Source code for species.plot.plot_spectrum

Module with a function for plotting a spectral energy distribution
that includes photometric and/or spectral data and/or models.

import math

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from typeguard import typechecked
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator

from import (
from import ReadFilter
from species.util.core_util import print_section
from species.util.data_util import convert_units
from species.util.plot_util import create_model_label, create_param_format

[docs] @typechecked def plot_spectrum( boxes: list, filters: Optional[List[str]] = None, residuals: Optional[ResidualsBox] = None, plot_kwargs: Optional[List[Optional[dict]]] = None, envelope: bool = False, xlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ylim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ylim_res: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, scale: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, offset: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, legend: Optional[ Union[ str, dict, Tuple[float, float], List[Optional[Union[dict, str, Tuple[float, float]]]], ] ] = None, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (6.0, 3.0), object_type: str = "planet", quantity: str = "flux density", output: Optional[str] = None, leg_param: Optional[List[str]] = None, param_fmt: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, grid_hspace: float = 0.1, inc_model_name: bool = False, units: Tuple[str, str] = ("um", "W m-2 um-1"), ) -> mpl.figure.Figure: """ Function for plotting a spectral energy distribution and combining various data such as spectra, photometric fluxes, model spectra, synthetic photometry, fit residuals, and filter profiles. Parameters ---------- boxes : list( Boxes with data that will be included in the plot. filters : list(str), None Filter names for which the transmission profile is plotted. Not plotted if set to ``None``. residuals :, None Box with residuals of a fit. Not plotted if set to ``None``. plot_kwargs : list(dict), None List with dictionaries of keyword arguments for each box. For example, if the ``boxes`` are a ``ModelBox`` and ``ObjectBox``: .. code-block:: python plot_kwargs=[{'ls': '-', 'lw': 1., 'color': 'black'}, {'spectrum_1': {'marker': 'o', 'ms': 3., 'color': 'tab:brown', 'ls': 'none'}, 'spectrum_2': {'marker': 'o', 'ms': 3., 'color': 'tab:blue', 'ls': 'none'}, 'Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_D_H23_3': {'marker': 's', 'ms': 4., 'color': 'tab:cyan', 'ls': 'none'}, 'Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_D_K12_1': [{'marker': 's', 'ms': 4., 'color': 'tab:orange', 'ls': 'none'}, {'marker': 's', 'ms': 4., 'color': 'tab:red', 'ls': 'none'}], 'Paranal/NACO.Lp': {'marker': 's', 'ms': 4., 'color': 'tab:green', 'ls': 'none'}, 'Paranal/NACO.Mp': {'marker': 's', 'ms': 4., 'color': 'tab:green', 'ls': 'none'}}] For an ``ObjectBox``, the dictionary contains items for the different spectrum and filter names stored with :func:``. In case both and ``ObjectBox`` and a ``SynphotBox`` are provided, then the latter can be set to ``None`` in order to use the same (but open) symbols as the data from the ``ObjectBox``. Note that if a filter name is duplicated in an ``ObjectBox`` (Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_D_K12_1 in the example) then a list with two dictionaries should be provided. Colors are automatically chosen if ``plot_kwargs`` is set to ``None``. envelope : bool Plot an envelope instead of the individual samples in case the list of ``boxes`` contains a list with :class:`` objects from :func:`` or :func:``. The envelopes show the 68 and 99.7 percent confidence intervals, so :math:`1\\sigma` and :math:`3\\sigma` in case of Gaussian distributions. xlim : tuple(float, float) Limits of the wavelength axis. ylim : tuple(float, float) Limits of the flux axis. ylim_res : tuple(float, float), None Limits of the residuals axis. Automatically chosen (based on the minimum and maximum residual value) if set to ``None``. scale : tuple(str, str), None Scale of the x and y axes ('linear' or 'log'). The scale is set to ``('linear', 'linear')`` if set to ``None``. title : str Title. offset : tuple(float, float), None Offset for the label of the x- and y-axis. Default offset is used when the argument is set to ``None``. legend : str, tuple, dict, list(dict, dict), None Location of the legend (str or tuple(float, float)) or a dictionary with the ``**kwargs`` of ``matplotlib.pyplot.legend``, for example ``{'loc': 'upper left', 'fontsize: 12.