = 2.33 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the saturation pressure for Fe. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. CO : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. MMW : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ P1, T1 = return_T_cond_Fe(FeH, CO, MMW) P2, T2 = return_T_cond_Fe_l(FeH, CO, MMW) retP = np.zeros_like(P1) index = P1 < P2 retP[index] = P1[index] retP[~index] = P2[~index] return retP, T2
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_MgSiO3( FeH: float, CO: float, MMW: float = 2.33 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the saturation pressure for MgSiO3. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. CO : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. MMW : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ masses = atomic_masses() T = np.linspace(100.0, 10000.0, 1000) # Taken from Ackerman & Marley (2001) # including erratum (P_vap is in bar, not cgs!) P_vap = lambda x: np.exp(25.37 - 58663.0 / x) x_cloud = cloud_mass_fraction("MgSiO3", FeH, CO) m_mgsio3 = masses["Mg"] + masses["Si"] + 3.0 * masses["O"] return P_vap(T) / (x_cloud * MMW / m_mgsio3), T
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_Mg2SiO4(FeH: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the saturation pressure for Mg2SiO4. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ # Condensation temperature of Mg2SiO4 # See Eq. 18 in Visscher et al. 2010 temp = np.linspace(100.0, 10000.0, 1000) P_vap = lambda x: 10.0 ** ((5.89 - 1e4 / temp - 0.73 * FeH) / 0.37) return P_vap(temp), temp
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_Al2O3(FeH: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the condensation temperature for Al2O3. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. CO : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. MMW : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ # Return dictionary with atomic masses # masses = atomic_masses() # Create pressures (bar) pressure = np.logspace(-6, 3, 1000) # Equilibrium mass fraction of Al2O3 # x_cloud = cloud_mass_fraction('Al2O3', FeH, CO) # Molecular mass of Al2O3 # m_al2o3 = 3. * masses['Al'] + 2. * masses['O'] # Partial pressure of Al2O3 # part_press = pressure/(x_cloud*MMW/m_al2o3) # Condensation temperature of Al2O3 # (see Eq. 4 in Wakeford et al. 2017) t_cond = 1e4 / ( 5.014 - 0.2179 * np.log10(pressure) + 2.264e-3 * np.log10(pressure) ** 2 - 0.580 * FeH ) return pressure, t_cond
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_Na2S( FeH: float, CO: float, MMW: float = 2.33 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the saturation pressure for Na2S. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. CO : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. MMW : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ masses = atomic_masses() # Taken from Charnay+2018 T = np.linspace(100.0, 10000.0, 1000) # This is the partial pressure of Na, so divide by factor 2 to get # the partial pressure of the hypothetical Na2S gas particles, this # is OK: there are more S than Na atoms at solar abundance ratios. P_vap = lambda x: 1e1 ** (8.55 - 13889.0 / x - 0.5 * FeH) / 2.0 x_cloud = cloud_mass_fraction("Na2S", FeH, CO) m_na2s = 2.0 * masses["Na"] + masses["S"] return P_vap(T) / (x_cloud * MMW / m_na2s), T
[docs] @typechecked def return_T_cond_KCl( FeH: float, CO: float, MMW: float = 2.33 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function for calculating the saturation pressure for KCl. Parameters ---------- FeH : float Metallicity. CO : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. MMW : float Mean molecular weight. Returns ------- np.ndarray Saturation pressure (bar). np.ndarray Temperature (K). """ masses = atomic_masses() T = np.linspace(100.0, 10000.0, 1000) # Taken from Charnay+2018 P_vap = lambda x: 1e1 ** (7.611 - 11382.0 / T) x_cloud = cloud_mass_fraction("KCL", FeH, CO) m_kcl = masses["K"] + masses["Cl"] return P_vap(T) / (x_cloud * MMW / m_kcl), T
[docs] @typechecked def convolve_spectrum( input_wavel: np.ndarray, input_flux: np.ndarray, spec_res: float ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to convolve a spectrum with a Gaussian filter. Parameters ---------- input_wavel : np.ndarray Input wavelengths. input_flux : np.ndarray Input flux spec_res : float Spectral resolution of the Gaussian filter. Returns ------- np.ndarray Convolved spectrum. """ # delta_lambda of resolution element is # FWHM of the LSF's standard deviation sigma_lsf = 1.0 / spec_res / (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0))) # The input spacing of petitRADTRANS is 1e3, but just compute # it to be sure, or more versatile in the future. # Also, we have a log-spaced grid, so the spacing is constant # as a function of wavelength spacing = np.mean(2.0 * np.diff(input_wavel) / (input_wavel[1:] + input_wavel[:-1])) # Calculate the sigma to be used with the Gaussian filter # in units of the input wavelength bins sigma_filter = sigma_lsf / spacing return gaussian_filter(input_flux, sigma=sigma_filter, mode="nearest")