}``. Alternatively, a list with two values can be provided to separate the model and data handles in two legends. Each of these two elements can be set to ``None``. For example, ``[None, {'loc': 'upper left', 'fontsize: 12.}]``, if only the data points should be included in a legend. figsize : tuple(float, float) Figure size. object_type : str Object type ('planet' or 'star'). With 'planet', the radius and mass are expressed in Jupiter units. With 'star', the radius and mass are expressed in solar units. quantity: str The quantity of the y-axis ('flux density', 'flux', or 'magnitude'). output : str, None Output filename for the plot. The plot is shown in an interface window if the argument is set to ``None``. leg_param : list(str), None List with the parameters to include in the legend of the model spectra. Apart from atmospheric parameters (e.g. 'teff', 'logg', 'radius') also parameters such as 'mass' and 'luminosity' can be included. The default atmospheric parameters are included in the legend if the argument is set to ``None``. param_fmt : dict(str, str), None Dictionary with formats that will be used for the model parameter. The parameters are included in the ``legend`` when plotting the model spectra. Default formats are used if the argument of ``param_fmt`` is set to ``None``. Formats should provided for example as '.2f' for two decimals, '.0f' for zero decimals, and '.1e' for exponential notation with one decimal. grid_hspace : float The relative height spacing between subplots, expressed as a fraction of the average axis height. The default value is set to 0.1. inc_model_name : bool Include the model name in the legend of any :class:``. units : tuple(str, str), None Tuple with the wavelength and flux units. Supported units can be found in the docstring of :func:`~species.util.data_util.convert_units`. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure The ``Figure`` object that can be used for further customization of the plot. """ print_section("Plot spectrum") print("Boxes:") for item in boxes: if isinstance(item, list): item_type = item[0].__class__.__name__ print(f" - List with {len(item)} x {item_type}") else: print(f" - {item.__class__.__name__}") print(f"\nObject type: {object_type}") print(f"Quantity: {quantity}") print(f"Units: {units}") print(f"Filter profiles: {filters}") print(f"\nFigure size: {figsize}") print(f"Legend parameters: {leg_param}") print(f"Include model name: {inc_model_name}") plt.rcParams[""] = "serif" plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "dejavuserif" plt.rcParams["axes.axisbelow"] = False if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = [] elif plot_kwargs is not None and len(boxes) != len(plot_kwargs): raise ValueError( f"The number of 'boxes' ({len(boxes)}) should be equal to the " f"number of items in 'plot_kwargs' ({len(plot_kwargs)})." ) if leg_param is None: leg_param = [] param_fmt = create_param_format(param_fmt) if residuals is not None and filters is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) grid_sp = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[1, 3, 1]) grid_sp.update(wspace=0, hspace=grid_hspace, left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) ax1 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[1, 0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[0, 0]) ax3 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[2, 0]) elif residuals is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) grid_sp = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[4, 1]) grid_sp.update(wspace=0, hspace=grid_hspace, left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) ax1 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[0, 0]) ax2 = None ax3 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[1, 0]) elif filters is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) grid_sp = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[1, 4]) grid_sp.update(wspace=0, hspace=grid_hspace, left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) ax1 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[1, 0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[0, 0]) ax3 = None else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) grid_sp = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) grid_sp.update(wspace=0, hspace=grid_hspace, left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) ax1 = plt.subplot(grid_sp[0, 0]) ax2 = None ax3 = None if residuals is not None: labelbottom = False else: labelbottom = True if scale is None: scale = ("linear", "linear") ax1.set_xscale(scale[0]) ax1.set_yscale(scale[1]) if filters is not None: ax2.set_xscale(scale[0]) if residuals is not None: ax3.set_xscale(scale[0]) ax1.tick_params( axis="both", which="major", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=5, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=labelbottom, ) ax1.tick_params( axis="both", which="minor", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=3, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=labelbottom, ) if filters is not None: ax2.tick_params( axis="both", which="major", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=5, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=False, ) ax2.tick_params( axis="both", which="minor", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=3, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=False, ) if residuals is not None: ax3.tick_params( axis="both", which="major", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=5, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, ) ax3.tick_params( axis="both", which="minor", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=3, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, ) if scale[0] == "linear": ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(5)) if scale[1] == "linear": ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(5)) # ax1.set_yticks([1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e0]) # ax3.set_yticks([-2., 0., 2.]) if filters is not None: if scale[0] == "linear": ax2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(5)) if residuals is not None: if scale[0] == "linear": ax3.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(5)) if units[0] in ["um", "µm"]: x_label = "Wavelength (µm)" elif units[0] in ["angstrom", "A", "AA", "Å"]: x_label = r"Wavelength ($\AA$)" elif units[0] == "Hz": x_label = "Frequency (Hz)" elif units[0] == "GHz": x_label = "Frequency (GHz)" else: x_label = f"Wavelength ({units[0]})" if units[1] in ["W m-2 um-1", "W m-2 µm-1"]: y_unit = "W m$^{-2}$ µm$^{-1}$" elif units[1] == "W m-2 m-1": y_unit = r"W m$^{-2}$ m$^{-1}$" elif units[1] == "W m-2 Hz-1": y_unit = r"W m$^{-2}$ Hz$^{-1}$" elif units[1] in [ "erg s-1 cm-2 angstrom-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 A-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 AA-1", "erg s-1 cm-2 Å-1", ]: y_unit = r"erg s$^{-2}$ cm$^{-2}$ $\AA$$^{-1}$" elif units[1] == "erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1": y_unit = r"erg s$^{-2}$ cm$^{-2}$ Hz$^{-1}$" else: y_unit = units[1] if residuals is not None and filters is not None: ax1.set_xlabel("") ax2.set_xlabel("") ax3.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=11) elif residuals is not None: ax1.set_xlabel("") ax3.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=11) elif filters is not None: ax1.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=11) ax2.set_xlabel("") else: ax1.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=11) if filters is not None: ax2.set_ylabel(r"$T_\lambda$", fontsize=11) if residuals is not None: if quantity == "flux density": ax3.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta$$F_\lambda$ ($\sigma$)", fontsize=11) elif quantity == "flux": ax3.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta$$F_\lambda$ ($\sigma$)", fontsize=11) if quantity == "magnitude": scaling = 1.0 ax1.set_ylabel("Contrast (mag)", fontsize=11) if ylim is not None: ax1.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) else: if ylim is not None: ax1.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) ylim = ax1.get_ylim() if scale[1] == "linear": exponent = math.floor(math.log10(ylim[1])) scaling = 10.0**exponent else: exponent = None scaling = 1.0 if quantity == "flux density": if exponent is None: ylabel = rf"$F_\lambda$ ({y_unit})" else: ylabel = ( r"$F_\lambda$ (10$^{" + str(exponent) + r"}$" + f" {y_unit})" ) elif quantity == "flux": if exponent is None: ylabel = r"$\lambda$$F_\lambda$ (W m$^{-2}$)" else: ylabel = ( r"$\lambda$$F_\lambda$ (10$^{" + str(exponent) + r"}$ W m$^{-2}$)" ) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=11) ax1.set_ylim(ylim[0] / scaling, ylim[1] / scaling) if ylim[0] < 0.0: ax1.axhline( 0.0, ls="--", lw=0.7, color="gray", dashes=(2, 4), zorder=0.5 ) else: if quantity == "flux density": ax1.set_ylabel( rf"$F_\lambda$ ({y_unit})", fontsize=11, ) elif quantity == "flux": ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\lambda$$F_\lambda$ (W m$^{-2}$)", fontsize=11) scaling = 1.0 if offset is not None and residuals is not None and filters is not None: ax3.