[docs] @typechecked def quench_pressure( pressure: np.ndarray, temperature: np.ndarray, metallicity: float, c_o_ratio: float, log_g: float, log_kzz: float, ) -> Optional[float]: """ Function to determine the CO/CH$_4$ quenching pressure by intersecting the pressure-dependent timescales of the vertical mixing and the CO/CH$_4$ reaction rates. Parameters ---------- pressure : np.ndarray Array with the pressures (bar). temperature : np.ndarray Array with the temperatures (K) corresponding to ``pressure``. metallicity : float Metallicity [Fe/H]. c_o_ratio : float Carbon-to-oxygen ratio. log_g : float Log10 of the surface gravity (cm s-2). log_kzz : float Log10 of the eddy diffusion coefficient (cm2 s-1). Returns ------- float, None Quenching pressure (bar). """ # Interpolate the equilibbrium abundances co_array = np.full(pressure.shape[0], c_o_ratio) feh_array = np.full(pressure.shape[0], metallicity) if "poor_mans_nonequ_chem" in sys.modules: from poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import interpol_abundances else: from petitRADTRANS.poor_mans_nonequ_chem.poor_mans_nonequ_chem import ( interpol_abundances, ) abund_eq = interpol_abundances( co_array, feh_array, temperature, pressure, Pquench_carbon=None ) # Surface gravity (m s-2) gravity = 1e-2 * 10.0**log_g # Mean molecular weight (kg) mmw = abund_eq["MMW"] * constants.ATOMIC_MASS # Pressure scale height (m) h_scale = constants.BOLTZMANN * temperature / (mmw * gravity) # Diffusion coefficient (m2 s-1) kzz = 1e-4 * 10.0**log_kzz # Mixing timescale (s) t_mix = h_scale**2 / kzz # Chemical timescale (see Eq. 12 from Zahnle & Marley 2014) metal = 10.0**metallicity t_chem = 1.5e-6 * pressure**-1.0 * metal**-0.7 * np.exp(42000.0 / temperature) # Determine pressure at which t_mix = t_chem t_diff = t_mix - t_chem diff_product = t_diff[1:] * t_diff[:-1] # If t_mix and t_chem intersect then there # is 1 negative value in diff_product indices = diff_product < 0.0 if np.sum(indices) == 1: p_quench = (pressure[1:] + pressure[:-1])[indices] / 2.0 p_quench = p_quench[0] elif np.sum(indices) == 0: p_quench = None else: raise ValueError( f"Encountered unexpected number of indices " f"({np.sum(indices)}) when determining the " f"intersection of t_mix and t_chem." ) return p_quench
[docs] def convective_flux( press: np.ndarray, temp: np.ndarray, mmw: np.ndarray, nabla_ad: np.ndarray, kappa_r: np.ndarray, density: np.ndarray, c_p: np.ndarray, gravity: float, f_bol: float, mix_length: float = 1.0, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function for calculating the convective flux with mixing-length theory. This function has been adopted from petitCODE (Paul Mollière, MPIA) and was converted from Fortran to Python. Parameters ---------- press : np.ndarray Array with the pressures (Pa). temp : np.ndarray Array with the temperatures (K) at ``pressure``. mmw : np.ndarray Array with the mean molecular weights at ``pressure``. nabla_ad : np.ndarray Array with the adiabatic temperature gradient at ``pressure``. kappa_r : np.ndarray Array with the Rosseland mean opacity (m2 kg-1) at ``pressure``. density : np.ndarray Array with the density (kg m-3) at ``pressure``. c_p : np.ndarray Array with the specific heat capacity (J kg-1 K-1) at constant pressure, ``pressure``. gravity : float Surface gravity (m s-2). f_bol : float Bolometric flux (W m-2) at the top of the atmosphere, calculated from the low-resolution spectrum. mix_length : float Mixing length for the convection in units of the pressure scale height (default: 1.0). Returns ------- np.ndarray Convective flux (W m-2) at each pressure. """ t_transp = (f_bol / constants.SIGMA_SB) ** 0.25 # (K) nabla_rad = ( 3.0 * kappa_r * press * t_transp**4.0 / 16.0 / gravity / temp**4.0 ) # (dimensionless) h_press = ( constants.BOLTZMANN * temp / (mmw * constants.ATOMIC_MASS * gravity) ) # (m) l_mix = mix_length * h_press # (m) U = ( (12.0 * constants.SIGMA_SB * temp**3.0) / (c_p * density**2.0 * kappa_r * l_mix**2.0) * np.sqrt(8.0 * h_press / gravity) ) W = nabla_rad - nabla_ad # FIXME thesis: 2336U^4W A = ( 1168.0 * U**3.0 + 2187 * U * W + 27.0 * np.sqrt( 3.0 * (2048.0 * U**6.0 + 2236.0 * U**4.0 * W + 2187.0 * U**2.0 * W**2.0) ) ) ** (1.0 / 3.0) xi = ( 19.0 / 27.0 * U - 184.0 / 27.0 * 2.0 ** (1.0 / 3.0) * U**2.0 / A + 2.0 ** (2.0 / 3.0) / 27.0 * A ) nabla = xi**2.0 + nabla_ad - U**2.0 nabla_e = nabla_ad + 2.0 * U * xi - 2.0 * U**2.0 f_conv = ( density * c_p * temp * np.sqrt(gravity) * (mix_length * h_press) ** 2.0 / (4.0 * np.sqrt(2.0)) * h_press**-1.5 * (nabla - nabla_e) ** 1.5 ) f_conv[np.isnan(f_conv)] = 0.0 return f_conv # (W m-2)