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, offset[0]) ax1.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) ax2.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) ax3.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) elif offset is not None and filters is not None: ax1.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, offset[0]) ax1.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) ax2.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) elif offset is not None and residuals is not None: ax3.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, offset[0]) ax1.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) ax3.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) elif offset is not None: ax1.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, offset[0]) ax1.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) labels_data = [] for j, box_item in enumerate(boxes): flux_scaling = 1.0 if j < len(boxes): plot_kwargs.append(None) if isinstance(box_item, (SpectrumBox, ModelBox)): wavelength = box_item.wavelength flux = box_item.flux data_in = np.column_stack([wavelength, flux]) data_out = convert_units(data_in, units, convert_from=False) wavelength = data_out[:, 0] flux = data_out[:, 1] if isinstance(wavelength[0], (np.float32, np.float64)): data = np.array(flux, dtype=np.float64) flux_masked =, mask=np.isnan(data)) if isinstance(box_item, ModelBox): param = box_item.parameters.copy() label = create_model_label( model_param=param, object_type=object_type, model_name=box_item.model, inc_model_name=inc_model_name, leg_param=leg_param, param_fmt=param_fmt, ) else: label = None if plot_kwargs[j]: kwargs_copy = plot_kwargs[j].copy() if "label" in kwargs_copy: if kwargs_copy["label"] is None: label = None else: label = kwargs_copy["label"] del kwargs_copy["label"] if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = wavelength if "zorder" not in kwargs_copy: kwargs_copy["zorder"] = 2.0 ax1.plot( wavelength, flux_scaling * flux_masked / scaling, label=label, **kwargs_copy, ) else: if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = wavelength ax1.plot( wavelength, flux_scaling * flux_masked / scaling, lw=0.5, label=label, zorder=2, ) elif isinstance(wavelength[0], (np.ndarray)): for i, item in enumerate(wavelength): data = np.array(flux[i], dtype=np.float64) flux_masked =, mask=np.isnan(data)) if isinstance([i], bytes): label =[i].decode("utf-8") else: label =[i] if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = item ax1.plot( item, flux_scaling * flux_masked / scaling, lw=0.5, label=label ) elif isinstance(box_item, list): if envelope: spec_list = np.zeros((len(box_item), box_item[0].flux.size)) else: spec_list = None for i, item in enumerate(box_item): wavelength = item.wavelength flux = item.flux data_in = np.column_stack([wavelength, flux]) data_out = convert_units(data_in, units, convert_from=False) wavelength = data_out[:, 0] flux = data_out[:, 1] # data = np.array(flux, dtype=np.float64) data = flux.astype(np.float64) flux_masked =, mask=np.isnan(data)) if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = wavelength if envelope: spec_list[i] = flux else: if plot_kwargs[j]: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j]: plot_kwargs[j]["zorder"] = 1.0 ax1.plot( wavelength, flux_scaling * flux_masked / scaling, **plot_kwargs[j], ) else: ax1.plot( wavelength, flux_scaling * flux_masked / scaling, color="gray", lw=0.2, alpha=0.5, zorder=1, ) if envelope: spec_percent = np.percentile(spec_list, [0.3, 16.0, 84.0, 99.7], axis=0) if plot_kwargs[j]: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j]: plot_kwargs[j]["zorder"] = 1.0 if "alpha" in plot_kwargs[j]: del plot_kwargs[j]["alpha"] ax1.fill_between( x=wavelength, y1=flux_scaling * spec_percent[0] / scaling, y2=flux_scaling * spec_percent[3] / scaling, alpha=0.4, **plot_kwargs[j], ) ax1.fill_between( x=wavelength, y1=flux_scaling * spec_percent[1] / scaling, y2=flux_scaling * spec_percent[2] / scaling, alpha=1.0, **plot_kwargs[j], ) else: ax1.fill_between( x=wavelength, y1=flux_scaling * spec_percent[0] / scaling, y2=flux_scaling * spec_percent[3] / scaling, color="peachpuff", alpha=0.4, zorder=1, linewidth=0.0, ) ax1.fill_between( x=wavelength, y1=flux_scaling * spec_percent[1] / scaling, y2=flux_scaling * spec_percent[2] / scaling, color="peachpuff", alpha=1.0, zorder=1, linewidth=0.0, ) elif isinstance(box_item, PhotometryBox): label_check = [] for i, item in enumerate(box_item.wavelength): transmission = ReadFilter(box_item.filter_name[i]) fwhm = transmission.filter_fwhm() if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = item if plot_kwargs[j]: if ( "label" in plot_kwargs[j] and plot_kwargs[j]["label"] not in label_check ): label_check.append(plot_kwargs[j]["label"]) elif ( "label" in plot_kwargs[j] and plot_kwargs[j]["label"] in label_check ): del plot_kwargs[j]["label"] if box_item.flux[i][1] is None: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j]: plot_kwargs[j]["zorder"] = 3.0 ax1.errorbar( item, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[i][0] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=None, **plot_kwargs[j], ) else: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j]: plot_kwargs[j]["zorder"] = 3.0 ax1.errorbar( item, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[i][0] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=flux_scaling * box_item.flux[i][1] / scaling, **plot_kwargs[j], ) else: if box_item.flux[i][1] is None: ax1.errorbar( item, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[i][0] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=None, marker="s", ms=6, color="black", zorder=3, ) else: ax1.errorbar( item, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[i][0] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=flux_scaling * box_item.flux[i][1] / scaling, marker="s", ms=6, color="black", zorder=3, ) elif isinstance(box_item, ObjectBox): if box_item.spectrum is not None: spec_list = [] wavel_list = [] for item in box_item.spectrum: spec_list.append(item) wavel_list.append(box_item.spectrum[item][0][0, 0]) sort_index = np.argsort(wavel_list) spec_sort = [] for i in range(sort_index.size): spec_sort.append(spec_list[sort_index[i]]) for spec_key in spec_sort: masked = box_item.spectrum[spec_key][0], mask=np.isnan(box_item.spectrum[spec_key][0]), ) masked = convert_units(masked, units, convert_from=False) if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = masked[:, 0] if plot_kwargs[j] and spec_key in plot_kwargs[j]: if "label" in plot_kwargs[j][spec_key]: labels_data.append(plot_kwargs[j][spec_key]["label"]) if not plot_kwargs[j] or spec_key not in plot_kwargs[j]: plot_obj = ax1.errorbar( masked[:, 0], flux_scaling * masked[:, 1] / scaling, yerr=flux_scaling * masked[:, 2] / scaling, ms=2, marker="s", zorder=2.5, ls="none", ) if plot_kwargs[j] is None: plot_kwargs[j] = {} plot_kwargs[j][spec_key] = { "marker": "s", "ms": 2.0, "ls": "none", "color": plot_obj[0].get_color(), } elif ( "marker" not in plot_kwargs[j][spec_key] or plot_kwargs[j][spec_key]["marker"] == "none" ): # Plot the spectrum as a line without error bars # (e.g. when the spectrum has a high spectral resolution) plot_obj = ax1.plot( masked[:, 0], flux_scaling * masked[:, 1] / scaling, **plot_kwargs[j][spec_key], ) else: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j][spec_key]: plot_kwargs[j][spec_key]["zorder"] = 2.5 ax1.errorbar( masked[:, 0], flux_scaling * masked[:, 1] / scaling, yerr=flux_scaling * masked[:, 2] / scaling, xerr=None, **plot_kwargs[j][spec_key], ) if box_item.flux is not None: filter_list = [] wavel_list = [] for filter_item in box_item.flux: read_filt = ReadFilter(filter_item) filter_list.append(filter_item) wavel_list.append(read_filt.mean_wavelength()) sort_index = np.argsort(wavel_list) filter_sort = [] for i in range(sort_index.size): filter_sort.append(filter_list[sort_index[i]]) for filter_item in filter_sort: transmission = ReadFilter(filter_item) wavel_micron = transmission.mean_wavelength() fwhm_micron = transmission.filter_fwhm() if isinstance(box_item.flux[filter_item][0], np.ndarray): raise NotImplementedError( "Unit conversion has not yet been implemented! " "Please open an issue on Github." ) else: data_in = np.column_stack( [ [wavel_micron], [box_item.flux[filter_item][0]], [box_item.flux[filter_item][1]], ] ) data_out = convert_units(data_in, units, convert_from=False) wavelength = data_out[:, 0] flux_conv = data_out[:, 1] sigma_conv = data_out[:, 2] # Convert FWHM of filter to requested units data_in = np.column_stack( [[wavel_micron + fwhm_micron / 2.0], [1.0]] ) data_out = convert_units(data_in, units, convert_from=False) # Absolute value because could be negative when frequency fwhm_up = np.abs(data_out[0, 0] - wavelength[0]) # Convert FWHM of filter to requested units data_in = np.column_stack( [[wavel_micron - fwhm_micron / 2.0], [1.0]] ) data_out = convert_units(data_in, units, convert_from=False) # Absolute value because could be negative when frequency fwhm_down = np.abs(data_out[0, 0] - wavelength[0]) # Calculate the average, which will be identical # to fwhm_up and fwhm_down when working with # wavelengths but fwhm_up and fwhm_down will # be different when convertin a FWHM from # wavelength to frequency fwhm = (fwhm_up + fwhm_down) / 2.0 if plot_kwargs[j] and filter_item in plot_kwargs[j]: if "label" in plot_kwargs[j][filter_item]: labels_data.append(plot_kwargs[j][filter_item]["label"]) if not plot_kwargs[j] or filter_item not in plot_kwargs[j]: if not plot_kwargs[j]: plot_kwargs[j] = {} if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = wavelength scale_tmp = flux_scaling / scaling if isinstance(box_item.flux[filter_item][0], np.ndarray): for i in range(box_item.flux[filter_item].shape[1]): plot_obj = ax1.errorbar( wavelength, scale_tmp * box_item.flux[filter_item][0, i], xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=scale_tmp * box_item.flux[filter_item][1, i], marker="s", ms=5, zorder=3, color="black", ) else: plot_obj = ax1.errorbar( wavelength, scale_tmp * flux_conv, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=scale_tmp * sigma_conv, marker="s", ms=5, zorder=3, color="black", ) plot_kwargs[j][filter_item] = { "marker": "s", "ms": 5.0, "color": plot_obj[0].get_color(), } else: if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = wavelength if isinstance(box_item.flux[filter_item][0], np.ndarray): if not isinstance(plot_kwargs[j][filter_item], list): raise ValueError( f"A list with {box_item.flux[filter_item].shape[1]} " f"dictionaries are required because the filter " f"{filter_item} has {box_item.flux[filter_item].shape[1]} " f"values." ) for i in range(box_item.flux[filter_item].shape[1]): if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j][filter_item][i]: plot_kwargs[j][filter_item][i]["zorder"] = 3.0 ax1.errorbar( wavelength, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[filter_item][0, i] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=flux_scaling * box_item.flux[filter_item][1, i] / scaling, **plot_kwargs[j][filter_item][i], ) else: if box_item.flux[filter_item][1] == 0.0: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j][filter_item]: plot_kwargs[j][filter_item]["zorder"] = 3.0 ax1.errorbar( wavelength, flux_scaling * flux_conv / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=0.5 * flux_scaling * sigma_conv / scaling, uplims=True, capsize=2.0, capthick=0.0, **plot_kwargs[j][filter_item], ) else: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[j][filter_item]: plot_kwargs[j][filter_item]["zorder"] = 3.0 ax1.errorbar( wavelength, flux_scaling * flux_conv / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=flux_scaling * sigma_conv / scaling, **plot_kwargs[j][filter_item], ) elif isinstance(box_item, SynphotBox): obj_index = None for i, find_item in enumerate(boxes): if isinstance(find_item, ObjectBox): obj_index = i break for item in box_item.flux: transmission = ReadFilter(item) wavelength = transmission.mean_wavelength() fwhm = transmission.filter_fwhm() if quantity == "flux": flux_scaling = wavelength if plot_kwargs[j] is not None and item in plot_kwargs[j]: kwargs_copy = plot_kwargs[j][item].copy() if "zorder" not in kwargs_copy: kwargs_copy["zorder"] = 4.0 ax1.errorbar( wavelength, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[item] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=None, **kwargs_copy, ) elif ( obj_index is None or not plot_kwargs[obj_index] or item not in plot_kwargs[obj_index] ): ax1.errorbar( wavelength, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[item] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=None, alpha=0.7, marker="s", ms=5, zorder=4, mfc="white", ) else: if isinstance(plot_kwargs[obj_index][item], list): # In case of multiple photometry values for the # same filter, use the plot_kwargs of the first # data point kwargs_copy = plot_kwargs[obj_index][item][0].copy() if "label" in kwargs_copy: del kwargs_copy["label"] if "zorder" not in kwargs_copy: kwargs_copy["zorder"] = 4.0 ax1.errorbar( wavelength, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[item] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=None, mfc="white", **kwargs_copy, ) else: kwargs_copy = plot_kwargs[obj_index][item].copy() if "label" in kwargs_copy: del kwargs_copy["label"] if "mfc" in kwargs_copy: del kwargs_copy["mfc"] if "zorder" not in kwargs_copy: kwargs_copy["zorder"] = 4.0 ax1.errorbar( wavelength, flux_scaling * box_item.flux[item] / scaling, xerr=fwhm / 2.0, yerr=None, mfc="white", **kwargs_copy, ) if filters is not None: for i, item in enumerate(filters): transmission = ReadFilter(item) data = transmission.get_filter() data_in = np.ones(data.shape) data_in[:, 0] = data[:, 0] data_out = convert_units(data_in, units, convert_from=False) data[:, 0] = data_out[:, 0] ax2.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], "-", lw=0.7, color="tab:gray", zorder=1) if residuals is not None: obj_index = None for i, find_item in enumerate(boxes): if isinstance(find_item, ObjectBox): obj_index = i break if obj_index is None: raise ValueError( "ObjectBox not found so can not create " "residuals. Please add an ObjectBox to " "the list of boxes." ) res_max = 0.0 if residuals.photometry is not None: for item in residuals.photometry: data_in = np.array( [[residuals.photometry[item][0], residuals.photometry[item][1]]] ) data_out = convert_units(data_in, units, convert_from=False) residuals.photometry[item][0] = data_out[0, 0] if not plot_kwargs[obj_index] or item not in plot_kwargs[obj_index]: ax3.plot( residuals.photometry[item][0], residuals.photometry[item][1], marker="s", ms=5, linestyle="none", zorder=2, ) else: if residuals.photometry[item].ndim == 1: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[obj_index][item]: plot_kwargs[obj_index][item]["zorder"] = 2.0 ax3.errorbar( residuals.photometry[item][0], residuals.photometry[item][1], **plot_kwargs[obj_index][item], ) elif residuals.photometry[item].ndim == 2: for i in range(residuals.photometry[item].shape[1]): if isinstance(plot_kwargs[obj_index][item], list): if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[obj_index][item][i]: plot_kwargs[obj_index][item][i]["zorder"] = 2.0 ax3.errorbar( residuals.photometry[item][0, i], residuals.photometry[item][1, i], **plot_kwargs[obj_index][item][i], ) else: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[obj_index][item]: plot_kwargs[obj_index][item]["zorder"] = 2.0 ax3.errorbar( residuals.photometry[item][0, i], residuals.photometry[item][1, i], **plot_kwargs[obj_index][item], ) finite = np.isfinite(residuals.photometry[item][1]) max_tmp = np.max(np.abs(residuals.photometry[item][1][finite])) if max_tmp > res_max: res_max = max_tmp if residuals.spectrum is not None: for spec_key, spec_val in residuals.spectrum.items(): data_out = convert_units(spec_val, units, convert_from=False) spec_val[:, 0] = data_out[:, 0] if not plot_kwargs[obj_index] or spec_key not in plot_kwargs[obj_index]: ax3.errorbar( spec_val[:, 0], spec_val[:, 1], marker="o", ms=2, ls="none", zorder=1, ) else: if "zorder" not in plot_kwargs[obj_index][spec_key]: plot_kwargs[obj_index][spec_key]["zorder"] = 1.0 ax3.errorbar( spec_val[:, 0], spec_val[:, 1], **plot_kwargs[obj_index][spec_key], ) max_tmp = np.nanmax(np.abs(spec_val[:, 1])) if max_tmp > res_max: res_max = max_tmp res_lim = math.ceil(1.1 * res_max) if res_lim == 0.0: res_lim = 5.0 if res_lim > 10.0: res_lim = 5.0 ax3.axhline(0.0, ls="--", lw=0.7, color="gray", dashes=(2, 4), zorder=0.5) if res_lim > 5.0 or ( ylim_res is not None and ylim_res[0] < -5.0 and ylim_res[1] > 5.0 ): ax3.axhline(-5.0, ls=":", lw=0.7, color="gray", dashes=(1, 4), zorder=0.5) ax3.axhline(5.0, ls=":", lw=0.7, color="gray", dashes=(1, 4), zorder=0.5) if ylim_res is None: ax3.set_ylim(-res_lim, res_lim) else: ax3.set_ylim(ylim_res[0], ylim_res[1]) if filters is not None: ax2.set_ylim(0.0, 1.1) if title is not None: if filters: ax2.set_title(title, y=1.02, fontsize=13) else: ax1.set_title(title, y=1.02, fontsize=13) handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() if handles and legend is not None: if isinstance(legend, list): model_handles = [] data_handles = [] model_labels = [] data_labels = [] for handle_idx, handle_item in enumerate(handles): if labels[handle_idx] in labels_data: data_handles.append(handle_item) data_labels.append(labels[handle_idx]) else: model_handles.append(handle_item) model_labels.append(labels[handle_idx]) if legend[0] is not None: if isinstance(legend[0], (str, tuple)): leg_1 = ax1.legend( model_handles, model_labels, loc=legend[0], fontsize=10.0, frameon=False, ) else: leg_1 = ax1.legend(model_handles, model_labels, **legend[0]) else: leg_1 = None if legend[1] is not None: if isinstance(legend[1], (str, tuple)): ax1.legend( data_handles, data_labels, loc=legend[1], fontsize=8, frameon=False, ) else: ax1.legend(data_handles, data_labels, **legend[1]) if leg_1 is not None: ax1.add_artist(leg_1) elif isinstance(legend, (str, tuple)): ax1.legend(loc=legend, fontsize=8, frameon=False) else: ax1.legend(**legend) # if scale[0] == "log": # ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) # # if ax2 is not None: # ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) # # if ax3 is not None: # ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) if units[0] in ["Hz", "GHz"] and xlim is None: ax1.invert_xaxis() if filters is not None: ax2.invert_xaxis() if residuals is not None: ax3.invert_xaxis() if xlim is None: xlim = ax1.get_xlim() else: ax1.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) if filters is not None: ax2.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) ax2.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0) if residuals is not None: ax3.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) # if scale[1] == "log": # ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator() # filters = ['Paranal/SPHERE.ZIMPOL_N_Ha', # 'MUSE/Hbeta', # 'ALMA/855'] # # filters = ['Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_B_Y', # 'MKO/NSFCam.J', # 'Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_D_H23_2', # 'Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_D_H23_3', # 'Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_D_K12_1', # 'Paranal/SPHERE.IRDIS_D_K12_2', # 'Paranal/NACO.Lp', # 'Paranal/NACO.NB405', # 'Paranal/NACO.Mp'] # # for i, item in enumerate(filters): # readfilter = ReadFilter(item) # filter_wavelength = readfilter.mean_wavelength() # filter_width = readfilter.filter_fwhm() # # # if i == 5: # # ax1.errorbar(filter_wavelength, 1.3e4, xerr=filter_width/2., color='dimgray', elinewidth=2.5, zorder=10) # # else: # # ax1.errorbar(filter_wavelength, 6e3, xerr=filter_width/2., color='dimgray', elinewidth=2.5, zorder=10) # # if i == 0: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1e-2, r'H$\alpha$', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 1: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1e-2, r'H$\beta$', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 2: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1e-2, 'ALMA\nband 7 rms', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=8, color='black') # # if i == 0: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1.4, 'Y', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 1: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1.4, 'J', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 2: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength-0.04, 1.4, 'H2', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 3: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength+0.04, 1.4, 'H3', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 4: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1.4, 'K1', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 5: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1.4, 'K2', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 6: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1.4, 'L$\'$', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 7: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1.4, 'NB4.05', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # elif i == 8: # ax1.text(filter_wavelength, 1.4, 'M$\'}$', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10, color='black') # # ax1.text(1.26, 0.58, 'VLT/SPHERE', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=8., color='slateblue', rotation=43.) # ax1.text(2.5, 1.28, 'VLT/SINFONI', ha='left', va='center', fontsize=8., color='darkgray') if output is None: else: print(f"\nOutput: {output}") plt.savefig(output, bbox_inches="tight") return fig